When Yoshimura At heard the voice, she turned around and saw that it was Fueguchi Hinami who came to her book signing event in the afternoon. She said with a smile,"Hey... it's little sister Hinami, hello."

"Ms. Takatsuki Izumi, you actually remembered my name!" Fueguchi Hinami said in surprise

"Such a cute little sister must have left a deep impression on me."Yoshimura Aite replied with a smile

""Big brother, why are you here with Miss Takatsuki Izumi? Could it be that the person you were waiting for this afternoon was Miss Takatsuki Izumi?" Fueguchi Hinami asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Yes, Hinami-chan, because... Miss Takatsuki Izumi is my girlfriend." Lingchuan said with a malicious look on his face.

"Bastard, who is your girlfriend!" Fangcun Ate replied with gritted teeth. If this wasn't a public place, she would have slapped the shameless bastard in the face.


Fueguchi Hinami opened her mouth and looked at Lingchuan, then at Fangcun Aite, and was speechless with surprise.

""Little sister Hinami, don't listen to this bastard's nonsense. I just came here to have a cup of coffee and happened to meet this shameless guy." Seeing Fuekou Hinami's surprised look, Fangcun At hurriedly explained

"I understand... I understand." After hearing Yoshimura Ate's explanation, Fueguchi Hinami showed an expression of"I understand very well".

Fueguchi Hinami's expression of disbelief and"I understand" made Yoshimura Ate look very upset. She didn't plan to continue explaining and turned her head to the window.

Ling Chuan looked at the angry Yoshimura Ate and said in his heart,"How cute!" Then he looked at Fueguchi Hinami who was still smiling foolishly and said

"Okay, little Hinami, Miss Takatsuki Izumi is thin-skinned, so don't tease her."

After hearing Lingchuan's words, Fueguchi Hinami immediately retracted her gaze from both sides and looked straight at Fangcun At, her eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

"Ms. Takatsuki Izumi, I wonder what your next novel will be about."

Hina Fueguchi asked in a low voice with a curious look.

Hearing that Hinami Fueguchi asked her about the content of the novel, Yoshimura Eto turned her head and talked to Hinami Fueguchi tirelessly.

Looking at Yoshimura Eto, who was originally angry, now telling her novel with a beaming face, Lingchuan couldn't help but feel distressed.

In the original anime, Yoshimura Eto has been full of love and passion for writing since she was a child. Even though life was very difficult and financially tight, she still persisted in submitting her novels to various editing agencies. It can be imagined that if she was not a ghoul, and her parents were ordinary normal people, then she might have become an innocent, lively and cheerful girl now.

Lingchuan looked at Yoshimura Eto, whose every frown and smile was very touching, and decided in his heart:"I will never let you get hurt again in the future. I will protect you well and let you always be as carefree and happy as you are now."

As he thought about it, Ling Chuan's eyes became firm.

Ding Ding Ding...

The door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and Fangcun Gongshan and Shifang Lianshi walked in.

""Manager," Rujianxuan at the bar shouted.

Lingchuan and the other two also looked over. When Fangcun Aite saw Fangcun Gongshan, the expression on his face instantly turned cold, and then he turned his head and stared out the window.

Fangcun Gongshan was stunned when he saw Fangcun Aite, and his originally calm eyes also changed.

Lingchuan could feel that Fangcun Gongshan should want to come here to contact Fangcun Aite, but he hesitated. Lingchuan guessed that he should not have the courage to approach Fangcun Aite. After all, in Fangcun Gongshan's eyes, he has always been a waste who can't protect his wife and daughter, and can only open a shop in District 20. Anding District is barely surviving.

Lingchuan saw the sullen expression on Fangcun Aite's face, and quickly stood up and walked to her side, pulled her up, and then walked towards Fangcun Gongshan in her puzzled eyes.

Fueguchi Hina, who was standing by, saw the scene of Lingchuan pulling Fangcun Aite up, and thought to herself:"It is just as I thought." Then she showed an expression of supporting the two people in front of her who were holding hands.

Lingchuan pulled Fangcun Aite to Fangcun Gongshan and Shifang Lianshi, and said with a smile:"Mr. Fangcun, Uncle Shifang, long time no see, it's a bit late today, I will come to see you another day to reminisce about the past."

Then he took Fangcun Aite and left the antique coffee shop.

It was not until the two of them walked out of the antique coffee shop that Fangcun Gongshan's eyes left Fangcun Aite, and then turned to go upstairs

"I'm sorry, Ai Te. Ling Chuan, who was walking on the road, suddenly turned around and looked at Fangcun Ai Te with a serious face and said.

Fangcun Ai Te, with a cold face, looked at Ling Chuan with a puzzled look.

"I made you unhappy just now." Ling Chuan walked up to Fangcun and put his hand on her head under her puzzled gaze, then touched her head."Don't be unhappy, Ai Te, I will always be with you."

"Are you mentally ill? Who wants you to accompany me?" Fangcun Ate said speechlessly after she reacted. But the strange thing was that she didn't mind Lingchuan touching her head, nor was she angry. She just didn't understand why Lingchuan suddenly said some inexplicable words.

Lingchuan continued to touch her head, looking around, and then said to her:"Wait for me here, don't run around." After that, he ran towards the department store next to him.

"Who would wait for you, a bastard?" Fangcun Eite looked at the direction Lingchuan went in confusion, muttering to himself, but still stood there and did not leave.

Soon Lingchuan ran back, with his hands behind his back, and smiled at Fangcun Eite and said,"Guess what I bought, Eite"

"Who wants to guess?" Fangcun Atte had a hint of expectation in his eyes and replied with disdain.

"This is for you, to celebrate the great success of our great writer Ms. Takatsuki Izumi's new book signing event, let's applaud." Ling Chuan saw a hint of expectation in Fangcun Aite's eyes, took out a bouquet of flowers from behind, stuffed the flowers into Fangcun Aite's hands, and then clapped his hands.

Fangcun Aite was stunned, looking at Ling Chuan who was amusing himself like a fool in front of her, she wanted to say that he was sick, but when she came to her mouth, it became:"The flowers are beautiful, I like them very much, thank you"

"As long as Ai Te likes it, let's go home."Ling Chuan took Fangcun Ai Te's other hand and continued walking towards Fangcun Ai Te's home.

"I'm very happy." Fangcun Ate whispered in a confused voice

"What… what did you say, Ai Te?"Ling Chuan heard Fangcun Ai Te mutter something, but he didn't hear it clearly, so he asked

"Nothing." Fangcun Aite herself didn't know why she said she was very happy just now, but in order to maintain her aloof personality, she said it with a cold face.

Lingchuan didn't care too much and continued to take Fangcun Aite to stroll on the brightly lit streets.


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