Convert Mina and Sabel....

Hanging from the tree,


huge paws exploded on the side of Armin's warhorse.

Between the splashes of rubble, Armin struggled to maintain the balance of his warhorse.

Through the billowing smoke, Armin raised his head slightly and looked at the giantess again.

The giantess looked at Armin lightly, and then slowly deflected her gaze, without the slightest intention of killing!

Armin struggled to climb the treetops, trying to untie the rope between Mina and Sabel, and shouted helplessly as he untied it:

"Mina, Sabel, don't move!"

"A few more giants will come in a while, we can't run away!"

Got it!"

Mina hugged Sabel like an octopus, looking at the empty ground below her, only feeling a weakness in her heart.

She looked up at the sky and wanted to cry without tears: "I... I didn't move!" "

I... I didn't move....."Sabel held Mina's body with a red face, and her heart wanted to cry without tears.

Hurry up! Hurry

up! Armin! You hurry up

! I can't stand it!

Armin pursed his mouth and didn't say a word.

Between the afterlight, Armin looked at the running giantess from a distance, and his fists clenched involuntarily.

"Didn't kill us?" The

goal of the action is clear! There is no intention of devouring humans

! It can be seen that it is another intelligent

giant! Blonde, fast action, exactly in line with known intelligence

! This is the giantess who should have disappeared with the super-large giant and Kai Giant five years ago!

"That can't be done, is it really you?"

Armin pursed his lips, only feeling extremely irritable, and couldn't help but muttered helplessly in his heart.



Boom——! Boom

——! Boom


giantess kept running wildly in the grassland, and actually avoided all the survey corps.

Suddenly, the giantess's expression jerked violently.

Between the teeth, there was a piercing sound

! "Bastard, stupid! scumbag!"

Ani, who was inside the giant, gritted his teeth unwillingly.

In the flesh and blood, Ani cursed angrily against a butterfly.

She forced herself to endure the anger in her heart, and couldn't help but open her mouth and roared:

"Ayakoji, you bastard, what the hell do you want to do?" "What is your purpose! What the hell!" "What

did you not want to do..." Ayakoji's

voice sounded in Ani's mind.

"It's just doing some experiments.

"Arnie, close your mouth and spread your legs. Now, you can walk towards the Forest of Giant Trees, and according to the information obtained now, you should not see any soldiers along the way. "

If you see it..."

Ayakoji's voice suddenly became cold, and she said nonchalantly:

"Just kill and give it a try!" "

Why don't you dare

to do it now?" "Arnie, what do you think?"

Then, without waiting for Arnie to respond, Ayakoji unilaterally cut off the soul communication.


!" Ani's whole body trembled with anger, his voice hoarse and slightly choked:

"Ayakoji, you fucking bastard!"

Alan, Mikasa, Hrista, Armin....... What kind of !! is everyone to Ayakoji as a person


"Is there anything unusual?"

said Ayakoji, the farthest corner of the Giant Tree Forest.

"No..." Gina's voice came one after another in his head.

"Mikasa and Ellie's side is nothing unusual.

"Hellista is over there too.

Eren wasn't out of the slightest anomaly.

"It's the same with everyone else.

"Got it, Gina, remember to especially strengthen the surveillance of Alan. Ayakoji was very calm, and ordered softly and methodically:

"Remember, pay special attention to Alan's eyes, is there any golden light?"

In my mind, there was an echo of Gina.

Ayakoji stood on the giant tree and nodded slightly, then looked at the sun that began to gradually set.

The wind rustles through the grassy fields.

The gradually yellowing barren grass is slowly dyeing a beautiful red like dusk.

It's just that in this smear, there seems to be a bright color-blood red!

There is a neatly rising sound in the ears, and the pungent smell of blood belonging to the giant comes from the tip of the nose.

"Aha! Ayakoji! Ayakoji! Here you are!"

The hook lock ——! nailed

to Ayakoji's side, and Hanji laughed and walked over to Ayakoji's side, giggling.

Ayakoji just looked at the dusk and didn't say a word.

Han Ji was still giggling, chatting about the world, but the sound became more and more subtle.

Speechless for a long time.

Seeing this, Han Ji converged all his smiles, and his face became serious in an instant:

"Na, Ayakoji, what do you say Erwin wants to do this time?"


Hanji smiled sharply, covered his stomach and said

, "Hahaha, sure enough, Ayakoji, you still look like you can't talk like this." Ayakoji

gently patted Ayakoji's shoulder

, leaning on his shoulder and hanging his head against Ayakoji's ear.

The light of the setting sun slowly shone on Han Ji's body, and his crystal glasses emitted an inexplicable white light.

Han Ji couldn't help but smile, hoarse his voice, and said in a deep voice:

"My mission this time is to spy on you."


Han Ji tilted his head and looked at Ayakoji's deflected black eyes, his words still laughing, but his expression was not as unorthodox as words.


So, Ayakoji..."

"Can you tell me who you were talking to?"

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