"Nagachika" Nishio Nishiki who answered the phone turned around and called out to Nagachika Eira

"What's wrong, Senior Nishio?" Nagachika Eira, who was chatting with Lingchuan Kaneki, heard Nishio Nishiki calling him and asked

"When you opened the door just now, what did you see about our progress?" asked Nishio Nishiki

"No... I didn't see anything. Nishio-senpai's girlfriend is very beautiful."Nagachika Eira replied with a smile.


On the busy streets of District 20,

Nishio Nishiki led the way, while Lingchuan and the other two followed behind and played and joked.

"Freshly-baked pastries are delicious and inexpensive, and everyone is welcome to try them."

When passing by a pastry shop, Nishio Nishiki turned around and asked the three people,"Would you like to eat some?"

"Eat, I just feel a little hungry."

Nagachika Eira replied, and then he and Nishio Nishiki went forward to buy

"Here." Nishio Nishi handed two cakes to Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken.

""Okay, thank you very much, Senior Nishio." Ling Chuan took it and tasted it, then praised

"It's really delicious."

"That’s right, it’s really delicious, and the sweetness is just right." Nagachika Eira also agreed.

"Hey, Kaneki, why don't you eat it? It's really delicious." Nagachika Eira asked when he saw Kaneki holding the pastries without any intention of eating.

Kaneki Ken looked at the pastries in his hand and felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, so he put the pastries in his pocket and said to Nagachika Eira with a smile:"I'm not very hungry now, I'll eat later."

The few of them continued to walk towards Nishio Nishiki's house.

When passing under a bridge, Nishio Nishiki suddenly made a move and knocked Nagachika Eira behind him out, and he fell to the ground and fainted.

Lingchuan looked at Nishio Nishiki's sudden action. He could have stepped forward to block it, but he didn't do that. Instead, he watched Nagachika Eira being knocked out by Nishio Nishiki.

""Eiji!" Kaneki Ken shouted at Nagachika Eira who flew out.

"Nishio-senpai, you……"Nishio Nishiki grabbed Kaneki Ken's neck and said to him

"Kaneki, you smell familiar, you must be a ghoul too, right? This is my territory, I hate it when people invade my territory. You followed Nagachika, you must want to eat him, right?"

"No, Ying is my best friend. I am different from you."Kaneki Ken said strugglingly.

"Hey, hey, hey, Senior Nishio, have you forgotten about me? It’s not nice to treat my two friends like this." Ling Chuan said while picking his ears and looking at Nishio Jin.

"You" Nishio Jin said with disdain"I'll deal with him first, then I'll deal with you"

"Ah, Senior Nishio looked down on me." Ling Chuan said as he walked towards Nishio Jin.

"Hmm? Are you here to die?" Xiwei Jin said unkindly as he looked at Lingchuan who was walking towards him, and then released the blue tail to kill Lingchuan.

"It's really short and small, it's okay, Senior Nishio, it's cute even if it's small."Ling Chuan looked at the blue tail coming towards him and couldn't help but joked to Nishio Jin


Ling Chuan walked while releasing Rin He to block Nishio Nishiki's attack.

"I see, you are also a ghoul, no wonder you...ah!" Nishio Nishiki said as he looked at Lingchuan whose eyes turned into kagune eyes and one scale kagune blocked his attack.

But before he could finish his words, a red scale kagune pierced his body. He turned his head with wide eyes to look at Kaneki Ken who released the kagune. He only heard Kaneki Ken yelling loudly:"Ying, but he is my best friend, how dare you hurt him"

Then Nishio Nishiki looked at Kaneki Ken's other two scale kagune piercing towards him

"Stop it... Stop it, you bastard... I'm dying, dying, dying………"

As Kaneki Ken released his kagune, his consciousness became increasingly blurred. After knocking Nishio Kinji away, he unconsciously walked towards Nagachika Eira who was lying unconscious on the ground, shouting,"Hungry... so hungry!"

One foot hit Kaneki Ken's stomach, and Kaneki Ken flew backwards, hitting a pillar and fainting.

Looking at the three people lying on the ground, Lingchuan felt a headache.

Fortunately, Kaneki Ken woke up slowly after a while.

"Lingchuan, why did I faint? Hey... Where's Ying?" Kaneki Ken woke up and looked at himself lying on the ground, a little confused, and then quickly looked around, looking for Nagachika Eira.

""No, Ying is sleeping soundly over there, he's fine too, you just need to wake up, let's go back to the antique coffee shop first." Ling Chuan pointed at Nagachika Eira who was lying on the ground and said

"Let's go, Kaneki."

Lingchuan carried Nagachika Eira on his back and said to Kaneki Ken

"What should we do with Senior Nishio?" Kaneki Ken looked at Nishio Nishiki lying on the ground with several bloody holes on his body and asked Lingchuan

"Don't worry, ghouls have the ability to heal themselves, he should wake up soon." Lingchuan said to Kaneki Ken as he walked.

"So...Okay." After hearing Ling Chuan's words, Jin Muyan stopped asking questions and followed Ling Chuan's steps.

"Kaneki, how long have you not eaten?" Lingchuan recalled the scene where Kaneki Ken lost his mind and wanted to eat Nagachika Eira, so he asked

"Eh? Last time at the coffee shop, Mr. Yoshimura gave me a piece of food, and I couldn't help but lose my mind and ate a few bites. What's wrong? Lingchuan."Kaneki Ken heard Lingchuan's question and asked in confusion

"It's nothing, it's just that you just lost your mind and wanted to eat Ying." Lingchuan said casually, and then added:"Kaneki, you can't go on like this. If you don't eat food, sooner or later you will go crazy and hurt the people around you. This time it's because I'm here, what about next time?"

"How could it be!"Jin Muyan immediately collapsed and said:"Lingchuan, I didn't mean it, I don't want to hurt Ying"

"Kaneki, you now need to recognize your own existence. Ling Chuan looked at Kaneki Ken and said

"I am neither a human nor can I integrate into the ghoul class. There is no place for me in this world!" Kaneki Ken cried.

"Kaneki, you are thinking in the wrong direction. You are not only a human, but also a ghoul. You are a unique existence. And you have me and Ying, as well as everyone in the antique coffee shop. We will all help you." Lingchuan looked at the emotionally broken Kaneki Ken and comforted him softly.

"Thank you, Lingchuan." Jinmu felt much better after listening to Lingchuan's words.


Antique Coffee Shop

"I'm sorry, Ying"

Looking at Nagachika Eira lying on the bed, Kaneki Ken whispered

"Okay, let Ying have a good rest. Kaneki, you should also take a rest, and leave Ying to me,"

Lingchuan said to Kaneki Ken with a smile.

Then Kaneki Ken looked at Nagachika Eira, then opened the door and walked out of the room.

Looking at Nagachika Eira who had not yet woken up, Lingchuan said softly:"Ying, you have actually woken up a long time ago, and you have heard the conversation between Kaneki and me."

Seeing that Nagachika Eira did not respond, Lingchuan continued:"Ying, you should understand, Kaneki and I are different from you. We are ghouls, and we may lose consciousness and eat you one day."

Having said that, Lingchuan looked at Nagachika Eira's body shaking slightly, and said no more.

"Have a good rest, Ying." After saying that, he turned and left, leaving Nagachika Eiryoshi alone for a while

"This is not true…………"

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