
Ellie fell heavily on the snow, staring in fear at the mad giant.

The most terrifying existence in the world

, and now, Ellie's friend, Ellen, has become a giant alive before her eyes.

Ellie's three views from childhood to adulthood were completely subverted in an instant.

Suddenly, the giant's terrifying green eyes stared at Ellie, tyrannically.


going to die!

Just when Ellie thought she was going to die.

The giant's body was like solid ice meeting flames, and steam rose from the top and bottom of the body, slowly dissipating.

Alan, appearing out of thin air in the snow, passed out.

"This..... What is going on?" exclaimed Ellie in disbelief.

She carefully picked up the branch on the side and poked Alan, until she found that there was no danger in the high probability, and then boldly carried Eren towards the top of the mountain.

As he walked, he broke down and shouted

, "Hey, hey, Ayakoji, you won't, you even know this, right?" Actually


Ellie misunderstood Ayakoji.

The fact that Eren will become a giant, Ayakoji really doesn't know. After all, he didn't know anything about Eren and Grisha in his memories of Alan.

As for how to ensure the safety of several people

, I saw three masked shadows suddenly appear not far from the cave in the snow,

"What is the situation!

In short, pass the information to the commander!" "

Number three, please!" "

Understand, do it! Number one!" Then

, under the strange eyes of several people, No. 1 twisted No. 3's neck.

And No. 3 also slowly disappeared, leaving a pile of scattered flesh and blood in place.

No. 2: "Really, sir, it's still like this, we're all dead, and there's nothing to do for us

?" No. 1: "Less come, the last time I went shopping in the royal city, you ate the most!"

No. 2: "Ha, as a young hero of the Sanctions Blade that saved 100,000 refugees, do I have a problem with eating?" No

. 1:


Bastard! Did you give money?"

Number Two: "Isn't there you? It's all brothers!" No

. 1: "..."Number One: "

Well, brother, I ask you to shut up and save energy, otherwise this humanoid body won't last long." "


The souls of the 1,000 teenagers of the Sanctions Blade have characteristics that are different from other souls, and it is estimated that they are the credit of injecting Ayakoji cerebrospinal fluid.

After many experiments, Ayakoji discovered that their souls could be transformed into individuals who could move for a short time with a small number of his cells.

The soul decides everything, and everything begins with the soul, and this is the ability of the soul giant that Ayakoji now discovers.

In the first training, his ability to change his face stemmed from the further application of the soul.

The principle is to affect the appearance of matter by changing the form of one's soul.

At the same time, the combination of soul and matter inspired Ayakoji to resurrect people.

If Ayakoji is given a new body for the soul in her mind, can they exist in a new form?

There are three stages of experimentation, and there are already some results, but it is still not possible to revive people.

The body of the animal that was given to the member of the Sanctions Blade was the result of the first stage of experiments, but because it was immature, there were great hidden dangers.

Being able to allow the Sanctions Blade member to temporarily act in human form relying on his cells is the result of the second phase.

Recently, there has finally been a breakthrough in the third stage, and the scope of resurrection is finally not limited to the blade of sanctions.


104 Training Base

, "Is that so?" Ayakoji opened her closed eyes, her words complicated, "Alan,

have you actually become a giant?"

And the method of inheritance of wisdom giants is to let the scaleless giant eat the previous giant.

"So, Uncle Grisha is one of the two giants that Malai doesn't control, is it possible that your lifespan is at its limit?"

Ayakoji recounted the guess in her mind, unable to judge what she was feeling in her heart at this moment.

But to get back to business, Allen's giantization really broke Ayakoji's arrangement for this training.

This time the 12-person snowy mountain survival training needs to be canceled immediately.

After all, if Eren can control the power of the giant, the so-called survival is a joke.

If he didn't know and unconsciously exposed the power of the giant again in the face of danger, then Ayakoji could already foresee the final result.

Levi would cut off his head and throw it on his table like a urine pot, next to Erwin, who led the survey corps around him and questioned whether he knew, and on the other side, Hanji, who probably loved to touch Alan's head and even laughed intoxicated.

Even Mikasa and Armin will be imprisoned for preventing Levi from killing Alan.

In this way, the situation will be completely out of his control.

So this training, it's better to terminate.

Taking his attention, Ayakoji ordered softly

, "Number three,

tell everyone through the soul communication that there is no need to risk waking up." Let the second training session end directly. The appearance of giants disrupted my plans, and there was no need for them to waste time in the snowy mountains.

"Yes, sir!!"

The order was transmitted, but it was not conveyed either.

At the same time, many sleeping figures in the snowy mountains woke up.

The soldiers of the Sanctions Blade disobeyed the commander's order for the first time!

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