"I won't go, Lingchuan," Nagachika Hideyoshi also stood up and said with a smile

"I'll go back too, we've almost finished touring the school." Kirishima Touka looked around and said.

The three of them came to the school gate to say goodbye, and Nagachika Eira got on his bike and said to Kirishima Touka,"Touka, do you know that Kaneki has a habit?"

"Habit?" Kirishima Touka asked in confusion.

"Kaneki touches his chin with his hand when he lies, so keep this secret from him," Nagachika said with a smile, then waved and rode away. Kirishima Touka lowered her head and fell into deep thought, but Lingchuan interrupted her.

"Let's go, Touka. It's been a while since we've met everyone in Anding District." Lingchuan interrupted Kirishima Touka's thoughts and said

"OK... OK." Kirishima Dongxiang didn't think about it anymore and followed Lingchuan to the antique coffee shop.

"Is everyone okay? Dongxiang" Lingchuan asked the silent Kirishima Dongxiang while walking on the road.

"Everyone? The Anding District is pretty good except for you and Kaneki. When you first left, Hinami kept asking to see you."Kirishima Touka smiled and replied when she heard the voice.

Lingchuan nodded and said,"It's been a long time since I last saw the cute little Hinami."

The two continued to walk forward and soon arrived at the antique coffee shop.

Ding ding ding...

The two opened the door, and the familiar sound of wind chimes rang out, accompanied by a queen's voice.

"Welcome to Gu... It's Dongxiang, you're back so soon, have you finished your school tour?" The tall Rumi Xuan looked at Kirishima Dongxiang who opened the door, and then looked at Lingchuan behind her and said in surprise

"Hey, it's Lingchuan. Long time no see."

"Long time no see, Miss Rumi has become more beautiful again" Ling Chuan replied with a smile

"Wow, you have such a sweet mouth, would you like some coffee?" Ru Jianxuan asked with a smile

"Thank you, Miss Rujian." Ling Chuan walked straight to the bar seat without any hesitation.

"Why is it so quiet today? Where are the others?" Ling Chuan looked at Ru Jianxuan who was busy alone and said

"They? Hinami went to the book signing event, Furuma was protecting her, Nishio went to school today, and Mr. Tsukiyama hasn't been here for a few days. It's not very busy today, Ms. Ryoko and her husband are upstairs."Irami Xuan replied slowly while making coffee.

"I see, is it a book signing event? I don’t know when it will end, I’m looking forward to it." Ling Chuan said to himself

"Drink coffee. Ru Jianxuan handed over a cup of coffee and said,"Although no one has said it, everyone hopes that you and Kaneki can come back."

"so bitter!"

"Add more next time."

Ling Chuan took the coffee, tasted it, and then said to Ru Jianxuan

"It’s almost time… it should be soon."

He said something inexplicably, then found a seat by the window with his coffee and sat quietly looking out.


On the other side, Fangcun Ate, who had adjusted her mood and facial expression, came to the bookstore for the book signing. Seeing the long queue of people, she hurriedly entered through the employee passage next to her.

"Ah…Takatsuki Izumi-sensei!" The staff in front looked at Fangcun At running over and shouted

"Great, we've arrived!" Fangcun Aite hurried over

"It's already past the time, Mr. Takatsuki Izumi." The staff member said helplessly

"Ah…" Fangcun Atte looked apologetic and then sat on the office chair of the book signing event. She clasped her hands together and apologized to the long line of fans:"I’m very sorry, I overslept…"

At the same time, she cursed in her heart:"It’s all the fault of the damn Lingchuan. I don’t know what happened. I slept in his arms and I slept very peacefully and comfortably last night. As a result, I woke up in the sun this morning. Damn it!"

Soon the book signing event went on as usual. She patiently signed the books sent by the fans and answered all kinds of questions from the fans.

"Next reader, please come forward." At the reminder of the staff next to her, Fueguchi Hinami also came to Fangcun Ate and handed over two books at the same time.

"Hey... What a cute little sister, what's your name?" Fangcun At asked with a smile

"My name is Hinami," Fueguchi Hinami replied nervously.

"Hinami-sister...right?" Yoshimura At heard the name and was about to sign when he was interrupted by Fueguchi Hinami

"That...that" Fueguchi Hinami stammered

"What's wrong, little sister Hinami?" Yoshimura Et raised his head in confusion and asked with a smile

"I want to give these two books to someone, so..." Fueguchi Hinami quickly replied

"So that's how it is. Then who is little sister Hinami going to write to?" Fangcun At asked with sudden enlightenment.

"Please write the names of Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken, please..." Fueguchi Hinami replied

"Lingchuan? Kaneki Ken? What is the relationship between little sister Hinami and them?" Fangcun At was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile

"They are big brothers who are very kind to me."Hina Fueguchi replied happily.

""Okay, little sister Hinami." After hearing this, Yoshimura At signed the two books and handed them to Fueguchi Hinami.

"Thank you so much." Fueguchi Hinami took the book, bowed, and replied gratefully

"Goodbye, little sister."Yoshimura Et waved.

The book signing continued as usual. After Fueguchi Hinami mentioned Lingchuan, Yoshimura Et also remembered Lingchuan's words in the morning asking her to find him at the antique coffee shop. Lingchuan's despicable figure has been lingering in her mind.

"I am so confused! Why would I want to find that damn bastard?" Fangcun Aite couldn't help but complain in a low voice after thinking about it.

Fangcun Aite adjusted his mentality and continued to sign books for the fans in line.


After leaving the book signing event, Fueguchi Hinami walked towards the antique coffee shop with a happy smile on her face.

"I'm back, Sister Irami." After returning to the coffee shop, Hina Fueguchi smiled and greeted Xuan Irami who was standing at the bar.

"Hinami looks very happy," said Irimi Xuan with a smile

""Yeah, I met my favorite writer Ms. Takatsuki Izumi today, I was very happy." Fueguchi Hinami said happily, then turned around and saw Lingchuan sitting by the window in a daze, and immediately ran over and said excitedly:"Big brother! You are back, I missed you so much."

Hearing the voice, Lingchuan came back to his senses and saw that it was Fueguchi Hinami, so he smiled and replied:"Hey... It's little Hinami, long time no see, little Hinami is still as cute as always"

""Give it to my big brother." Fueguchi Hinami remembered something, and quickly took out a book from her bag and handed it to Lingchuan.

"What is this?" Ling Chuan took the book and pretended to be puzzled.

"This is a signed book by my favorite author, Ms. Izumi Takatsuki."Hina Fueguchi said happily.

"Thank you, Xiao Hinami, I like it very much."Ling Chuan opened the book, looked at his name on it, then touched Fuekou Hinami's head and said with a smile

"You're welcome, big brother. I've heard from my parents that it was you who saved my dad. By the way, I'll go upstairs and call mom and dad. They must be very happy to see you back." After saying that, Fueguchi Hinami ran upstairs.

Lingchuan smiled and continued to look out the window, expecting someone to come.

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