So be it.

Thinking of this, Eren basically made up his mind.

After all

, Eren looked around the audience and noticed the serious expressions of Armin and Christa, as well as Hanji and Miko, who were suddenly silent not far away, and Yumir, who was pacing.

The carrier pigeon on Hanji's shoulder, as if sensing something, desperately flapped its wings and tried to escape towards the sky!

Allen looked deeply at Reiner, who was constantly chattering, and Bertot, who had been silent and waiting for Reiner's signal, and calculated in his heart.

After all, now it seems.

With their current strength, they simply cannot restrain the Kai Giant, let alone the super giant.

If they blindly start the battle, it will only be their side that will suffer.

Eren lowered his eyes, his eyes full of calmness.

After all, he is no longer simply the teenager who cares about it once his blood is on top.

The book once said that

retreating to advance and avoiding its edge is the only rule in the face of a strong enemy.

Staying energized and moving is the best way to solve difficult problems.

In the current situation, it may be better to preserve the power of giants and wait for opportunities to seek information.


Eren spoke slowly, "

Put down the knife." With

a sonorous sound——!

Mikasa Muki's, he subconsciously put back the knife in his hand.


she shuddered, looking incredulously at her empty hands.

Why did she hear Alan's words, she didn't think at all, and then subconsciously withdrew the knife again?

Mikasa couldn't help pursing her lips, looked at Eren's back, and whispered,

"What the hell is wrong with me?"

Mikasa then lowered his head sharply and buried his pretty face in his scarf.

Her small hand gripped the bracelet on her wrist until there was a tingling pain, and she suddenly woke up.

At the same time, Mikasa realized a fact that forced her to smile wryly.

She found out

if the person on the other side was not Alan, but Ayakoji.

She seems to have the same reaction just now.

"I seem to be real..."

Mikasa looked at her empty hands, her gaze falling on her bracelet-grunted palms, and whispered helplessly,

"I really look like a slave." "

Subconsciously protect the slaves of the

slave owner, obey the slave owner .......


Allen spoke softly, interrupting the chattering Reiner,

"I can go with you."

"But how are you going to keep me safe?"

Reiner abruptly stopped his constant persuasion, and looked at Allen, who was extremely serious in front of him

, "Yes, you decided."

"Security-wise, rest assured.

Reiner touched his chin, frowned, and thought subconsciously:

"With the intelligence we have explored so far, and your giant ability.

"As long as you don't show too much hostility."

Reiner kept shaking his head,

"Marley probably won't do anything to you."

"What's more,"

Reiner suddenly became excited, lowered his hands, and said in a loud voice:

"If you can really come to Marais, Alan, explain the situation on the island to the Marais high-level."

"Maybe they'll be able to find out what's really going on inside the wall."

"Perhaps, they will know that the Eldian people are not demons, and all the people of Pa Island in the past are demons, it is just a misunderstanding of everyone."

"In that case....... In this case..."

Reiner's eyes suddenly turned red

, "Everyone in Malai, maybe they can treat the Eldian people as normal people."

"In this case, Falke, Jabi, maybe..."

Reiner's lips couldn't help but tremble:

"Maybe you can grow up like a normal child." "

If Eren can go to Marais, if Eren can

confirm that Pa Island is not Alcatraz, they are also ravaged by giants.

Maybe everyone can get along well.



as long as Alan can go to Koh Pak,

all the problems will not be a problem.

All difficulties will be solved!"

Eren nodded, looked at the excited Reiner in a complicated way, and secretly said in his heart.

Sure enough, following Reiner, you will definitely get more information.

Just now, Allen had already received a lot of information from Reiner's words.

For example, Reiner they came from a place called Marais.

And that's the world beyond the walls.

Outside the walls, not only giants, but also other humans!!

for example, Reiner called the world inside the walls the Isle of Pa and called them the Eldians.

For example, in that place called Marley, people like Reiner seem to have a bad life.


had no intention of worrying about his life, what

he had just said was just to interrupt Reiner's words, and to see if he could get useful information.

"Reiner, you don't need to say more.

Allen stretched out his hand, interrupting Reiner's increasingly beautiful fantasies.

He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled,

"I'll go with you."

"Alan!" Hearing

Eren say this, Mikasa subconsciously took a step and stretched out his hand towards Alan.

"Mikasa, stay there.

Eren turned back sharply and said seriously

, "I'm not a child anymore, I have my own judgment

!" "I have the power of a giant, I am stronger than you now, I can protect myself, I don't need your protection

!" "Don't stop me!"

He slowly turned his head, as if noticing his own tone, and couldn't help but relax his voice:

"Enough, Mikasa."

"Don't follow, it's too dangerous."


you protect others

..." Eren looked at Mikasa in a complicated manner and said softly

, "Can you protect yourself?" "

When you worry about others, can you worry about yourself first!"


Mikasa shook his body, and his eyes soured in an instant.

Tick! Tick!

Splashes of crystal light streaked across Mikasa's pretty face under the sun's rays, smashing heavily on the thick stone walls, spreading thousands of cold lights.


..." "Why do you all say that..."

Mikasa hung his head, extremely aggrieved.

That's true of Alan, and so is it with Kiyotaka.

She is not a slave

; she has her own consciousness;

everything she does stems from her own sense of autonomy.

It's not because of Allen and Kiyotaka........ "

Enough, Alan!"

suddenly, Yumir's grim voice sounded.


she punched Eren hard, her eyes were cold:

"What you just said is really too much!"

Yumir, who has experienced a lot, knows very well how

hurtful Allen's words just now are!


Allen touched the back of his steaming head, staring unhappily at Yumir, whose fists were still steaming.

"Did you use that much force, Yumir!"

Yumir just now, but there was no strength left, the strength

was so strong that it opened the back of Allen's head and Yumir's fist to the point of cracking.

What hatred, what hatred!"

Yumir gave Allen an unhappy kick

, "Just by the few words you just said, a thousand cuts should be done."

At the same time, Yumir raised an eyebrow at Allen.

"Ah, I see.

Eren understood, so murmured.

Yumir, do you want to go with him

, the two giants, it must be easier to deal with Reiner and Bertot.


said Reiner, looking at Yumir in confusion, softly,

"Come to Malais too."

"Although you took away the power of the giants of Marseille, after all, it was only an unintentional act.

"You come to Marais with Alan. "

Come as an emissary of the island of Pa, and Malai will not do anything to you." "

What Marseille

?" Yumir scratched the back of his head irritably, then suddenly stunned, slowly calmed down, and couldn't help but lower his voice:

"Is it, is that so?"

Yumir looked deeply at Reiner and Bertot,

"I have no impression of this."

"Still, I'm sorry."

Reiner shook his head, signaling that it didn't have to be.

After all, the scaleless giant will not have the slightest impression of that memory before and after devouring the intelligent giant.

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