Erwin frowned tightly, subconsciously clenching his fists:

"You can't let the people be deceived like this!"

He stood up abruptly and couldn't help shouting softly towards Ayakoji:

Ayakoji, we must help Hrista get back to where she should be.

"That throne shouldn't be occupied by a false royal family!"

Ayakoji raised her eyes slightly, looking at Erwin's expression at this moment.

That face, which was always rational and calm, was dyed with a touch of excitement and excitement at this moment.

What's more, after that intense excitement and excitement, Ayakoji also sensed what Erwin desperately lurked - a kind of paranoia and madness.


about the truth, madness to confirm what his father said!

Obviously, what Erwin really cared about was not the deception of the puppet king and the people.

What he really cared about was

the royal family that might be led out through Hrista, and the truth that was deliberately hidden in the fog by the royal family!!

Ayakoji gently looked at Erwin for a long time.

It wasn't until Erwin gradually regained his senses that Ayakoji spoke again, his tone was still steady

, obviously, Erwin's reaction was also expected by him.

"It can be.


he tilted his head slightly, asking Erwin the question that was in his heart:

"Who has the final say after Hrista came to power?"

Erwin frowned tightly, couldn't help but look at Ayakoji's expression, but he couldn't hold back his thoughts.

However, since you can't see what Ayakoji thinks, it's not bad to change your mind and say what you think.

With a squeak——!

Erwin sat down gently, crossed his hands, and whispered what he thought:

"Ayakoji, if I'm not mistaken, Hrista is only 15 years old, right?"

Erwin paused lightly, and then spoke:

"In my opinion, Khlista did not receive the education of royalty or even nobility, did not form a systematic idea of governing the people, did not have the wisdom to see the situation clearly, and did not have the deterrent power of Allen and you.

"If whoever you just mentioned has the final say, you mean to determine how humanity will develop and how we will deal with the giants..."

At this point, Erwin paused slightly, and changed to a more euphemistic statement:

"I think it is better to leave the voice to Commander Pisis, President Darris, and Nair..."

Erwin waved his hand, looked at Ayakoji, and said softly,

"It's better to have you and me."

He couldn't help but shake his head and explained to himself:

"How can such an important matter be left to a child to decide."

"Let us old guys escort us is the wisest decision." "

The implication is obvious.

Even if Christa succeeds in ascending to the throne and becomes the queen respected by the people.

In the eyes of Erwin and others, she is still just a child.

What's more, in the eyes of many people, Christa will only be a puppet and a puppet.

"What's wrong with

fifteen?" Ayakoji shook her head lightly and retorted in a deep voice:

"The soldiers at the training base are generally only twelve years old, at that time, why don't you treat those sweaty and bloody children as children

?" "The soldiers who fought in Tros District are only fifteen years old, but can you deny their contribution in the recapture battle?"

On the night of the disbandment, the children who chose the Survey Corps, the children who are now fighting against the giants outside the walls, didn't they become children at that time?" "

Ayakoji!" Erwin spoke sharply, stopping what Ayakoji wanted to say,

"You know I didn't mean that!"

Erwin pursed his lips and said softly:

"To participate in the war, to fight against giants, to have courage, to have blood, and to be able to coordinate."

"But politics is different.

Erwin shook his head solemnly and said solemnly:

"Politics requires courage, but it also needs to be obscure.

"Politics needs blood, but it needs to be hidden." "

Politics needs coordination, but it also needs to be strategic."

"Ayakoji, war is not a child's play, and politics is not!"

Erwin frowned tightly, pursed his mouth into a line, and then said seriously:

"To be honest, Ayakoji. I personally have no interest in politics. As long as the situation is stable, I don't care who has the final say.

He squeezed his fists lightly, trying to relax his sweaty hands, only to feel a breeze blowing through, and his palms were slightly cold.

"If Hrista can hold the big picture and provide some support to the Survey Corps, I'd rather be forever outside the wall fighting to find out the truth."

"But the question is, can she?" Erwin

understood Ayakoji's thoughts at this moment.


subconsciously shook his head, not agreeing with Ayakoji's whimsical idea at all

, "Ayakoji, she can't."

"If Khlista has your ability, let alone politics, even if the control of the three corps is handed over to her, I have no opinion."

"But, Ayakoji, Hrista she's not you!" said

Erwin solemnly,

"Not all children around the age of fifteen are like you.

"Although Hrista's combat performance is considered to be the top of the entire 104th recruit, she is not Mikasa, nor Alan, nor you!"

Erwin turned his head slightly, looked at the busy soldiers outside the window, and whispered:

"In terms of strategy, not to mention that compared to you and me, Hrista is not even comparable to Armin and Jean." "

She also can't use her wisdom to smooth out the turmoil that may arise."

"Actually, there is none of this, and there is no problem at all."

Erwin took a deep breath and slowly spoke:

"If Hrista has advantages in power and heritage, such as some private soldiers, such as being able to get the support of some nobles, it can also help her master the right to speak."

"But she didn't, she was just an ordinary girl who grew up on a farm."

Erwin turned his head and knocked on the information of Christa on the table:

"The information shows that Christa is a kind, very affinity girl, and can mingle with most people.

"To be honest, if it had been in peacetime, she might have really become a virtuous king."

Erwin slowly raised his head and looked straight at Ayakoji:

"But now is not a peaceful era, kindness and bottomless affinity do not make her a worthy king."

"Ayakoji, if you want Hrista to be the queen of the voice, I think it will take her a lot of time to grow.

"In the meantime,"

Erwin took a deep breath and slowly exhaled

, "You don't have to worry about Hrista going to have an accident, as long as I live, I will do my best to keep her." "

If you're not at ease like this, I think you can stand behind her and assist her, in that case, how?"


Ayakoji shook her head lightly, denying Erwin's suggestion:

"Because what I want is Khrista, to become the real queen."

When Erwin heard this, his breath couldn't help but choke

, "Ayakoji, you!" Together

, he said so much, as if he didn't say it?

Ayakoji spoke softly and explained

, "Five years ago, I thought about it.

"It doesn't matter if there is no wisdom, Armin and Jean, is her wisdom."

"It doesn't matter if there is no force, Sasha, Connie, Yumir and other recruits of the 104th period are her power."

"If there is no power, it doesn't matter..."

Ayakoji paused slightly, and then spoke again:

"Mikasa's absolute power, Ellie's hidden potential, Arnie's skill beyond ordinary people, and Alan's giant power, these will become her power. "

The above plan is something that Ayakoji had already considered five years ago.

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