"Tell me, where is Rize!"

After Lingchuan easily took on Kamishiro Chaei's attack, Kamishiro Chaei asked angrily.

"If you beat me, I will tell you." Ling Chuan replied with a smile

"court death"

""Hurry!" Kamishiro Charong yelled, and flashed behind Lingchuan at a very fast speed.

Lingchuan turned around and kicked him away, saying,"Mr. Killer Whale, you should replenish your energy first, otherwise you may die here."

Kamishiro Charong, who was kicked away, was shocked by Lingchuan's reaction speed, and realized that the person in front of him was not an ordinary person. He immediately pounced on the corpse of the armed personnel on the ground and started to eat it.

Lingchuan just waited quietly.

"Boy, you are strong, but you are too arrogant." Feeling full of strength, Kamishiro Charong stood up, wiped the corner of his mouth, and quickly attacked Lingchuan.

In a blink of an eye, Kamishiro Charong's figure enlarged in front of Lingchuan's eyes. Looking at the attacking Kamishiro Charong, Lingchuan raised his hands to resist, and then quickly retreated.

Lingchuan shook his slightly numb hands and said loudly:"Mr. Killer Whale's fighting skills are really unparalleled. Let's have a good fight next."

After saying that, he adjusted his state and launched an attack on Kamishiro Chaei.

Not long after, a large number of wounds appeared on the two of them. Although both of them were high-level ghouls with unparalleled self-healing abilities, under the high-speed attack of the two, new wounds appeared before the old wounds healed, and the self-healing factors in the body could not keep up with their pace.

Yoshimura Et was sitting on the fence nearby, swinging his feet, watching the two fight with interest.

While Kamishiro Chaei was resisting Lingchuan's increasingly fast attacks, he was very surprised at the strength of the young man in front of him.

You know, he became the leader of District 6 with his powerful fighting skills, and this young man could fight with him without releasing the kagune and simply using fighting skills, and even slowly suppressed him.

Soon Kamishiro Chaei was kicked several meters away by Lingchuan, and just when he stood up and wanted to release the tail kagune to attack Lingchuan again, Yoshimura Et, who was sitting on the fence, shouted to Lingchuan

"Damn it, it's getting late, we should retreat, or else it will be difficult to leave when CCG reinforcements arrive."

""I'm coming." Hearing Fangcun Et's reminder, Lingchuan also thought of meeting the other two big men.

He waved his hand at Shendai Charong who was in an offensive posture and said,"No more fighting, Mr. Orca. My girlfriend is calling me home for dinner."

Fangcun Et heard this and quickly came behind Lingchuan and punched him in the head.

"Ah!" Ling Chuan touched his head, turned around and looked at Fangcun Et, who was covered in bandages, and shouted angrily:"Wait until you get home to be punished, Et."

Then he and Fangcun Et were about to leave. Seeing this, Kamishiro Charong behind him shouted:"Boy, I promise you to join the Bronze Tree, but you have to tell me where Rize is."

""Okay," Ling Chuan said after hearing this.

Then the three of them left the lower cell together and came to the upper cell where the battle was still going on.

"How come that boy's kagune is exactly the same as Rize's?"After arriving at the top, Kamishiro Chaei looked at Kaneki Ken who was fighting with Shinohara Yukinori and asked with a shocked face

"I'll explain this to you later." Ling Chuan looked at the battlefield where the fighting was in full swing, and then took Fangcun Aite to wander around aimlessly.

"Hey, what else are you doing?" Fangcun Aite looked at Lingchuan walking around in the cell and asked in confusion.

"Make trouble and give CCG a surprise."Lingchuan dragged the confused Yoshimura Eto around.

Soon Lingchuan brought Yoshimura Eto to the door of a cell similar to the one where Kamishiro Charong was imprisoned.

Lingchuan was wondering whether it was a priest or Fanshiro Roma inside. He hoped it was a priest. If it was a priest, he would kill him here directly, because the priest in the original anime actually replaced Yoshimura Eto's head with a cross. I was very angry when I watched the anime at that time.

Without thinking much, Lingchuan walked towards the cell and opened the door. Looking at the people inside, Lingchuan was a little disappointed.

Inside was a girl with short crimson hair lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling of the iron cell, indifferent to the fierce fighting outside. Seeing someone open the door of the cell, she stood up and looked at Lingchuan at the door, smiled and said:"Brother, who are you looking for?"

"Who is she?" Fangcun Ate beside Lingchuan asked in confusion.

"She is the founder of the Joker Organization, Fan Shiroma, and she is also an SSS-level ghoul. If she is released, I think CCG will have a headache." Ling Chuan ignored Fan Shiroma and explained to Yoshimura At with a smile.

"What?"Yoshimura Et showed a shocked expression.

"I'm very curious, CCG hasn't found out my true identity yet, how did you know it?" Fan Shiluoma in the cell heard Ling Chuan's words and her eyes turned cold.

"This is not important. What is important is that if CCG knew that there is an SSS-class ghoul who can transform into a Kakuzu, they would focus their firepower on you." Lingchuan said to himself.

Just as Lingchuan was talking, Fan Shiroma had released several blood-red Kakuzu from her back to attack Lingchuan.

Lingchuan directly released the Kakuzu to fight against it, and then shouted to the people who were still fighting over there:"Come quickly, there is an SSS-class ghoul here."

The CCG investigators and the cadres of Bronze Tree also stopped fighting and turned their attention to Lingchuan.

"SSS level!"Shinohara Yukinori looked at Fan Shiroma who released her kagune, his eyes slightly condensed. He didn't know whether what Lingchuan said was true or not, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"At, tell the members of the Bronze Tree to be ready to retreat at any time." While fighting with Fansi Roma, Ling Chuan said loudly to Fangcun At

""Okay." Yoshimura At flashed to the side of Tadara, and then whispered something in his ear.

Lingchuan could see that Fanshiro Roma was very weak because she had not eaten, so he had a plan in mind.

So he said loudly to Shinohara Yukinori:"Investigator Shinohara, your ghoul shelter is quite powerful. You can actually lock up the SSS-level ghoul Fanshiro Roma, the [Mother of Chaos]"

"Boy, you! …" Fansi Roma, who was fighting with Ling Chuan, felt something was wrong when she heard Ling Chuan’s words, so she pushed Ling Chuan away and ran towards the crowd nearby, wanting to eat and recover her strength to escape.

"Bronze Tree members retreat!"Tadara saw Fan Shiroma rushing over here and understood what she meant. He immediately ordered the ordinary Bronze Tree members to retreat to the exit.

"CCG senior investigators and below, retreat immediately. Special investigator Yukinori Shinohara, who has many years of combat experience, also gave the order.

Upon hearing the order, the investigators and ghouls immediately evacuated.


With seven or eight scales on her back, Fansi Roma jumped down from above and landed on the floor where the fight had just taken place, crushing the floor and stirring up a large cloud of dust.

Lingchuan also spread his wings and came in front of Fangcun Aite and the bronze tree cadres.

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