When Ayakoji heard this, a hint of thought could not help but flash in her eyes.

Ellie did know a lot more than anyone else.

It's already nice to be able to guess this level.

This is also the incident that Ellie did not follow Mikasa to the city, and it is not clear about Arnie.

Otherwise, Ellie, this little girl, would have already taken his plan seriously.

Ayakoji raised her eyes slightly, swept without a trace to Miko, who was watching him not far away, and shook her head at Ellie.

"No, Gina may be a little tired lately?"

Ellie rolled her eyes and hung her head and muttered,

"Who believes it?"

She heard it!

Heard a deafening sound not far away.


a stabbing sound——!

Miko stepped on the roof, staring at the smoke and dust that gradually spread not far away, his expression serious, and his tone was surprised:

"Is that a giant

?" "Damn it!" "

Rosse's wall, has it also been breached?" At

this moment, Miko could no longer care about the task that Erwin had given him to monitor Ayakoji.

He turned and shouted at the recruits and veterans in the room,

"Don't be stunned!"

"Hurry up and get on your horses to inform the villages!" and

then Miko couldn't help but scream softly in his heart.

Damn, Erwin, this time, your decision was a huge mistake!

In order to keep an eye on the possible giants in this group of recruits,

Erwin took all the three-dimensional maneuvering devices away.

Only the individual squad leaders are retained.

With such a limited number of available forces, it is simply impossible to deal with the coming giant!"


Conny's eyes widened in disbelief, and he couldn't help but mutter

, "What are you kidding

!" "My family, my village, my hometown, but it's in the south!"

"Connie, calm down!"

Reiner noticed something was wrong with Conny, gently patted Connie's shoulder, and said in a deep voice:

"Follow the order first."

"What the hell to do, we'll talk about it later." "

Nanabas, Grugar!"

said Miko to the female soldier with short blonde hair and a male soldier who was not good-looking

, "you two take the recruits to the villages to inform you of the news, and I will stay here."

"And Gruger, you fellow, remember not to be greedy again! After this operation, I will ask you to drink enough!" "


Nanabas gave a gentle salute and turned away.

Grugger scratched his head in embarrassment and echoed

, "Don't worry, Captain Miko, I won't do this."

Miko nodded, and when he left, he did not forget to greet the recruits:

"Don't be stunned!

Ayakoji squinted slightly, grabbed Miko, and said softly:

"Miko, you also follow them to leave, to be responsible for the notification."

"Here, it's up to me. Miko

opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to refuse, and then suddenly stunned, remembering Ayakoji's combat strength.

This, but can suppress Levi's existence.

At the same time, Mi Ke couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He only realized it now.

If Ayakoji can crush Levi and beat him, doesn't that mean that he can be easily solved too.

But Erwin, the guy, even ordered him to monitor Ayakoji.

Even if he found that Ayakoji showed signs of similar collaboration, could he still take Ayakoji?

Miko only now found out that his task was not useless!


Miko glanced at Ayakoji's three-dimensional mobile device, and his eyes were full of resentment.


now wonders if Erwin's head is funny

! This task, now it seems that there is no need to carry it out at all!

But Miko actually misunderstood Erwin.

Erwin will leave Ayakoji with a three-dimensional mobile device, just because of it.

Whether or not there is a three-dimensional motorized device, for Ayakoji, the difference is not much.

As for asking Miko to take down Ayakoji, Erwin didn't even think about it.

Surveillance surveillance, like Hanji, just collect intelligence.

"Okay, I see.

Miko nodded slightly towards Ayakoji, agreeing with him.

The most urgent task at the moment is to quickly convey the news that the Wall of Rosse has been breached and that a large number of giants have rushed to the interior

! The major corps must be notified in advance so as to quickly build up fortifications

! Otherwise, if it drags on, it will be another mountain of corpses and a sea of blood!

The wall of Maria fell five years ago, and the masses could not bear it.


last of the Schina Wall must be protected,

otherwise humanity will completely lose hope of survival!



Ayakoji instructed, turning to look at Ellie,

"you follow them with Hrista."

"With your abilities, even without a three-dimensional maneuvering device, you can play a key role in critical moments."

"Okay..... Okay, I see.

Ellie shrugged, then caught up with Hrista's large force that had been looking this way.

Between the roar of the ——!

war horse, the crisp sound of horses' hooves sounded one after another, leaving this small stronghold and rushing from all directions.

Before leaving, Ellie looked at Ayakoji, gritting her teeth lightly, and her face was puzzled.

With Ayakoji's strength, you can't use a three-dimensional mobile device at all.

So why didn't Ayakoji leave the three-dimensional motorized device to her?

"It's coming..."

Ayakoji stood quietly on the roof, looking at the galloping giant not far away, and whispered,

"Jick Yeyeger." "

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