
In the Rosse City area thousands of miles away, Ayakoji slowly opened her eyes and closed her eyes, and couldn't help but mutter

: "Strong feelings..." "

Can people get rid of the control of the power of the ancestors?"



Stepping ——!

"Ah... Ani "

Mikasa held Louise and landed not far away.

She slowly turned her head, raised her eyes, looked at the giantess who was holding the bell tower with a complicated face, and couldn't help but speak:

"Are you recovered?"

Those eyes, as transparent as the blue sky, gently fell on the ground under the clock tower.

Reflected, dotted with gravel.

Above the gravel, the white milk candy is so conspicuous.


The giantess raised her hands ——!

and threw the clock tower to one side!

The giantess humanely stretched out her hands and pressed her temples on both sides.

His eyebrows twisted, revealing a pained expression of struggle.

Immediately afterward, she lowered her hands.

The giantess looked down slightly, took a deep look at Mikasa and Louise, looked around, and then slammed into the wall.


ani in the giantess was sweating profusely and couldn't help but gasp.



she gritted her teeth lightly, secretly deciding in her heart.

Arnie controlled the giantess, glanced back at Allen, who was still bubbling, and couldn't help pursing his lips.

I was expecting Eren to restrain her behavior....

I didn't expect him to be so unreliable

, I couldn't stay here

, I had to move while I could still move, away from crowded places.

Only in this way will she have a greater possibility that she will not hurt the people she cares about!

At this moment, he was still in the darkness, and he only felt weak.

In fact, until now, he still can't figure out the meaning of this battle.

Naturally, there is no desire to fight, and it cannot burst out with full strength.

"Alan, Alan, how are you?......"

Mikasa looked worriedly at the broken neck that was constantly steaming, his eyebrows furrowed, a little anxious.

After exhaling——!

she took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it again.

Mikasa lowered her head, touched Louise's little head, and said softly

, "Louise, you stay here, don't run around."

Then, she jerked her head up, looked straight at the running giantess, and said in a deep voice:

"I'm going to chase your sister Ani." Then

, in a chilling sound of breaking the air, he jumped into the sky.

"Ah..... Sister Arnie?"

Louise's eyes flashed with a hint of dazedness.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on the snow-white sugar cubes on the ground.

At the same time, she also recalled the familiar expression of the giantess just now.


Louise looked at the huge figure not far away, and couldn't help but raise her voice, whispering:

"Is that Sister Arnie


?" Before the vision, there is a ripple of golden light.

In my mind, a little white mist gathered again and pervaded.

Click——! click

——! Click——!

the giantess manipulated by Ani straightened her eyes and stared straight ahead.

She stretched out her hardened hand, clasped into the wall, and climbed desperately step by step.


gritted his teeth fiercely, desperately trying to maintain his sanity.

Even if it gets out of control again, it must not be out of control here!

Suddenly, the giantess was stunned and involuntarily stopped the movement in her hand.

Stepping ——!

bright red scarf fluttering, Mikasa gently fell on the tip of the giantess's nose, looking at those azure eyes with a complicated expression.

"Ani . . .

"After you regain your senses, don't you have anything to tell us

?" "You just..."

Mikasa pursed her lips and said unwillingly,

"Are you going to run away like this?"


giantess subconsciously shook her head and looked at Mikasa in front of her, her eyes full of pleading.


a slight roar, resounding from the giantess, slightly fragile.

"Get out of there! Mikasa!" the giant Ani kept shaking his head and kept yelling:

"Please, Mikasa! Get out of there!" "Petra! That's ——!how Petra died!"


Let me go, Mikasa!

", "Let me get out of here first..."

At the very least, let me get out of here now!" Combining the

giantess's reaction with the anxiety and pleading in her eyes, Mikasa opened her mouth slightly, understanding.


thought that Arnie wanted to run away without saying a word...

Now it seems that Arnie wants to move the battlefield while he still has reason?

Mikasa pursed his lips, nodded slightly, and said softly

, "I know, Arnie."

"Go ahead, when it's all over, we'll have a good chat." Then

he jumped lightly and gave way to the road ahead.

Seeing this, the giantess no longer dared to hesitate any longer and climbed upwards!

But at the same time, Ani only felt that his body was getting heavier.

Until, all perception, again, is stripped away.

The hand, which symbolizes autonomous will, falls gently at the end of the wall in the sunlight, but hangs weakly.

Not far away, Mikasa looked at her in surprise.

The giantess stared at the scorching sun in the firmament and slowly fell from the long sky.



steam pervaded, flesh and bones disappeared.

Arnie's figure quietly appeared in the air.


exclaimed Mikasa subconsciously, manipulating the three-dimensional maneuvering device and speeding towards Anie in the air.

And at this moment, Arnie's body is like duckweed in the rain, cotton wool in the air, constantly rolling in the air.

As the sky whirled, Ani's tired eyes slowly met Mikasa.

She struggled to open her mouth, resisting the urge to close her eyes, and tried desperately to spread the last message to

Mikasa: "Mikasa, be careful..."

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