"No need to cover up Kaneki, I know, I knew it a long time ago. Remember when I was beaten up by Senior Nishio, I really thought I was going to die at that time, but luckily you, Kaneki, tried your best to save me, didn't you?"

Nagachika Hideyoshi walked to Kaneki Ken's side and sat on the ground, speaking gently, then took away Kaneki Ken's hand that was covering his eyes, and looked at Kaneki Ken with a sunny smile on his face.

"Ying, I'm sorry."

Kaneki Ken looked at Nagachika Eira, who always had a sunny smile in front of him, and recalled in his heart that every time he was lost and helpless, Ying always had a sunny and cheerful look to encourage himself. Thinking about it, Kaneki Ken's eyes couldn't stop crying.

"Kaneki, we are best friends. No matter what you have done, you don't have to say sorry to me."

Era Nagachika wiped the tears from Kaneki Ken's eyes. Kaneki Ken lowered his head and said nothing.

"Looking at you guys in the antique coffee shop, I feel that it’s great that everyone is so lively and you are one of them. I feel like I am the only one left behind."

Yaichika Hideyoshi said with a smile, but his expression seemed a little lonely.

"No...it's not Ying, it's me……"

Hearing this, Kaneki Ken raised his head and wanted to say something, but soon lowered his head and remained silent.

"I know Kaneki, so... I also want to do something within my ability."

Era Nagachika looked up at the sky, the snow was still falling, and then looked at Kaneki Ken

"Kaneki, don't bear too much on your own. You still have me, Lingchuan, and everyone at the Antique Cafe."


Kaneki Ken stood up with difficulty, and then said to Ying,"The manager and Lingchuan are still over there, I'm going to help them." Then he slowly moved, holding on to the wall.

Nagachika Eira also stood up, walked to Kaneki Ken's side, supported him, and then whispered,"Let's go together."

"No, I can't let you get in trouble." Kaneki Ken stopped and whispered

"Kaneki, I also want to do something within my power so that I don't look abandoned."

Nagachika Hideyoshi looked at Kaneki Ken with a lonely expression.

"Ying, I'm sorry... That's not what I meant," Kaneki Ken said quickly.

"Let's go, I'm familiar with this place, I know there's a small path that leads to the coffee shop." Nagachika Eira supported Kaneki Ken as they walked in the alley.

The two of them walked slowly in the alley in silence.

"I saw the fight between Kaneki and the investigator, it was really cool!"

Nagachika Hideyoshi suddenly said excitedly

"Are those four tentacle-like things growing on your back Kaneki's kagune? So cool!"

""Hmm" Kaneki Ken replied dully.

"Speaking of which, Kaneki, you are very famous now!"

"It's called"eye mask" or something, you often see it on TV."

Nagachika Hideyoshi covered his eyes with his other eye, smiling and saying in a teasing tone.

Kaneki Ken also raised his head and looked at Nagachika Hideyoshi, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise

"By the way, is that eye mask of yours a trendy outfit?" Nagachika Eira laughed out loud after he finished speaking. Kaneki

Ken couldn't help laughing at Nagachika Eira's happiness, and then the two of them laughed at each other, just like when they were playing together in school.

Kaneki Ken laughed and then started crying

""Ying" he murmured softly

""I'm here, I'm here, I've always been here, Kaneki." Nagachika Eira also replied softly.

The two continued to walk through the alley, with CCG detection helicopters flying overhead from time to time.

When passing through a dim alley, the two were talking and laughing.

"Kaneki, do you think I would be handsome if I also had kagune?………puff"

"It must be very... Ying!"Lingchuan looked at Nagachika Eira who was vomiting blood, and the smile on his face froze. He looked at his abdomen with a horrified look and dilated pupils.

A dark green kagune pierced from Nagachika Eira's back to the front.

As the kagune was pulled out, blood splattered on Kaneki Ken's face, and Nagachika Eira's body slowly knelt on the ground in Kaneki Ken's horrified eyes.

"Ying!" Kaneki Ken quickly supported Nagachika Eira's upper body

"It really hurts!" Nagachika Eira forced a smile.

Kaneki Ken looked at a loss.

"Let's go back...Kaneki" Nagachika Hideyoshi said with difficulty, and then fainted.


Kaneki Ken looked at the unconscious Nagachika Eira with tears in his eyes and said softly,"Ying, I will take you home right away." Then he looked at the bronze tree ghoul wearing a red cloak behind him.

"[Eye mask] Captain, follow me quickly, Mr. Tadara and the others have already evacuated."The masked bronze tree ghoul waved to Kaneki Ken and turned back.………

A red kagune shot out from his abdomen. He lowered his head to look at his abdomen, then turned to look at Kaneki Ken, and said in disbelief:"Why...?"

He didn't understand why Kaneki Ken would attack him when he had clearly saved Kaneki Ken from the hands of that CCG investigator.

"Ah!... Ah!... Ah!..."

Kaneki Ken's four scaled kagune kept stabbing at the bronze tree ghoul's body until they were exhausted and the kagune disappeared.

He knelt down beside Nagachika Hideyoshi, looking at Nagachika Hideyoshi lying on the ground, muttering:



"Why is there war?"

"Why can't we live in peace?"

Tears mixed with blood flowed from the corners of his eyes and fell on Nagachika Hideyoshi's face. Looking at Nagachika Hideyoshi with a smile on his lips, Kaneki Ken said softly:"Go back...Ei...go back."

The battle here soon attracted the attention of the aerial detection helicopter. A beam of light shot towards where Kaneki Ken was. At the same time, a large group of CCG armed forces and investigators were rushing here.

Kaneki Ken picked up Nagachika Hideyoshi and walked slowly in the direction they came from.

He knew that he had been discovered and CCG would definitely be guarding outside, but he had no choice, because this was the only way to save Nagachika Hideyoshi now. Even if he would die, he must save Nagachika Hideyoshi.

The searchlight of the helicopter above his head also kept shining in the direction of Kaneki Ken.

As Kaneki Ken slowly She walked out slowly, and a figure rushed out from the alley on the other side. She looked around and saw Kaneki Ken in a black combat uniform, and hurriedly chased after him.

When Kirishima Touka saw the news on TV, she ran out of the house despite Renji Shifang's obstruction.

Because the journey was long, she didn't know how many times she fell down due to exhaustion.

Looking at the familiar figure in front of her, she hurriedly chased after him, until she saw Kaneki Ken walk to a corner and stop from a distance. She also stopped to take a breath, and then wanted to go forward with a smile on her face.

At this moment, a figure blocked her way.

"Mr. Sifang……"

"Sorry, I can't let you pass." Sifang Lianshi said softly with a blank expression.

"Why, Kaneki is in front," Kirishima Touka asked in confusion.

"He has been discovered by CCG, I can't let you die too."

After hearing what Shifang Renshi said, she looked in the direction of Kaneki Ken, and then she found that there was a CCG helicopter above his head.


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