
"Are you all right, Ayakoji?" I

don't know how long it took, when Erwin suddenly spoke up.

His eyes were full of unfazed reason.

The kind of gaze that was enough to make ordinary people creepy and overwhelmed fell so straight to the side face of Ayakoji.

"But I have a lot of questions.

"You ask. Ayakoji seemed to have expected it, and did not panic at all: "I know everything."

Erwin provoked a smile, not seeing anything in the slightest:

"The first question, how did you get the power of giants.

"It's not clear. Ayakoji said softly

, "Actually, at first, I didn't know I had the power of a giant.

He looked at Erwin without fear and explained

reasonably: "Erwin, your intelligence should have information about the giant I turned into.

"Five years ago, in order to save Aunt Karula, I was bitten in two by a giant.

"At that time, I accidentally used the abilities of the soul giant.

"Other than that, I don't know anything.

Erwin nodded subconsciously.

Indeed, what Ayakoji said and the intelligence are correct.

"The second question...,"

Erwin stretched out two fingers and continued to ask,

"Does your giant power really need life as a price?"

Aya Xiaolu raised her eyebrows slightly, and then couldn't help but shake her head:

"Sure enough, you know what Armin and I said."

Erwin replied, "I asked for it, but you shouldn't blame Armin, will you?"

Ayakoji shrugged, his face relaxed: "But since you've already asked Armin, why ask me again?"

"Every time he transforms, he only consumes physical strength, and I really need to consume life."

Erwin then asked, "How many years do you have left?"


Four years?" Erwin touched his chin and was silent for a long time, not knowing what to think about.

"The third question..." he gently raised three fingers and continued to ask,

"How much do you really know about the truth about giants?"

Ayakoji lied expressionlessly,

"It's just a little more than you."

"To find out what all this is all about, or to honestly take back Maria's Wall and go to the basement of Alan's house." "

Really?" Erwin raised his voice tentatively, visibly disbelieving.

Ayakoji tilted her head, looked at Erwin, and nodded firmly:

"Really, I never lie.

Erwin: "....,"

At the same time, countless sneezing sounds were heard from the scattered troops.


Erwin sighed helplessly, then pulled the reins of the horse and asked again:

"One last question." Erwin's

face turned cold suddenly, and he hooked straight at Ayakoji, and a little hostility rose around him

: "Do you know the identity of Kai's giant, oversized giant, and giantess

?" Ayakoji raised his eyebrows slightly, helplessly:

"Erwin, are you doubting me

?" "But aren't you very clear about the information from five years ago?"

At that time, the giant I turned into confronted those three giants head-on.

"As for identity?"

Ayakoji shrugged,

"I don't know.

"After all, it was the first time I became a giant, and after solving everything, I passed out.

Erwin frowned, pondering.

"Besides, if I'm with them.

Ayakoji squinted his eyes slightly, and said indifferently:

"Do you think you can live until now?" Erwin

silently raised his head, looking at each other with Ayakoji's emotionless eyes, silent.

The atmosphere became solemn in an instant.


"Whahahahaha! Ayakoji! Ayakoji!"

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded from behind the two of them.

I saw a four-eyed boy... A knowledgeable and inquisitive detachment leader shouted and inserted himself between the two.

"It's been a long time!!"

Hanji waved his arms excitedly, leaned in front of

Ayakoji, poked the top for a while, poked the bottom for a while, very excited: "Hurry up, Ayakoji, tell me about that

giant!" "It's called a soul giant, right

!" "This name! It's really cool!"

Hanji clenched his hands into fists, his face flushed and waved up and down, his eyes shining:

"What about ability? What is ability

?" "Steam of the super-large giant? The hardened armor of the giant of Kai? Do you have both?" "

Wait, wait! Don't talk about it! Let me say it first!" Han

Lili pulled out the note from his arms and turned page by page:

"Well, I'll take a look.

"The ability to transform into reality like a soul, haha! It's amazing!" "

And there's also the ability to heal like a resurrection from the dead! It's so cool! It's so cool! It's just that it takes life and so on.

Han Ji almost pressed his eyes to the book, excited:

"Also, you can turn some specific soldiers into animals, right, and the nature of giants?"

Han Ji looked straight at Ayakoji, excitedly guessing:

"After you solved those three intelligent giants at that time, you should have disappeared, right?"

"Oh my God, Aya Koji, you can't still be like the gods, you can reach a distance of thousands or even tens of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye, right?" "


"Oh, Ayakoji, don't go! It's okay to change half

!" "Slow down, slow down! Wait for me! Half can't, one arm is fine!" "

You let me see! Please! Ayakoji !!

" Erwin helplessly rubbed his forehead and looked at the two people away with a wry smile:

"Hanji... You're still the same.

Then, his gaze fell on Ayakoji's back, and it instantly became gloomy.

What Ayakoji said was in line with known intelligence and logic in all respects.

But Erwin just felt that something was wrong.

And the most wrong thing ....

"That's what you're for, Ayakoji.

Erwin frowned, very sad.

In this world, all people have their own purposes, or desires.

Some people are eager to make meritorious achievements;

some people are crazy to study the truth! some people are obsessed with the pursuit of the truth

! some people swear to expel giants! some

people are willing to protect them with their lives

! Some people are

full of freedom!

All people's actions seem to revolve around their purposes and desires.

But Erwin couldn't deduce his purpose from what Ayakoji had done.

There was no way to guess Ayakoji's thoughts based on his purpose.

It's like a mess, cut and messy, and you can't find where the source is.

Ayakoji was like a fog that could not be seen through to Erwin.

He didn't know what was hidden in this fog, good or bad, let

alone if he continued to explore this fog, he would step into a heaven full of morning light or a hell full of flames.


He will fall into the bottomless endless abyss, with everyone!

"Ayakoji, Ayakoji, what exactly do you want to do?"

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