Arnie, Bertot, and Reiner stood stunned on the eaves, their eyes empty, their expressions numb, and motionless.

"Damn !!"

Not far away, Marco on the street swallowed his spit fiercely, looked behind him in trepidation, and his breath suddenly choked.

The heart suddenly accelerated, and it was pressed against the throat again and again, as if it was about to jump out

of the body! There, there was a giant approaching!

The speed was slow, not a strange species!!

the sound of stepping on the ground was not heavy, because it was just a small and medium-sized giant of 5 meters.

Although Marko is not the most outstanding existence among the 104th recruits, and does not have the strength of Mikasa, it can be easily solved just against this giant.

The premise is that !!

Marko broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

He endured his sour eyes and got up and ran wildly.

The premise is that he has a

three-dimensional mobile device!! glanced at the three motionless people on the eaves, especially the three-dimensional mobile device in Ani's hand stayed for a long time.

That three-dimensional mobile device is his Marko's!

"Damn!" "Damn!"

"What the hell is going on!!

" Just now, Marko answered Arnie's question.

He understood that just now, Bertolt had given him a silent choice.

Forget everything you hear, when nothing happened, and then, get on with your life as you always were.

After Marko was dazed and puzzled, he instantly understood the thoughts of the three.


he can continue to joke in the morning to mock Bertolt's never-different sleeping position, and he can use his strengths to help everyone repair the three-dimensional mobility that is sometimes damaged.

Although it is not understood why Reiner and Bertot broke the wall five years ago.

Although it is not clear, why the giants of Kai and the supergiants five years ago slaughtered the innocent people inside the walls of Maria.

Although I don't know why the giant of Kai, the super-large giant, and the giantess, who disappeared five years ago, appeared in Rosey again as Reiner, Bertot, and Arnie.

But obviously

, Reiner, Bertol, and Arnie must have changed now

, because the light in their eyes just now, the hope on their faces cannot be fake.

Just now, they sincerely wanted to release him.

Even if you risk that he is making compromises, even if you risk that he will still choose to make everything public later.

They, they actually chose to let him go?

"But why!?"

the galloping Marko listened to the heavy footsteps approaching behind him, and panted and swept towards the three people who looked Muna.

At that time, Reiner had clearly let him go.

Not only that, but even

Bertol, who was watching from the sidelines, also chose to step forward to suppress his resistance.

Arnie, who originally chose to let him go, even removed the three-dimensional mobile device on his body with his own hands.

No matter how much he yelled, questioned, or struggled.

Reiner, Bertot, and Arnie didn't react at all.

It was as if they had become emotionless puppets manipulated by everyone in an instant!!

and at that moment, it seemed as if they were just mechanically carrying out some command

! Bang ——!

huge soles of their feet, slam on Marco's side, and rubble splashed across his cheek!

His body suddenly froze, and his heart suddenly stopped!

The pupils, which were contracted by fear, looked to the side with the neck of one card after another.

The surging wind surged ——!

, and a large hand that still had minced meat and blood still broke through the space.

A fishy, pungent smell crept into Marco's nose.

In a whirlwind,

Marko found himself upside down.

Underhead, the expressionless face of the giant.

The bloody white teeth, as well as the huge mouth of the blood basin, are getting closer and closer.


, ——!" "Don't——!" Marko stretched out his right hand from the giant's clenched palm with difficulty, desperately reaching out to Reiner and the others, choking and roaring:

"We..." "Didn't

we make an agreement?" "Didn't


say okay, we 13 must help Hrista regain the throne and eliminate the evil party?"

"One day, everyone, we must go together to see the sea with our own eyes!!

" "Reiner! Bertol, Arnie, what the hell is wrong with you?"


desperate choked sound sounded in ——!'s ears, and his own name echoed in his mind.

The anger

in his chest and the unwillingness to be manipulated turned into a sharp sword, piercing the white light in front of him!

The three of Ani were shocked, and in Marko's last cry, Sheng Sheng regained control of his body.

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