
"The system detected that the host has made friends with Yoshimura Kousen, Furuma Enji, Kirishima Touka, Irimi Xuan, and Shikata Renji, and has gained 50 points of kagune proficiency and 10 points of stamina. (Current proficiency is 100/500, stamina is 60/100)."

Ling Chuan just lay down on the bed and heard the system prompt in his mind.

A stream of heat also rushed into Ling Chuan's chest, and then spread to Ling Chuan's limbs.


On the other side, Kaneki Ken sat quietly by the bed, staring at the bag of mouth-watering"food" on the table, but his heart was full of contradictions and struggles.

The sound of hunger in his stomach made Kaneki Ken unable to remain calm, and he drooled and whispered:"Meat... meat... meat... ah!"

"This is also good, you are neither a ghoul nor a human, you are just you, Kaneki-kun"

"Enjoy this half-baked body, delicious meat is waiting for you, it is a delicacy that melts in your mouth, you can't stop eating it once, it is not comparable to steak."

Kaneki Ken heard the seductive voice of Kamishiro Rize ringing in his ears, and then lost his mind and rushed towards the"food".

When Kaneki Ken held the"food" and hesitated to eat it, the seductive voice of Kamishiro Rize rang in his ears again

"Come on... hurry up... in one breath... this is a top-notch treasure."

Kaneki Ken completely lost his mind, opened the packaging of the"food", and stuffed it into his mouth frantically.

"After eating the"food", the hunger was reduced, and Kaneki Ken regained his sanity. Looking at the"food" that was half gone, he did not break down and cry this time.

He repacked the remaining"food", then lay on the bed and covered himself with a quilt, as if he was isolated from the world.


The next day

, Ling Chuan was soundly sleeping when he was suddenly awakened by the sound of a conversation downstairs. He immediately got dressed and prepared to go downstairs to check.

"Take it slow...don't rush...just treat it like writing"

""Okay, Mr. Fangcun,"

Lingchuan, who had just come downstairs, heard Fangcun Gongshan saying to Kaneki Ken, who was making coffee.

"Good morning, Mr. Yoshimura, Kaneki. Eh… you are learning how to make coffee so early, Kaneki." Lingchuan walked over and greeted them.

"Good morning, Lingchuan!"Kaneki Ken said with a smile, handing over the freshly made coffee,"Lingchuan, try the coffee that Mr. Fangcun just taught me to make. How about it?""

"Hmm... it tastes good, Kaneki!" Lingchuan picked up the coffee, took a sip and said.

Looking at Kaneki Ken, who had a sunny face and no longer confused eyes, Lingchuan could feel that he seemed to have figured something out.

""Arigato, Lingchuan-san," Kaneki Ken nodded to Lingchuan.

Without interrupting him, Lingchuan came to the reception area of the cafe.

"I can't go out because of this heavy rain." Looking at the dark sky outside the window, drops of rain as big as soybeans fell on the ground and splashed water, Ling Chuan said helplessly


On a rainy day, the coffee shop was not doing much business.

Lingchuan had nothing important to do, so he lay on a chair in the coffee shop, searching for news about the famous writer Takatsuki Izumi on his phone while listening to the conversation between Kaneki Ken and Kirishima Touka.

"Dong Xiang, do you make friends with ordinary humans at school?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"How do you get along with them? Won't you be exposed when you eat together? Don't ghouls have trouble digesting normal food?"

"Kaneki, so...are you worried about how to get along with your friends after going to school?"


"Just treat yourself as a human being at school. I would eat those foods in front of them and then secretly spit them out. Although it is uncomfortable, it is worth it in order to get along well with friends."

"Dong Xiang, it must be very hard.……"


The wind chimes rang and the door of the coffee shop opened


, Kirishima Touka turned around to welcome them. Kaneki Ken looked at the door. Lingchuan also sat up and looked at the two people, one big and one small, at the door.

Lingchuan looked at the two people at the door and knew that they were Fueguchi Ryoko and Fueguchi Hinami, mother and son, and also knew what they had experienced. Fueguchi

Hinami's father should have been imprisoned by the"Gecko" at this time, and was later killed by Mado Wuxu because of the"Gecko", and He Bao was also made into a Quinque

"Dong Xiang" said Fuekou Ryoko who was standing at the door

"Ms. Ryoko" Kirishima Touka said in surprise, and then quickly asked Kaneki Ken to get a dry towel

"I'm sorry to trouble you," Fueguchi Ryoko said gently.

"It's okay," Kirishima Touka replied, then looked at Fueguchi Hinami who was holding Fueguchi Ryoko and said,"Long time no see, Hinami."

Seeing Fueguchi Hinami hiding in Fueguchi Ryoko's arms with a sad face, Kirishima Touka seemed to understand something.

"Is Mr. Yoshimura here?" Fueguchi Ryoko asked

"He's inside," Kirishima Touka replied, and then asked Kaneki Ken to bring another dry towel.

"Please use it." Kaneki Ken quickly handed a dry towel to Fueguchi Ryoko.

"Thank you very much," Fueguchi Ryoko thanked gently.

Lingchuan came over at this time, looked at the Fueguchi mother and son in front of him, then smiled and said to Fueguchi Hinami:"Hinami, little sister, don't be afraid, it's safe here, watch your brother perform a magic trick for you."

As he said that, Lingchuan turned his palm over, opened it, and a sugar cube from the coffee shop appeared in his hand, and then handed it to Fueguchi Hinami,"Little sister, this is for you, don't be afraid."

Fueguchi Hinami looked at Fueguchi Ryoko, and when she saw Fueguchi Ryoko nodded, she reached out and took the sugar cube, and then whispered,"Thank you, brother"

""You are so good," Ling Chuan said, stroking the little Hinami's head.

Then the mother and son went inside to find Fangcun Gongshan.

"Are they ghouls?" Kaneki Ken asked at this time.

���They are the Fueguchi family who will be under our care from today on."Kirishima Touka said to Kaneki Ken

"Under our care?" Kaneki Ken asked puzzledly.

"There are many reasons," Kirishima Touka replied while cleaning the table.

"Reason?...What reason?" Kaneki Ken still looked puzzled.

"It's really annoying to keep asking questions, but I can't do anything."Listening to Kaneki Ken's constant questions, Kirishima Touka turned around impatiently and replied

"Kaneki, let me tell you about these issues. Seeing that Kirishima Touka was a little impatient, Lingchuan came over to them with a cup of coffee from the bar and said to Kaneki Ken

"Both mother and son are ghouls. Judging from the expression on Hinami's face, something must have happened in their family, so they came to the An Ding District to seek help from Mr. Yoshimura." Ling Chuan was drinking coffee while helping Kaneki Ken solve his doubts.

"By the way, Kaneki, has Mr. Yoshimura ever told you about the"Box Carrier"?"Changing the subject, Lingchuan looked at Kaneki Ken and asked

"The one who brought the suitcase?" Kaneki Ken asked in confusion.

"‘The suitcase carrier is………"

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