
Pisis stood side by side with Ayakoji, looking at the troops gradually gathering in the area of the Tros District.


" Pisis put away the wine bottle in his hand and made a hearty Siha sound.

He glanced at Ayakoji and played with the taste:

"I didn't expect that." "

You can actually say something like that?"

Ayakoji frowned lightly and didn't speak.

Five years ago, in the log cabin, Karula's tearful hugs and advice helped him get in touch with family affection.

In the basement five years ago, punch after punch that slammed into Gales made him understand anger.

Five years ago, Mary recaptured the war, the mountains of corpses and blood, and the parting of life and death, forced him to move compassion.

Three years ago, the 13 little ones who united as one, life and death, let him gradually understand what friendship is.

Three years ago, the harsh red on Mikasa's body in the snowy mountains stained his heart with a little sadness.

The fire and night rain at Dracula Manor doused Histria's cowardice.

But Histria's hoarse cry also ignited a little confusion in his mind.

Ayakoji hates this change, because this change also means uncertainty, and may lead everything to an end that he cannot control, and an uncontrollable ending mostly means failure.

It turned out that Arnie faced the knife he could not stab, and the same blade he could not swing in the face of an uncertain future.

It wasn't until after he fell into a coma in the hot springs that the three figures who carried him back to the hut made him understand for the first time.

Different from the white house in the previous life, the misery is self-defeating.

It turns out that now, when he is unable to face the world, he also has a reliance that he could not have imagined before.

Since then, in a coma for three years, Ayakoji has been thinking.

If lifespan is no longer an issue, should he slow down the pace of changing his destiny

, and if he can change all this gently, why should he be impatient to complete the task?

"Maybe it's because I'm changing too.

Ayakoji shrugged and replied lightly, sighing secretly in her heart.

However, it is estimated that in the future, we still cannot slow down.

A world that went according to its original destiny.

Unknown enemies in the shadows.

Allen's identity exposure can bring trouble.

Everything muddied what could have been smoothed out.


Pisis raised his eyebrows, revealing an old fox-like sly smile:

"I don't know, the little fox who has changed, do you remember the agreement made five years ago



Snapping ——!

Pisis gently caught the drawing and casually tucked it into his arms.

"It's quite a keeping, I thought you would ask for any more benefits?"

Ayakoji shook her head, signaling that it was not necessary.

Pisis smiled and said nothing, looking at the sunset from afar, his eyes slowly lowered:

"Ayakoji Kiyotaka, who do you think is the enemy of humans?

Then slowly turned to Ayakoji and said meaningfully:

"But now there is a human here who can transform into a

giant?" "Plus the super-large giant that broke the wall and disappeared this morning, Ayakoji, can you analyze anything?"

"I do know that Eren is a giant, but I only stumbled upon it during training. "

Huh, did you find it by chance

?" Pysis raised an eyebrow, shook his head, and changed his tone to the point:

"So, how do you explain your superhuman ability?"

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