
fifty-seventh extramural survey, investigating the casualties of the Corps....

Eren opened his mouth and slowly closed it.

Of course he understood Levi's words.

The purpose of this extramural investigation, at this moment, has been alive in front of Allen.


, it is a hidden among

them who can become giants

, but if there is no malice towards them, why did she participate in breaking the wall back then? But if there is no malice towards them,

what is the purpose of her appearance here at this moment?

Then he clenched his fists fiercely and pierced his nails deep into the palm of his hand.

This kind of thing that you can't figure out is really annoying

! But as long as you can catch the giantess now, as soon as you ask, everything will be clear

! Therefore, the most important thing at present, really have to make a choice!

Is it to believe in yourself and rely on the power of the giant to catch the giant behind you?

Allen's eyes swept lightly, taking in the expectant gazes of Petra and Oluo and the others.

Suddenly, the scene of the day he recaptured Tros District came to Allen's mind.

The boulder he carried successfully blocked the destroyed outer door of Tros District, emitting a deafening roar of victory.

But Allen knew that he would not have been able to do this on his own, without the assistance of the seniors stationed in the corps and the sacrifice of his companions.

Consciousness slowly returned, Eren took a deep breath, then raised his head and shouted:

"Continue!" "Forward!"

Eren looked around at the chuckling people and muttered in his heart

, Partners,

step on the warhorses of ——!

Allen and several people, and crossed a bridge.

The giantess chased after her and stepped into the fragile bridge with a boom.

Just as she was about to pull out her feet, Erwin yelled

in her ears: "Fire!" "

Attention! Avoid the back of her neck!"


a continuous roar sounded in everyone




's ears!

Allen, who was sitting on the standing horse, suddenly turned around, his eyes widened uncontrollably, and he was very surprised.


smoke and dust dispersed, and the giantess lowered her head in horror, and her body was pierced by sharp arrows like spikes.

Hard ropes crisscrossed in the air, reflecting a sharp cold light!

"Damn it, bastard!" Ani at the back of the giantess's neck roared unwillingly, a little aggrieved.

"Ayakoji, don't tell me, you didn't know there was such a thing!"

she choked and roared

, "If you want to kill or kill, I'll do whatever you want! But..."

Ani bit his lower lip fiercely and scolded at the butterfly on his forehead:

"Not as bullying as you!"

This damn guy, is he going to kill her, or what is he going to do?

Ayakoji in the distance didn't mean to reply at all, and

behind him, was Han Ji's vigilant gaze.

In my ears, it was Han Ji's chattering question.

In my mind, came the report that Gina "found nothing unusual".


Stepping ——!

Levi landed lightly on Elvin's side, silent.

"What's the situation now?" asked Erwin casually.

"No casualties!" replied Levi softly.

"Yes," Erwin's eyes flashed with a twinkle,

"I see."

Levi raised his eyebrows lightly, and said helplessly

, "But you, Erwin, what exactly do you want to do?"


Are you trying to ask him why he's not here? In fact, the reason is very simple

..." Erwin turned his head, stared at Levi, and said expressionlessly

: "Because I can't trust him, Levi..." Levi's

eyes widened sharply, incredulous: "Elvin... Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know, but right now, it doesn't matter. Erwin

replied casually, then looked at the back of the giantess's neck and said softly:

"Now, we should think about how we can invite the kind young lady inside to come out for a cup of black tea."

"By the way, what is her purpose and the purpose of the person behind her."

But just as Levi and Erwin were about to jump off the giant tree and try to communicate with the giantess.

The wind is up

! Roar——!

a cry that spreads thousands of meters suddenly sounded!

The giant on the edge of the Giant Tree Forest seemed to have heard some call, gave up the food in front of him, and rushed to the Giant Tree Forest like crazy.

"Could it be impossible!"

Han Ji also noticed such a scene, and couldn't help but widen his eyes and look into the woods in horror.

With a pop——!

she suddenly leaped in front of a giant, only to find that the bloodthirsty giant in the past did not care about her existence!

Hanji gritted his teeth lightly, returned to the tree, and looked worriedly into the depths of the woods:

"Could it be that the giant that Erwin caught still has the ability to summon other giants


?"She turned around suddenly, looked directly at Ayakoji who was not far away, and said badly:

"Ayakoji, my soulmate, until now, you still don't say anything?"

Ayakoji tilted her head slightly, looked at Han Ji without sadness or unhappiness, and said coldly:

"Han Ji, have you

been like that since the beginning?" "

What have you been saying?"

he tilted his head and silently stared into Han Ji's eyes,

"I just..."

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