"Is it... I know...... I know. The

man kept muttering this sentence for a long time, and then slowly fell silent, leaving only choked and sobbed.

After a long silence



man wiped his tears:

"Commander Levi, I know, this kid likes you very much."

"I like to go inside and outside the letter, and they all reveal that they want to marry you."

"Originally, her mother and I disagreed because we thought you were too old.

"Just last time, her mother and I had a big fight with her over this and didn't even eat the last reunion dinner.

"If only I had known this time it would be like this..... We won't stop her." "

At the very least, the last time they saw each other was happy.

At the very least, before dying, with their consent, Petra might be able to take down the young man in front of her


? The man's throat trembled softly, swallowing salty tears mixed with sticky saliva with pain.

He trembled into his arms and handed Levi a paper package,

"My daughter she..... She knows that you like to drink black tea.

"This is what she asked me to buy in the letter, probably to surprise you."

"Commander Levi, you take it..." The


man slammed the paper package uncontrollably into Levi's arms, then squeezed the letter and fled.

He suddenly didn't want to go home.

He suddenly wanted to drink....

Levi stared blankly at the distant back, clutching the paper package in his hand tightly, only to feel that the palm of his hand was extremely numb by the thorns of dead leaves.


murmured through Levi's hoarse voice.

Suddenly, Levi's ears sounded what Ayakoji said.

"Have you ever thought that even if there is no so-called love that can affect reason, Petra may be buried in the hands of giants.

"Do you want her to die with regret

?" "Or do you want to cry at her tombstone?"


The eyes are sore, Levi's cheeks fall two lines of tears, hot cheeks hurt, heart hurt!

When was the last time he cried?

It seems to have been when my mother died.

Levi originally thought that by then he had already shed the tears of his life.

Unexpectedly, there was still no streamer.

Levi has only cried twice in his life.

Once, it was because of a woman.

Once, or because of a woman.

"Ayakoji, you really got it right.

"I didn't expect that in the end, I would really not only grit my teeth, but also cry bitterly



He gritted his teeth and widened his eyes, and his suppressed anger was like a boiling volcano, suddenly erupting:


!" "Kill you!" "

I must definitely kill you with my own hands

!! ...

At night, inside the carriage.

Erwin, Levi, Armin, Alan, Mikasa, and Jean all come together.


!" "Absolutely impossible!"

Allen's eyes widened, and his body trembled a little before he had yet to recover.

He listened to Armin's conclusion and couldn't help but shout: "How is this possible!"

Jean pulled out a smile, spread out his hands, looked at Armin, and shook his head in disbelief:

"Arnie is a giantess or something, don't make such jokes, Armin!"

Mikasa hung her head, silent, just clenched her fists, telling her inner inpeace at this moment.

"If I could, I wouldn't want to make such a speculation..."

Armin smiled wryly, then hung his head and looked at the kerosene lamp that was constantly flickering in the center of the carriage.

The flames flickered, pulling the light and darkness in front of them, disturbing everyone's hearts.

However, all the clues pointed to Arnie.


Armin pursed his lips, looked at Allen, and asked softly

, "When you transform into a giant, golden light will appear."

"That's right. Eren gasped weakly, waved his hand sharply, and couldn't help yelling: "But what does this have to do with Arnie..." Suddenly,

Eren froze and looked at Armin in disbelief.

Even the words in his mouth were swallowed alive.

"Sure enough, you saw it then.

Armin pursed his lips and smiled bitterly:

"I saw it three years ago when dealing with Gold in the warehouse. "

I also saw it three years ago when I was dealing with Andre at Dracula Manor.

He pursed his lips into a slit, looked around his frozen partner, and muttered

, "I see, the golden light on Arnie."

"The exact same golden light as when Eren transformed into a giant!"

That doesn't mean that Arnie is a giantess. Maybe she's another giant!"

Eren kept shaking his head, but his voice was a little weak.

"Don't say it, Alan..." Mikasa clenched his fists, his teeth biting lightly, and his voice was hoarse:

"You must have noticed it when you fought against the giantess."

"The kind of punch and leg exposed fighting technique is exactly the same as Arnie's."

"One more thing..." Armin opened his mouth and slowly closed it again.

After a long silence, he looked at Jean in a complicated way, and guessed uncertainly:

"Do you remember the fact that the giant captured by the Investigation Corps a few days ago was killed?"

Just the next sentence completely silenced Eren and Mikasa:

"I see, Marko's three-dimensional mobile device!"

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