On the other side, Kaneki Ken flipped through the book in his hand again and again, and kept thinking about what Kirishima Touka asked Lingchuan to bring.

"Do you want to go back and take a look?"

"Dong Xiang"


Kaneki Ken muttered with his head down.

After a long time, he raised his head, stood up and walked out, heading to District 20.

Kaneki Ken soon arrived at the door of the antique coffee shop. He stood at the door and hesitated to open the door. He hesitated for a long time and finally pushed the door open.


The wind chimes in the coffee shop are ringing

"Welcome to Gu……"


Hina Fueguchi, who was helping out at the coffee shop, shouted in surprise when she saw Kaneki Ken standing at the door.

"Hinami, long time no see." Kaneki Ken smiled.

"Wait, I'll go call Sister Touka." Fueguchi Hinami remembered something and immediately ran past Kaneki Ken.

"Mr. Yoshimura, long time no see." Kaneki Ken looked at Yoshimura Kousen at the bar counter.

"Welcome home, Kaneki," said Yoshimura Kousen kindly.


"How is it, Yoriko?"

In the library, Kirishima Touka looked at Kosaka Yoriko who was grading her test paper and asked with a worried look on her face.

""You are amazing, Touka. You got full marks in math and physics." Kosaka Yoriko said in surprise as she looked at the test paper.

"As expected, ancient Chinese still lags behind."After hearing this, Kirishima Touka smiled bitterly and said

"It's okay, Touka, you've worked very hard. As long as you can maintain this state, you will definitely be admitted to Kamii University." Kosaka Yoriko said happily, and then a little confused,"But why did Touka work so hard to get into Kamii University?"

"Ah... this..." Kirishima Touka touched her face at a loss.

"Tell me when you want to tell me later." Seeing that Kirishima Touka was at a loss, Kosaka Yoriko said with a smile.

Kirishima Touka smiled and nodded.

At this time, Fueguchi Hinami ran up panting.

"Hinami, why are you here?" Kirishima Touka asked with a smile

"Sister Touka, Brother Kaneki……"Fueguchi Hinami calmed down and then spoke, but just as she mentioned Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka quickly stood up and ran out. Kirishima Touka was running hurriedly on the busy street, and when she hurried back to the antique coffee shop, she got the news that Kaneki Ken had left, so she quickly went out to chase him.

Finally, she caught up with Kaneki Ken on a flyover. Kaneki

Ken heard the noise and turned to look at Kirishima Touka who was listening to the car music, and said in surprise:"Touka"

Kirishima Touka did not respond, and the two just looked at each other in silence, and then Kirishima Touka walked over

"I just talked to Mr. Yoshimura for a while, and he told me to go back to the antique coffee shop."Kaneki Ken looked at Kirishima Touka who was coming over, turned his head away and whispered

"Then what?" Kirishima Touka asked after hearing this

"I don't know either." Kaneki Ken lowered his head, and then said firmly,"I want to protect everyone, I don't want to lose the people I cherish, so... I want to become strong"

"That's why you joined the Bronze Tree." Kirishima Touka lowered her head, clenched her fists, and said angrily,"It's not your turn to protect us. You care about others, but in fact you only care about yourself."

"As long as you are not alone, I don't care about anything else."Kaneki Ken touched his chin with his hand and said with a melancholy face after hearing what Kirishima Touka said.

Kirishima Touka was angry after hearing it, clenched her fists and walked towards Kaneki Ken, then punched him.

After being blocked by Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka continued to attack while shouting angrily:"With a melancholy face, do you think you are the hero in a tragedy? How can you protect others if you can't even protect yourself? People like you should never come back to the Antique Coffee Shop."

After hearing Kirishima Touka's last words, Kaneki Ken was stunned, and then was punched away by Kirishima Touka.

Looking at the beaten Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka chased him and squatted on him and punched Kaneki Ken one punch after another, saying while beating him.

"Why!...Why!...Why! Why did you become like this..."

After saying that, he got up and left in disappointment.

Kaneki Ken lay on the ground, staring blankly at Kirishima Touka's departing back, stretched out his hand to touch his face, then looked up at the sky, muttering:"Why...why"


In the antique coffee shop, after Kirishima Touka came back to inquire about Kaneki Ken's news and ran out, two uninvited guests arrived shortly afterwards.

""Wow, it looks delicious." Suzuya Juzo, who was sitting opposite Shinohara Yukinori, said happily as he looked at the sandwich served by Yoshimura Kozen.

"This shop is very beautifully decorated."Shinohara Yukinori said to Yoshimura Kousen while holding a cup of coffee.

""Thank you for the compliment," Fangcun Gongshan said kindly, and then asked in a deep voice:"What did you want to ask just now?"

"By the way, I was just about to ask if this girl comes to your coffee shop often?"After being reminded by Yoshimura Kousen, Shinohara Yukinori suddenly remembered, put down the coffee in his hand, took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Yoshimura Kousen.

"This girl often comes to drink coffee, what's wrong?" Fangcun Gongshan took the photo, looked at Fueguchi Hinami in the photo, his eyes fixed, and then said

"Ah… It’s okay. Have we met before?"Shinohara Yukinori suddenly changed the subject and asked.

Suzuya Juzo, who was eating at the side, also raised his head and looked around curiously.

"I don’t know. Have we met before?" Fangcun Gongshan replied calmly.

"Sorry, I must have recognized the wrong person."After hearing this, Shinohara Yukinori said with a smile, then stood up and said,"Thank you for your cooperation, let's go, what is the origin of the"

"Thank you for the hospitality." Upon hearing this, Suzuya Juzo also stood up and ran to the door.

When Shinohara Yukinori reached the door, he suddenly stopped and turned back to Yoshimura Kozen and said slowly:"The coffee... is very delicious." Then he opened the door and walked out.

After Shinohara Yukinori and the other person went out, Yoshimura Kozen looked out the window, thinking about something in his heart, and said slowly:"It's snowing."

Then he went upstairs. Shikata Renshi who was waiting upstairs hurriedly asked:"Mr. Yoshimura, what are the CCG people here for?"

"The An Ding District will no longer be peaceful. Fangcun Gongshan straightened his expression and said,"Sifang, find a reason to arrange for Dong Xiang and the others to leave here."

"What about Mr. Fangcun?"When Sifang Lianshi heard what Fangcun Gongshan said, he knew that Anding District had been exposed.

"I will be responsible for the aftermath." Fangcun Gongshan looked at Shifang Lianshi and continued:"Shifang, I want to ask you to take good care of everyone."

Shifang Lianshi was silent for a while, then slowly said:"I understand."

The snow outside the window was getting heavier and heavier, as if foreshadowing something.

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