In the dimly lit dungeon,

candles are littered and the wind is gusting.

Levi folded his arms and placed them in front of his chest, staring coldly at the sleeping Eren in the dim dungeon.

Erwin leaned against the uneven wall of the dungeon, half-squinted, his hands uncontrollably in the shape of small towers, and placed on the tip of his nose.

In the eyes, there is complex thinking.

Hu ——!

sighed softly, Levi waved his hand, dispelled the insect mosquitoes in front of him, glanced at Erwin, and couldn't help but snort

: "What's wrong, Erwin, are you scared by this news?" Stepping

close to the fence of the dungeon, Levi looked deeply at Allen who frowned tightly, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes:

"I didn't expect that there were really humans who could turn into giants!"

If he didn't know this piece of information, even he would have been killed by the enemy who suddenly transformed into a giant!

If he hadn't seen the little guy in the prison popping out of the back of the giant's neck, he wouldn't have believed that humans could switch back and forth between giants and humans.

Turning around expressionlessly, Levi stared straight at the silent Erwin, frowned, and asked in puzzlement

: "Hey, ——!

" "Erwin, are you listening to me

?" "What the hell are you thinking now?"

"Ah..." Erwin

slowly raised his head, let out a long sigh of relief, and muttered in a deep voice:

"I'm listening, Levi."

"As for what

I'm thinking?" pursing his lips, Erwin sorted out his troubled thoughts and whispered

, "I'm thinking, Ayakoji Kiyotaka thing

?" Levi heard this, his brows furrowed, puzzled:

"What is there to think about him?"

That bastard, I haven't seen him in three years, but he has grown a lot!" "I

wonder if my strength has grown?"

Erwin shook his head with a wry smile.

Since Ayakoji subconsciously said "so short" when he saw Levi as the president of the Chamber of Commerce a few years ago, Levi has been extremely concerned about Ayakoji's strength and height.

He took a deep breath and said slowly

, "Of course, you have to think about the matter of Kiyotaka Ayakoji.

"After all, according to the information we have, Alan Yeager obviously knew about it very early.

"What does it matter?" Levi blinked, frowning back at the relevant intelligence, and laboriously stated:

"Didn't the intelligence say?

"Do you believe this

, Levi?" Erwin slowly got up, walked to the fence, stared directly at the sleeping Allen, and calmly analyzed

: "What would ordinary people, even you, do after knowing that a human can transform into a giant?" Looking

sideways at Levi's thoughtful expression, Erwin replied categorically for him:

"It will definitely kill him!"

Even if he is a relative, ordinary people will report it to others, right?" "

However, Ayakoji is different, he knew about this three years ago, but he kept it secret for three years!"

frowning tightly, he subconsciously touched his chin and guessed softly:

"I think, if Tros District hadn't fallen this time and Allen hadn't been exposed, I'm afraid he would have hidden it."

"I think that, with Ayakoji's nature, hiding it is what he will do."

Levi replied softly, sighing

, "After all, he seems to have a personality that doesn't care what other people think." "

The three major corps, the president, even the royal family? I am afraid he didn't really put it in his eyes."

"Erwin, like you, haven't you ever explained your battle plan to us many times?"

Erwin shook his head and defended himself:

"Not telling you the battle plan is just because not telling you can make our operation better implemented."


Levi spoke softly, and then looked at Erwin meaningfully, with a pun:

"So, in a way, you and Ayakoji are the same." "

All the same, unscrupulous means to achieve the end.

"Maybe this time, he won't tell you about Alan Jaeger's identity as a giant, and it's the same."


Erwin couldn't help but smile, and then looked directly at Levi, speciously asking:

"My purpose in hiding from you in the past is to keep the Investigation Corps as viable as possible when investigating the truth.

"So, Levi, tell me, what do you think Ayakoji is hiding from such an important piece of information?"

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