Mikasa blinked, understanding the obvious meaning in Alan's eyes.

She sighed softly, reached out and lifted the scarf around her neck, buried her face in the scarf, and muttered softly:

"I only met Qinglong today."

Allen's increasingly gloomy face became a little clearer in an instant.

Armin and Ellie looked at each other, subconsciously spoke, and then slowly closed their mouths under the murderous eyes of Again and again.


, that's right,

Mikasa did meet Ayakoji today.

"Almighty, Alan!"

Armin frowned, and said in a deep voice,

"No more time to waste, you know the situation."

"You also know that for everyone, whether it is

a giant or a human with the power of a giant, it is an outlier!" Armin pursed his lips and said with a wry smile:

"It is human nature to reject aliens

!" "Our situation is not very good!" "

In a moment, I will go and explain the pros and cons to the person on the other side, at the very least, wait for Ayakoji to return."


really not possible..." Armin glanced at Mikasa and Ellie, who were ready to go, and ordered in a low voice:

"It's really not possible, we can only escape from here!" Eren

didn't listen to Armin at all, his eyes stared at Armin's back, and gradually widened!

A deafening roar and Wilman's hoarse shouts followed.

"Fire !!"


Smoke rose sharply from the sky above Tros District

, "That's!"

Hrista stood up sharply, staring at the smoke drifting in the sky, his pupils contracted.

Listening to the deafening roar in her ears, she swallowed uncontrollably:

"Ai... Alan, they won't have an accident, right?"


let the subconscious snort, suddenly got up, turned and stared dead in the direction Hrista was looking.


" let out a fierce breath, frowning and analyzing:

"The people inside the wall, can't it be directly attacked by Allen?"

"There is also this possibility

!" "Even we who get along day and night, when we know that Eren is a giant, we feel like we are dreaming!" "

Not to mention others who have been facing giants and lost colleagues, comrades-in-arms, and even relatives!


He slammed his fists on the table in front of him and shouted in a low voice:


He looked around at everyone, licked his lips, forced down his weak heart, and said abruptly

: "What do you want to do

?" "Do you still need to ask?" Connie

grinned with a youthful and maniacal laugh, and put the knife into the knife holder:

"Of course it is! Go save our partner!"

Reiner turned his neck and made a clicking sound


!The power system of the three-dimensional motorized device spews out powerful gas vapor.

"Very good!, this time, the gas is definitely enough!" Reiner

smiled softly, standing side by side with Jean and Reiner!

He sighed leisurely, forcibly pressing the regret in his heart, and temporarily left behind how to explain this matter to the bishop. Standing beside Reiner, Bertolt was full of sorrow

and muttered: "I hope this time, the guy who is funny behind his back will not appear again!" The

Anega amulet was stuffed into his chest, swallowed the sugar chewed in his mouth, licked his lips subconsciously, and said to himself:

"This day, there are really many things."

"I hope this time, it's over completely."

Yumir rolled her eyes and tiptoed behind Hrista and quietly untied her three-dimensional maneuver.


Christa felt the evil little hand behind him and subconsciously turned around.

Her eyes widened, she pouted in dissatisfaction, and as she jumped up, she coquettishly said


"What are you doing?" Yumir

held up the fixed three-dimensional motorized device and rolled her eyes:

"What else are you doing, Khrista, you can't do anything anyway, just lie here obediently and wait for us to return home in triumph!"

If you don't give it back, I'll be angry! Be careful I hang you!"


" Yumir handed Hrista

the ground parts, threw himself into Khlista's arms, and kept rubbing around:

"Hrista, you have changed! You were not like this before, give ——!me back the previous Herosta


Sasha kept slapping herself on the chest, stuffing her mouth with bread she had just picked up at the stall.

It is estimated that refugees fled and fell behind.


" Marco wordlessly handed the kettle and complained

, "Sasha, it's not me saying you, it's all this time, why do you still want to eat



?" This time to save Allen and them, either to save them, and then everyone will become deserters together.

"Either you don't save it, and then everyone wades into the grave

!" "But anyway, this is probably my last full meal——!!

"Alan, you said you didn't become a giant, and I won't be able to eat enough in the future


!" Sasha slapped Marko the back and roared

, "Marko, who do you look down on

?" "Sweet potatoes are precious, bread is more expensive, if it is for friends, you can throw both?" Marko

touched his numb back and said in amazement:

"Where did you get so many crepe words?"



——! ——!

eight people stood in a row, stared closely at the smoke in the distance, took a deep breath, and then stepped out sharply.

Alan, Mikasa, Ellie, Armin

! Wait for us

! Here we go!Meow


suddenly a cat call sounded above everyone's heads.

In the sound of light steps, bits and pieces of gravel fell from the roof of the tiled house, fell to the ground, and stirred up a cloud of smoke.

A black cat cut a graceful arc in the air and slowly landed in front of everyone

, "Don't go any further, it's forbidden to pass ahead, little ones!"

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