I saw Kenny, who got up, maintain the action of throwing back the spinal fluid, motionless.

After standing still for a long time, Kenny straightened up, pressed the brim of his hat again, and did not speak for a long time.

"No need to waste time validating.

Suddenly, Kenny looked at Ayakoji on the opposite side and couldn't help but pout.

So confident and casual, the probability is true.

Kenny raised his eyes slightly, looked at Ayakoji who turned back, and his lips moved slightly:

"The deal is established."

He licked his lips and touched the barrel on the side of his leg:

"So, Ayakoji, what do you want me to do?" "Kill

the person who is watching you in the dark?"

With that, Kenny gave a bloodthirsty smile.

To be honest, he had long been very upset with this Uli brother.

Now, the way to obtain the power of the giant is very obvious, and Rhode has lost even the means to finally control him.

Now, Kenny doesn't mind killing Rhode at all.

Ding Zero said——!


Ayakoji gently put the spinal fluid back into the barrel, then looked at Kenny and

ordered, "Wait for the operation of the Survey Corps outside the city to end."

"After that.

Ayakoji paused slightly, and spoke again:

"You can just do as Rhode thinks."

Kenny's eyes widened in surprise

, puzzled, "you mean catch and Christa and Alan?"

Ayakoji nodded calmly and repeated again:

"As Rhode thought.

"Capture Hrista and Alan.


," Kenny scratched the back of his head irritably, very distressed:

"It's inexplicable."

"I have my plan, you just do it."

Ayakoji nodded lightly and began to explain to Kenny what he was going to do.

After a long time

, Kenny stuffed a small tube of spinal fluid into his arms, then reached out casually, grabbed the window frame and stepped on the roof, then pressed his top hat and gestured to Ayakoji below him:

"Okay, I see."

"I'll finish what you tell me."

He smiled fiercely and added

, "However, after the deal is closed, you'd better be able to fulfill the promises you made."


glanced at Yumir and threatened in a cold voice:

"I'm still quite confident in killing the people around you." Then

, he disappeared into the night.

Yumir paid no attention to Kenny's threatening and murderous words.

She blinked, and then realized

, "Little Kenny, it's so tall."

Ayakoji squinted her eyes slightly, looking at Yumir in bewilderment, not knowing what she meant by this.

Yumir smiled softly, drove his hand, touched his chin and said to himself

: "Ayakoji, you said that little Kenny is so tall, why is little Levi not tall at all

?" "Was he malnourished when he was a child

?" replied casually, then frowned, and added:

"Or maybe Levi follows his father?" This

time, it was Yumir's turn to be stunned.

She was just joking so casually, why did Ayakoji still answer?


In the territory of the Wall of Hina

, a small brightly lit building, soldiers coming and going, conveying orders hoarsely, are not lively.

A certain cabin in the small building, the fire flickered.

No one knows how long the fire lasted, only that the kerosene inside it was about to burn out.

Sitting on the stool, Erwin was almost overwhelmed by the mountains of papers on the table.

Front-line intelligence said that the Wall of Rosse had been destroyed, and all the documents on the table were mobilization documents for planning the defense of the Wall of Hina.

At this moment, Erwin hung his head and pinched his brow irritably.

With a creak——!

he heard the familiar creak of the door frame, and Erwin did not open his eyes, waved his hand, and signaled:

"Put the documents on the table, I'll read them later."

Ayakoji and Yumir looked at each other and didn't say anything for a while.

Together, Erwin regarded them as soldiers who reported intelligence?

Seeing that there was no reply for a long time, Erwin subconsciously frowned.

He gently raised his eyes and looked at the door that was pushed open, but his expression couldn't help but be stunned.

I saw Ayakoji holding a wooden barrel in her left hand and a little girl in her right hand, standing there quietly.

The next time——!

Erwin subconsciously pulled away the seat, and said in surprise:

"Ayakoji, how are you going back..."

At this point, Erwin was stunned again, and then involuntarily clenched his fists gently.

By the way!

He remembered.

At that time, Han Ji was sent, and he did say that he would guide Ayakoji back to the royal city.

After processing the documents for half a day, Erwin was also a little tired, and forgot about this for a while.

However, he didn't expect Hanji to meet Ayakoji so soon.

According to the time when Ayakoji came back, Han Ji and they had just left the city when they encountered Ayakoji.


, Erwin subconsciously pursed his lips, and then quickly returned to his calm appearance.

He also did not expect that Ayakoji would really listen to Han Ji's words and choose to return to the city.

Could it be that Ayakoji really has no idea about the fact that Ani and the others are giants?

Thinking further, didn't Ayakoji really stand on the side of the group of intelligent giants

, but if he thought so, what was

Ayakoji's purpose? Could it be just his illusion that he felt that Ayakoji was hiding something?

Could it be that his surprisingly accurate sixth sense had failed this time?

However, it doesn't matter if Ayakoji is friend or foe, and what he wants to do.

The first thing that is put in the first place now is really to stabilize Ayakoji for the time being.

"Ayakoji, you're back.

Erwin made up his mind and smiled lightly.


he sighed softly, and looked strangely at the girl beside Ayakoji, and couldn't help frowning.

"Ayakoji, who is she?" How

could it give him a familiar, familiar feeling

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