

dared to threaten her with her family!

Mikasa clenched her fists and stared at Fritz through gritted teeth.

She bit her lower lip and lowered her eyes, but she had no choice.

Mikasa slowly crouched, her small hands trembling, and reached for the pills that had splashed on the ground.

Mikasa's hands, full of light reddish cocoons, were freshly ground in this Trost recapture battle because too many giants were killed.

At this moment, the hands that were injured because they were protecting humans were reaching for the poison that had been thrown by someone!

Stepping ——!

suddenly, Ayakoji gently held Mikasa's hand and sighed imperceptibly.

He picked up a poison casually, then gently pulled Mikasa and whispered softly

, "Mikasa, how many times have I said this?"

"A man who will only protect his family is respectable."

Gently tugging at Mikasa's scarf, Ayakoji said softly,

"But it's just as sad." "

Mikasa, this time, you only need to be responsible for protecting yourself

, and the rest..." Ayakoji slowly looked back, stared at Fritz gently, and said in a deep voice:

"The rest, just leave it to me." Then

, under everyone's surprised gaze,

Ayakoji gently opened her mouth and swallowed the poison in her hand.

"Qing..... Kiyotaka!"

Mikasa looked at Ayakoji's movements stunned, and couldn't help but be angry.

She snapped her grip on Ayakoji's neck, raised her head to look into his calm eyes, and stretched out her hand towards his mouth

: "Spit it out!" "Spit it out!" "Spit it out!"

Hrista pursed her lips and wanted to rush out, but was pulled by Yumir to death:

"Calm down!


best, she is a royal child who cannot reveal her identity, except for some special status.


Ayakoji swallow the poison, Arnie's heart twitched subconsciously, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the corners of her mouth twitched uncontrollably, and she secretly said in her heart.


is a giant! is a giant! As

long as he is not eaten by a clean giant, even if he is cut in half, he can live well.

Poison, which has no effect on giants.

Only an idiot would believe that giants would be harmed by poison.

Suddenly, as if remembering the first time they met, Arnie's breath suddenly choked.

She remembered that when she first met, she seemed to be fooled by this bastard with poison, right?

At that time, why did she believe that this thing could be poison?

Elvin, Pisis, and Daris frowned lightly, and they inadvertently exchanged glances at each other.

The meaning in his eyes was very obvious: what did

Ayakoji want to do? Unlike everyone's worry, shock, puzzlement and surprise, Ayakoji's expression has not changed from beginning to end.

Gently holding Mikasa's hand, Ayakoji frowned slightly and slowly said, "Mikasa, don't


Then, regardless of her reaction, she walked towards Fritz without a glance.

The training boots stepped on the ground again and again, and he slowly approached Fritz, and said in a deep voice as he walked:

"Your goal, is it me?"

Fritz frowned slightly, a little surprised for a while.

He really wants to control Mikasa through Karula, and then take control of this unknown Sanctions Blade leader.

The current development is indeed beyond his expectations.

That idiot actually swallowed the poison himself,


Fritz's face suddenly became cold.

This unexpected scene made him very upset!!

"Stop there!" Fritz

pressed hard and plunged the dagger into Calula's neck, blood splattered: "You'd

better be honest." Fritz

didn't know Ayakoji's exact strength, but Fritz knew Andrei well.

People who can turn Andre's old fox around, whether it is force or intelligence, are definitely not within the reach of ordinary people!

"Are you really the head of the Sanctions Blade

?" Fritz looked Ayakoji up and down, a hint of doubt flashing uncontrollably.

After all, he had never seen the appearance of the head of the Sanctions Blade before, and had only listened to word of mouth from his subordinates.

Combined with the inexplicable behavior of the child on the other side now.

He now suspects that the person in front of him is just a pretense.

After all, Li Daitao zombies this kind of thing, Andre played, the leader of the sanctions blade, why can't he play it?"

"If, you said the head of the sanctioning group."

Ayakoji gently raised his hands and signaled that he did not have a weapon on him:

"Who killed Andre, who wantonly slaughtered civilians, and a group of shameless nobles."

"That's exactly what I did.

Fritz didn't mean anything joyful or happy, and his whole face instantly became gloomy.

Because, since Aya Koji said these words, even with the suppression of the black-robed soldiers, the masses in the entire military law conference were in chaos.

In the crowd, the big man rolled his eyes and pretended to be puzzled:

"He, what are they talking about?" Huang

Mao's eyes lit up, and he muttered,

"You don't know this."

"Actually, I know something.

"Those nobles who are high and high, have never treated us commoners as human beings.

"In the eyes of those people, we are not even comparable to animals."

The big man blinked and lowered his voice:

"What do you mean?" "

There are nobles who wantonly slaughter our common people. "

Massacre ???

" Huang Mao couldn't help but laugh and mocked: "It's

good to kill directly, but I know some insiders."

"Do you know all about the children who disappeared three years ago?"

"Those children were dismembered alive by some nobles, devoured alive."

"It's still something on the surface, and I don't know how much there is in the dark."

The big man snorted and said to himself:

"Listen, it's creepy."

Although the voice of the conversation between the big man and the yellow hair was suppressed very low, how could the crowd huddled together not hear it,

so in less than a moment, everyone knew what the nobles led by Fritz had done?

In an instant, their eyes turned red, staring at Fritz, their chests full of anger and pain!

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