With a snap——!

Ani slammed the towel onto Ayakoji's face.

She hung her head lightly and whispered uncontrollably:


", "Still crying?", "What crying!" "Will I cry Arnie Reinhardt?

", "I'm just a little tired

!" "It's not Mikasa that they asked me to take care of you, so I didn't close my eyes!" Biting

his lower lip, Arnie turned around sharply and muttered

, "Still



"What are you crying?"

"I haven't cried since I was a child!" "I haven't cried

when I was worn out by weight running!"

I didn't cry when the deafening bullets exploded in my ears

! I didn't cry when I was broken and my bones

were broken! I remember crying, only in my father's arms before leaving.

And when he was about to be strangled by Reiner, who was crazy outside the wall five years ago

! Nothing could make Arnie cry except suffocating death and still tender parting!

Looking at Arnie's back, he didn't know what to say.

After a long silence, Ayakoji slowly spoke:

"I've been in a coma for a few days?" These days

of listening to Yumir in the road, Ayakoji could not detect the passage of time at all.

It seems like a few minutes have passed, and it seems like a few days, even years.

In addition to the waves and the breeze, only the sound of the girl turning from hoarse to ethereal, from bumping to smooth.

However, in reality, after a few days, Ayakoji is not clear.

This point in time is important.

It would be outrageous if he slept directly until Eren started the chirping.

Arnie pursed his lips and whispered a murmur that made Ayakoji feel relaxed:

"Three days." The

wooden door was pushed open.

Mikasa and Hrista looked straight at the awakened Ayakoji and couldn't help but be shocked.

After a short period of shock, there was a joy that could not be suppressed.

Suddenly, Armin squeezed in between the two women and excitedly approached Ayakoji.

He slammed the hot water in his hand on the ground, no matter how sore the back of his hot red hand was.

"Ayakoji, are you okay!"

Armin clasped his hands on Ayakoji's shoulders, his eyes sweeping between them, and looked Ayakoji up and down:


Ayakoji shook her head and handed over the towel in her hand:

"Armin, you wipe the ash on your face first, I don't know, I thought you stole coal." Then

he slowly moved his legs, changed to sitting down, and stayed quietly on the edge of the wooden bed.

He looked around at the different expressions of several people around him and explained softly:

"I just used the power of the giant, and I was a little out of strength for a while.

Then, Ayakoji stared in the direction Mikasa was standing, frowning slightly and sighing.

[Current lifespan: 6 years 05 months!]

The three years of slumber have reduced the original lifespan from nine years to seven years.

And the power of the giant used not long ago reduced the already small life by another whole year.

Now, Ayakoji, there are only six years left.

That's a lot less, but it's definitely not much.

If you want to change your fate, even if you no longer use the power of the soul giant, you are still very pressed in time!"


Mikasa pursed his lips lightly, looking himself up and down.

She turned her back uncontrollably and gently lifted her foot a few times, but found nothing unusual.

Finally, Mikasa slowly raised his head, gently looked at Ayakoji next to the bed, and said slowly,

"Do I have any problems?"

Ayakoji shook her head slightly, did not mean to explain much, and then asked the topic she cared about the most.

"Speaking of which, how is the situation outside now?"

Mikasa licked her dry lips and explained softly

, "If it's about Alan, don't worry over there."

He was taken by Levi to the Survey Corps.

"But Mother Karula was worried for a long time after she found out about the two of you.

Hrista blinked, sneaked out from behind Mikasa, and said with a grin:

"Don't worry about the others, after the military conference, Reiner and Yumir will return to the 104th training base to standby."

Arnie pursed his lips and said sullenly:

"Yes, Reiner and Bertot also went back, except for Marko, they are all fine..."

Reiner and Bertot are currently showing no signs of getting out of control again.

The person behind the scenes, there is no intention to strike again!

Ayakoji nodded lightly, indicating that he was clear.

Mikasa, Hrista, and Armin, who were present, heard Marko's name and their hearts sank.

War, after all, is cruel.

Not so long ago, their partners, left them.

Left silently, and did not leave a single bone.

They don't even know which giant killed Marko, and they don't even know

if the giant died at their hands!

That is, the fallen Tros District has been successfully recaptured,

the giants that have ravaged the streets and created the killing have been banished by them!

However, the giant who killed their partner must have also died at the hands of those who were soldiers with Marko!

She glanced at the calm Ayakoji, clenched her fists, and made a light cut.

Ayakoji looked around at a few people, taking in everyone's reactions, and understood that several people were thinking slightly differently.

After talking to himself in the road, he didn't mean to explain much, but just said softly:

"Is that so, I see." After

that, I said no more.

Armin shook his head, dispelling the sadness in his heart.

At the same time, he also noticed the atmosphere of the scene and wanted to forcibly change the topic.

Armin scratched his head, then looked at Ayakoji thoughtfully, knowing that he had just asked more than just about everyone.

He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, as if he was reporting, and elaborated softly:

"Ayakoji, what happened at the military law conference did have some small impact.

"The inexplicable large number of private soldiers and the fact that you and Eren are giants have spread in the city. "

President Daris and Commander Pisis dragged Commander Nair to report to the king.

Speaking of the king, Armin glanced at Hrista and then quickly straightened up.

After all, according to Ayakoji, their partner Hrista is the one who truly has the royal bloodline.

The guy on the table is just a pseudo-king!"

Commander Erwin and Captain Levi took Petra and they pressed Eren back to the base of the Investigation Corps.

After saying that, Armin seemed to be afraid that Ayakoji would misunderstand something, and anxiously followed:

"Of course, pressing Eren is only performed by the seniors for the masses to see.

Commander Erwin speculated that the successive giants would inevitably make the masses feel afraid, and at that time, there was a high probability of riots.

"This action of the regiment commander is only to prove to the masses that the Survey Corps can take good care of Allen."

Then Armin pursed his lips, recalling the enthusiastic crowd who rushed into the team of investigators and helped Eren loosen the rope, touched his chin, and the corners of his mouth twitched in puzzlement:

"But, Ayakoji, to be honest, I don't quite understand the current situation.

"Even if Alan blocked the outer door of Troth, he..."

After thinking for a long time, Armin could not think of any suitable words, so he had to look up at the sky and said sadly:

"He should not be so warmly welcomed."

"I arranged it.

Ayakoji turned her acid neck and explained calmly:

"The existence of giants is not something that the world can easily accept after all, especially the fact that humans can become giants.

"Therefore, before the military law conference was launched, I arranged for the soldiers of the Sanctions Blade to deliberately guide the public opinion of the whole incident.

"Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

Ayakoji turned her arm and made a clicking sound:

"At the very least, if the king or the people behind him want to arrange for the army to forcefully arrest me and Alan, they must also weigh whether they can go against the will of the people."

Then he gently looked at Hrista and said slowly:

"Hrista, learn a little, after ascending to the throne in the future, it is indispensable to use these means." Hearing

the word superior, Mikasa and Armin rolled their eyes uncontrollably.

Aya Xiaolu, really want to do something that ordinary people dare not think about!

If it weren't for the fact that they had read some books in the past three years, their thinking would have been somewhat avant-garde.

Maybe they will directly arrest Ayakoji and release him when he calms down.

Even Arnie was a little unseen.

Only Christa gave a heartfelt salute with a grin, and then half-squinted her azure eyes, and said softly:

"Obey!" "

Ayakoji Kiyotaka, sir?"

She tilted her head and looked at Ayakoji with a smile, and her heart couldn't help but warm.

She really knew Ayakoji for the first time.

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