Fanshiroma stretched out her three remaining arms, two of which were fighting with Kuroiwa and Shinohara Yukinori, and one was slapping straight at Anura Kiyoko.

Anura Kiyoko looked at the arms that were slapping at her quickly and quickly raised her two swords to block them. Although Fanshiroma was very weak at this time, the power of an SSS-level Hezhe ghoul was not something Anura Kiyoko could resist.

Soon she was blown away by the arm, and Fanshiroma also seized the opportunity to quickly control the monster and rushed over. Anura

Kiyoko, who was lying on the ground, was about to get up when an arm slapped her. She knew very well that if she was hit by Fanshiroma's angry blow, she would definitely be dead or disabled.

She hurriedly got up, but because her leg was injured when she was blown away, she moved slowly. The big hand above her head was about to fall, and Hōji Kōsuke on the other side also ran here quickly, attacking with [Hōdō] as he ran

"Damn it!"

Kuroiwa and Shinohara Yukinori saw this and quickly stepped forward, one of them grabbed the leg of a monster and tried to pull it back.

"Am I going to die...?"

The giant hand above her head was getting closer and closer. A revolving lantern flashed through Anura Kiyoko's mind, and then she closed her eyes and said unwillingly:

"Die, die!"The fan Luoma on the monster's head smiled crazily when he saw that he was about to succeed.


"Did the blood splash on your face?"

The sound of a giant object falling to the ground was heard, and Anura Kiyoko felt a bloody smell on her body, and some unknown very sticky liquid sprayed on her face.

""I'm sorry, Miss Kiyoko, I stained your skirt."

A teasing voice sounded beside Kiyoko Anura's ears. She quickly opened her eyes and saw the monster's severed hand standing in front of her. Blood was still flowing out of the broken part, and her originally black uniform was dyed dark red.

The monster's severed hand fell not far from her. She looked up at Lingchuan who was hovering in the air, and said in shock:"Thank you...thank you"

"You're welcome. After all, I don't want such a beautiful lady like Qingzi to become a meat pie."Ling Chuan looked at the frightened Anpu Qingzi and said in a teasing tone.


""No!... This can't happen... You... Die!"

The monster's big mouth let out a wail, and Fan Shiroma saw her extended arm being cut off by Lingchuan, and she also screamed like crazy.

At this moment, Kuroiwa and Shinohara Xinji saw that Anura Qingzi had escaped, and immediately swung the Quinque in their hands to chop off the monster's two legs.

The two huge legs were chopped off at the root, and a large amount of blood gushed out and sprayed Kuroiwa and Shinohara Yukinori all over.


With the giant monster's tragic wail, Fanshiroma could no longer sustain the consumption brought by the transformation, and the giant monster fell to the ground motionless. After a while, the monster turned into a bunch of kagune and returned to Fanshiroma's body. Fanshiroma also fell to the ground, looked at Lingchuan in the air with hatred in his eyes, then closed his eyes and lay motionless on the ground.

"Is it solved?" Shinohara Yukinori said uncertainly as he looked at the fallen Fan Shiroma.

""That should be it, it's worthy of being SSS-level!" Hei Panyan replied breathlessly, and couldn't help but sigh at the strength of SSS-level ghouls.

At the same time, he was also glad that Fan Shiroma was in a weak period, otherwise they might have to stay here today. Thinking about it, he looked up at Lingchuan.

His eyes were slightly condensed, and he didn't know what Lingchuan meant by staying here.

Lingchuan also saw Hei Panyan staring at him, but he ignored it and continued to look at Fan Shiroma on the ground.

After Shinohara Yukinori recovered some strength, he walked towards Fan Shiroma on the ground, wanting to capture her.

"Investigator Shinohara, how fast are you running away?"Looking at Yukinori Shinohara walking towards Fanshi Roma, Lingchuan said sinisterly

"What?"When Shinohara Yukinori heard Ling Chuan's words, he touched his head in confusion, thinking that Ling Chuan wanted to take advantage of the battle they had just had to attack them, so he looked at Ling Chuan in the air and said in a deep voice

"I am very grateful for Mr. [Black Hawk]'s help just now, but if Mr. [Black Hawk] wants to attack us, he can try."

After saying that, he continued to walk towards Fan Shiroma who was lying on the ground.

Lingchuan was a little speechless after hearing what Shinohara Yukinori said, and couldn't help but complain:"Your kindness is taken as a donkey's liver and lungs."

Anura Kiyoko, who was closest to Lingchuan, heard Lingchuan's complaints. She was a little confused at first, and then suddenly shouted to Shinohara Yukinori who was almost next to Fan Shiroma in front:"Shinohara, run."

When Shinohara Yukinori heard Anura Kiyoko's shouting, he instantly understood what Lingchuan meant. Just as he was about to withdraw, he found that seven thick scales suddenly stretched out from Fan Shiroma's back and rushed towards him.

""Oops! Can't dodge!"

In just a moment, Yukinori Shinohara knew that he couldn't dodge Fanshioloma's sneak attack. He could only pray in his heart that the [New Proto] on his body could withstand it. Seeing the enlarged spiky kagune in front of him, Yukinori Shinohara quickly picked up the big knife [Onii-Yamada No. 1] to resist.

But as soon as it came into contact, [Onii-Yamada No. 1] shattered, and Yukinori Shinohara's pupils dilated.

At this moment, Lingchuan came to Yukinori Shinohara and kicked him out, then opened his feather kagune to form a shield to block, and the scale kagune behind him also attacked Fanshioloma like spikes.

Puff... a sound of spitting blood was heard, and Lingchuan's scale kagune pierced Fanshioloma's body.

Fanshioloma's kagune also dissipated. Lingchuan quickly walked to her side and whispered:"Goodbye."

"You… who are you…" Fanshi Roma’s pupils dilated and she spat out blood. She had always wondered why Lingchuan knew her identity and even knew her cards very clearly. Lingchuan didn’t waste any words. Yu He slashed down, and Fanshi Roma’s head, which was full of unwillingness, fell to the ground and rolled around.

Lingchuan grabbed Fanshi Roma’s headless body in his hand, glanced at the head with eyes open on the ground, bent down to pick it up, then opened Yu He, holding the head with one hand and the body with the other hand, and flew upwards in the puzzled eyes of the CCG people.

"Everyone, see you later."

A voice came from above, awakening the confused CCG members.

"Black Hawk" After being kicked away, Shinohara Yukinori recovered and looked at Lingchuan's departing figure, muttering

"Shinohara, are you okay?" Kuroiwa hurriedly asked. He was stunned when he saw that Roma Fanshi, who had lost her ability to fight, still had the ability to attack. At the same time, he sighed in his heart that it was fortunate that [Black Hawk] kicked Shinohara Yukinori away at the last moment.

Otherwise, the SS-level Quinque [new proto] alone would not be able to withstand the desperate attack of the SSS-level ghoul, and Shinohara Yukinori would be pierced through the body on the spot.

"It’s… nothing." Yukinori Shinohara recalled what had just happened and said slowly.

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