After thinking for a while, Lin Qi shook her head helplessly, then leaned against the earth badger and fell asleep in a daze.

There is no way, this hot weather is really making people sleepy.

Although the novice fur coat on his body can make him less hot, the badger cannot do it, so hunting is impossible. He might as well take a nap until the sky gets a little darker.

It’s not too late to get up and hunt.

After thinking about it, Lin Qi fell asleep unconsciously.

Hula la~~

A breeze blew by, making the leaves on the giant trees rustle. Lin Qi and Dadi Badger also felt a hint of coolness, making them sleep more comfortably.

Got it, got it! ! !

The chirping of the blazing monkey cicada sounds from time to time. The blazing monkey cicada on this giant tree must have burped, so the sound of the chirping is neither too loud nor too quiet, just right, making people feel sleepy.


As the chirping of the fiery monkey cicada gradually became regular and long, Lin Qi's dream slowly fell into tranquility.

He dreamed that he was in a lush forest, with sunlight filtering through the treetops, casting dappled light and shadow.

In this dream, he was no longer the newcomer who had just arrived and felt strange and confused about everything. Instead, he became a part of the forest, coexisting with all things and living in harmony.

At the other end of the dream, the earth badger seemed to have also fallen asleep. Its snoring was low and rhythmic, intertwined with the surrounding natural sounds to form a melodious lullaby.

In this small world embraced by nature, time seems to slow down, allowing fatigue to be completely released.

After an unknown amount of time, a ray of soft sunlight quietly penetrated into the forest, caressing Lin Qi's face, waking him up from his deep sleep.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the world in front of him seemed clearer and more vivid than before sleeping. The fresh smell of earth and leaves fills the air, which is refreshing.

Lin Qi sat up, stretched, and moved her body, which was slightly stiff from sleeping for a long time.

The earth badger also woke up and looked at Lin Qi with its spiritual eyes, as if asking about the next plan.

"It seems it's time." Lin Qi whispered to herself, stood up, and patted the dust on her body.

He looked to the horizon and saw that the sun was already setting in the west. It was a good time for hunting. After adequate rest, he was full of energy and recovered a lot of physical fitness.

The sunshine at dusk was no longer as hot as the midday heat. Lin Qi jumped on the back of the earth badger, then patted its back and shouted.

"Set off!"


The earth badger roared softly, and then took steps towards the edge of the giant forest.

That's right, Lin Qi's plan was to walk around the outside of the giant forest first. After all, if you enter the forest so boldly, you might get lost, although it doesn't matter whether you get lost here or not.

There is another plan, that is, Lin Qi wants to look for water sources to see if there are rivers or lakes.

As for the question of whether the water source can be found? Lin Qi was not worried. Such a large forest would not be so lush without water.

Swish, swish, swish! ! !

The earth badger stepped on the dead leaves, making a rustling sound, while Lin Qi, who was sitting on its back, looked around.

It is already afternoon now, and the Blazing Monkey Cicada has stopped chirping, so the surroundings are relatively quiet, but as the sky gradually darkens, the chirping of insects begins to sound.

Listening to the chirping of insects, Lin Qi couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, it's really lively at night."

She didn't know how long she had been walking, but suddenly, Lin Qi heard the sound of running water.

The badger seemed to have sensed the presence of water, and walked towards the sound of water.

Soon, the sound of water became more and more obvious. The sound of rushing water seemed particularly charming and beautiful.

Finally, after passing through a patch of grass, Lin Qi and Dadi Badger finally saw water as they wished, and it was a river, a big one, at least for Lin Qi.

Looking at the huge river in front of me, I visually estimated that it is at least several hundred meters wide. It is indeed a world of giant beasts, and there are no small things.

Although this river looks very big, to an adult giant beast, it is just a small ditch that can be crossed in two or three steps.

The river in front of me is quite gentle, not the kind of river that flows very fast. Maybe it's because this area is a plain?

When they came to the river, the badger started drinking directly, while Lin Qi looked at the ground by the river. Sure enough, he quickly found the traces he needed.


There are a lot of footprints nearby, which shows that there are not a few giant beast cubs coming to the river to drink water.

This place is too big. Instead of looking for giant beasts everywhere, it is better to wait and see. That's why Lin Qi came up with the idea of ​​​​looking for water sources. In addition, he also needs water resources.

After all, giant beasts can't kill monsters and explode treasure chests like them, right? So they must come to the river or lake to drink water, which is an endless source of income!

Lin Qi touched her chin, and then murmured: "Well, it seems that my plan is right, then the next step is to find a temporary residence near the river."

Of course, finding a place to live is not just for him, but a place for the earth badger to live, as long as it can be sheltered from the wind and rain.


Wow~! ! !

Suddenly, the sound of water breaking interrupted Lin Qi's contemplation. He immediately looked up and saw a huge crocodile leaping out of the water, opening its bloody mouth and biting the earth badger!

Lin Qi blurted out: "Fuck! Be careful! Back off!"

Unfortunately, Lin Qi's words were too slow. The giant beast cub that looked like a crocodile had already successfully attacked. Now, as long as it could bite the head of the earth badger, it could drag it into the water and let it slaughter it!

Unfortunately, the idea was very good, but the next second, it was confused.

The earth badger bit its upper jaw directly, and then swung it out of the water, and smashed it hard on the ground more than ten meters behind the earth badger.


This is embarrassing. Obviously, this giant beast that looks like a crocodile is obviously not as powerful on land as in the water.

The earth badger doesn't care whether the other party is confused or not. Dare to sneak attack it? Tired of living!


The earth badger turned flexibly, then jumped quickly, jumped directly onto the other party's back, and then sat on his butt, spread his claws, and came with a set of crazy bombing attacks!

Papapapapapa! ! ! !

Roar, roar, roar~~~~!

The sound of snapping mixed with wailing immediately awakened the stunned Lin Qi.

Looking at the big badger sitting on the giant beast and beating it madly, Lin Qi couldn't help but sigh: "Too brutal, this is a sneak attack that failed but ended up getting beaten!"

After sighing, Lin Qi directly used the encyclopedia technique on the giant crocodile.

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