Giant Beast Survival Battlefield: Get Lucky Seven at the start!

Chapter 40 Twin Quetzalcoatl! I’m coming~

After watching the phantom bell, Lin Qi couldn't help but look at another item.

[Name: Ice Box Technique]

[Category: Active Skill]

[Quality: Rare]

[Effect: You can make an ice box, the size depends on the energy output]

[Introduction: This is a skill developed by a superhuman to keep the materials fresh, the effect is excellent, and it is widely loved by the public, and it can instantly achieve wealth freedom]

Looking at the skill in front of him, Lin Qi couldn't help scratching his head and said, "Active skill, this time the earth badger can't learn it, um, the effect is to keep fresh? Hiss, what the hell? Can't the space props keep fresh?"

Lin Qi couldn't help frowning, the amount of information in it seemed to be a bit, the space props might cause some damage to all materials or some materials?

Well, Lin Qi pondered for a moment, and finally shook his head helplessly. He knew too little information and couldn't analyze it at all. Besides, making an ice box, you can't just hold it for adventure, right?

Or, make an ice box, put the materials into the ice box, and then store them in the space props?

Well, there is such a possibility, but as I said, there is too little information, so it can only be guessed.

Shaking his head, Lin Qi no longer thought about it, but jumped onto the back of the earth badger, and then shouted: "Let's go, continue to the treasure location!"


The earth badger roared, let him take a step, and continue to set off for the treasure location.

This time, there was no trouble on the road. Along the way, one man and one beast went smoothly to the place where they fought with the Mandela giant bear yesterday.

The earth badger did not even look at the damage he caused yesterday, but continued to walk straight in.

Soon, they came to the treasure location, and then they saw the twin feathered serpents guarding not far away.


The earth badger called softly, looking at the twin feathered serpents in front of him with bright eyes.

Lin Qi on his back also looked around. The twin feathered serpents were now entrenched in the shade of the tree. It was obvious that the hot weather made them very uncomfortable, which could be seen from this point.

The twin feathered serpents were probably nocturnal creatures.

Looking at the twin feathered serpents covering their heads with their wings, Lin Qi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This seemed to be a godsend.

Because Lin Qi saw their sword tails lazily lying on the ground, and the two tails were so close? It was completely possible to chop them off with one sword.

Lin Qi immediately whispered to the earth badger: "Earth badger, wait a minute, after I attack, you have to rush out immediately, understand?"

The earth badger heard this and nodded slightly. It was obvious that it understood.

Seeing this, Lin Qi quietly slipped down, and then slowly walked under the shade of the twin feathered serpent.

It was still the novice period, even if the twin feathered serpent suddenly woke up in the middle, Lin Qi was not afraid.

Although he thought so, Lin Qi's steps were silent, although the effect of doing so was not great, because the grass in the forest was not as tall as the plain at the beginning.

But there were also half a meter and more than one meter, so Lin Qi was shuttling in the grass, and the rustling sound continued, but the breeze from time to time could also cause the grass to surge.

So the movement caused by Lin Qi was not prominent at all.

Soon, Lin Qi came to the giant tree under the shade of the twin feathered serpent information.

Looking at the snake tail not far away, Lin Qi felt that it looked more and more like a thief's sharp sword. If he didn't cut it, the threat to the earth badger was too great.

Lin Qi couldn't help but frowned. He really wanted to cut off the tail even if he was hit.

Anyway, he now has the blood red bottle, as long as it is not a fatal injury, it will be no problem to swallow a few bottles in one go.

After taking a look, the part where the snake's tail and the sword's tail were connected was about half a meter wide. Fortunately, the length of the black armor horn giant sword was enough to cut them together.

After looking at the distance, he was now more than 20 meters away from the snake's tail. If he used the catapult, he could reach it within one second. At that time, even if the twin feathered serpent woke up, it would be too late.

The earth badger not far away was in an offensive posture. It stared at its master intently. As long as Lin Qi launched an attack, it would rush over immediately, and roar loudly to attract attention.

At this moment, the earth badger saw Lin Qi ejected instantly, and knew that it was time for it to appear!

Roar~!!! ! !

A huge roar sounded immediately, and then the earth badger immediately rushed out and rushed directly to the twin feathered serpent.


Following the roar of the earth badger, the twin feathered serpent was instantly awakened, and immediately began to guard, and then looked in the direction of the roar.

But the next second, they felt a pain in their tails, and they turned their heads to see an ant-sized creature that had cut off their tails!



Seeing their tails broken, the twin feathered snakes cried out in pain, and looked at the ants below with red eyes, and then attacked directly.

The huge wings instantly fanned towards Lin Qi, and the huge wind brought by them blew Lin Qi away directly, and then hit the giant tree heavily.

Suddenly, the bark splashed, showing how powerful it was.

However, because the huge fan driven by the wings flew away, Lin Qi avoided the attack of the wings.

Lin Qi's brows couldn't help but frown, it hurt, it was too painful, and he felt his back was hot and burning.

His penis was swollen, and there was nothing he could do. Who said he had thin skin and tender flesh? His whole skin was smooth and white, and he didn't look like a man at all, let alone such a heavy impact.

When he was at Blue Star, his arm was rubbed hard. Although it seemed fine at first, bruises started to appear the next day.

However, after a period of exercise, the situation has improved a bit. Although the skin is still thin and tender, at least bruises will not appear easily.

Lin Qi didn't have time to cry out in pain, but immediately used ejection to bounce directly into the tree, and then ran to the trunk of the tree using her hands and feet.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Hundreds of brightly colored feathers pierced into the trunk one after another, sinking directly in, and the entire area began to show corrosion effects. It was obviously the effect of feather poison.

Seeing Lin Qi couldn't help but pat her chest, if she was hit, even the blood-red bottle wouldn't be able to save her.


Seeing Lin Qi climbing up the tree, the twin feathered serpents raised their heads, ready to flap their wings and fly up to attack, but the next second, a giant beast appeared behind them, and then the two giants fought.

Bang bang! ! !

Roar~! ! !

The earth badger roared angrily, Momobi, do you two spicy strips look down on its mother? How dare you ignore its existence and attack its owner?

Roar~ You are asking for death!

The twin feathered serpents lying on the ground only came to their senses at this time. Yes, there is a greater threat. How come they were ignored?

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