Above the white wrist, a black and a red bracelet staggered.

Then, the black bracelet that originally belonged to Ayakoji finally returned to his wrist again.

"Kiyotaka, this time, don't lose it again.

Mikasa lowered her eyes and muttered, "Don't give it to anyone else."

Ayakoji looked at the black bracelet that shone in the sunlight and said softly,

"Got it."

Suddenly, Ayakoji's chest weighed.

I saw Mikasa tilt her head sideways and press the cotton gloves she had snatched from Ayakoji a few years ago against his chest.

"And the gloves that Karula's mother gave you.

Speaking of this, Mikasa's face turned a little red:

"This time it's really the thing that has returned to its original owner!"

Ayakoji was subconsciously stunned, touching the cotton gloves that were still slightly hot on his chest, and couldn't help but provoke a smile.

Speaking of which,

it seems that these gloves were snatched from Mikasa from him three years ago.

Unexpectedly, now, she actually returned it to herself with her own hands

?"What a laugh!"Mikasa asked fiercely, and then slammed into Ayakoji's chest, softly scolding:

"Is it funny?",

"What's ridiculous!

", "It's obviously all your fault

!" "If you are dissatisfied, how can I rob it?


Ayakoji felt the heavy blow in her chest, and couldn't help but snort and didn't explain.

He spread his arms on the red-tiled roof and did not speak for a long time.

Mikasa did the same, gently resting her head on Ayakoji's chest without saying a word.

The sunlight shone on the white skirt and black clothes, and at the wrists of the two, two bracelets, one black and one red, emitted crystal light.


Ayakoji recalled the image she had received in the road, and whispered

, "Now, I still have Alan, who are you?"

Mikasa's response at that time was family!

Although Ayakoji still doesn't understand what liking and love are, the final ending clearly proves one thing.

Mikasa's feelings for Eren are definitely not just family.

Perhaps, Alan's emotion of using life to fulfill and Mikasa spending the rest of his life to accompany and wait is like and love.


appearance inevitably changed the outcome of the whole world from the beginning.

The world is no longer the same world, and Mikasa, Alan and Hrista and Arnie are no longer the same people.

They have quietly changed.

Is Mikasa's feelings for Eren still the kind of feelings that involve liking and love,

or is Mikasa just treating Eren and him as his family to protect for the rest of his life?

She wasn't stupid, she could understand the meaning of Ayakoji's words.


in fact, now, she herself is a little confused about her own thoughts.

Alan and Ayakoji were benefactors and family in the past.

Now, this hazy emotion is gradually different.

Mikasa is not a Khlista, and he can't be sure if he likes Ayakoji's emotions.

In the clarification, she couldn't confirm whether she regarded both Eren and Ayakoji as family, or one of them as an existence who wanted to accompany her for the rest of her life, or whether she regarded the two as beings she wanted to rely on.

Mikasa is brave

, she can endure high-intensity training, and she can ruthlessly swing the butcher knife that kills giants!

But even after training, fighting, and going through many, many things, Mikasa is only a 15-year-old girl after all.

The girl herself did not know what she was really thinking in her own heart.

It's like driving a small boat on a foggy sea, unable to see any light or direction, so you have to keep spinning on the sea called confusion and uncertainty.

In the end, the answer could only be

: "I don't know..." Mikasa got up slightly, bent over, looked straight into Ayakoji's dark eyes, and said softly:

"You or Alan, I really don't know

if you are my family or anyone else."

"I just know that you are the existence that I will protect even if I give my life."

"Kiyotaka, I know you said that if a person wants to protect others, he must first protect himself.

"I know you want me to change my own mind.

"But I really can't change that. Man exists for others, and if a person is separated from the people she cares about, away from the human group, then her existence will become meaningless.

"Even if I give my life, protect the people I care about, that's what I think."

Mikasa said this, reaching out and taking Ayakoji's hand and pulling her up gently.

She stared into Ayakoji's eyes with a serious expression, and shook her lower lip lightly, reciting Mikasa's worries from her heart:

"Kiyotaka, you only have four years left, right?"

Whether it's going to fight the giants, or going to light a bonfire at night, and talk and laugh together, it's all fine.

"In the limited time, as long as everyone can stay together, that's enough! Just as

Christa would be queen, Mikasa could really change herself.

However, compared to being a queen and changing yourself, isn't it more important now to accompany the person in front of you who doesn't know when it will disappear completely?"

"Is this what you think now, Mikasa..."

Ayakoji nodded, deep

and sad: "I see

" He slowly turned around, looking inexplicable, and greeted:

"Let's go, Mikasa."

Ayakoji looked up, looked straight at the rising sun, and muttered,

"The sun here is so poisonous." The

harsh sunlight shrouded Ayakoji's eyes, reflecting the more dazzling words

: [Children of the World: Mikasa Ackerman. That girl, once again, was bound by something. Lifespan - 1 year! Remaining lifespan: 04 years 05 months!]


Ayakoji coldly pulled off the white collar hanging around his neck and took off the bracelet on his wrist.

Then he stuffed everything, including the cotton gloves, into his arms.

Judging from the future intelligence, people with Ackerman's bloodline inevitably have the characteristics of confessing the Lord!

Now, Ayakoji has confirmed one thing.

Six years ago, he fought against the kidnappers with Eren and Mikasa, and it is likely that he Ayakoji Kiyotaka and Alan Yeager became the key to the power of Mikasa Ackerman's bloodline.

In other words

, he and Eren have become obstacles that Mikasa cannot do for himself!

Ayakoji now feels very complicated inside, because

of him, Christa gradually extinguished his determination to be a queen and put the matter of taking back everything that belongs to him behind.

Because of him, Mikasa, who had already changed a little, repeated the same mistake and once again stepped into the cage called a slave.

If it continues, Christa will die on the way to the throne, even if it does not turn into a white bone, he will eventually lose his domineering and rational as a queen, become a tool of those in power, and eventually have no choice but to use fertility as a weapon of confrontation.

If this continues, Mikasa will close the rusty fence door with his own hands and lock himself in a dark cage, wondering when he will be free from the inferior nature of slaves in the Ackerman bloodline, let alone awaken his own independent will.

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