The eagle spreads its golden wings to cover the sky, its huge body hovers above the snowy mountain, its chaotic eyes are full of confusion and the instinct to eat, carefully scanning the possible belly wrapping on the snowy mountain.

On the other side of the snowy

mountain, Hrista, Yumir, and Sasha were struggling to attack the top of the mountain against the fierce storm and snow.


Suddenly, Hrista stopped suspiciously, noticed that Blackie in his arms seemed to hear something, and deftly flicked his ears.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hei suddenly jumped out of Hrista's arms, and under the strange gazes of the three, he spoke

, "Hey, I heard that you are looking for the black wolf, I am!"

Cat, cat, cat spoke!" Sasha pointed at Blackie tremblingly, and then knelt down sharply

, "Lord Yamagami, we didn't mean to disturb and offend you, please let us go!"

"Wait, Yumir!" suddenly, Hrista stopped Yumir's movements and looked at Blackie expectantly, his eyes as bright as sapphires, "That, Blackie, do you know Ayakoji, a talking black cat like you

?" A bold guess flashed in Khrista's mind, maybe Ayakoji's bad cat, maybe some clansmen could not say?"

Who knew that the black cat seemed to be enraged, and suddenly swelled into a black wolf three or four meters tall, and his nostrils spewed out a rough breath

, "Don't insult me with a weak creature like a cat! I am a wolf! Black wolf! Also, when I first met you, I wanted to say, Xiao Hei or something, your name is too casual! "Sorry

!" "Sorry!"

"But tell me, do you know a black cat named Ayakoji?"

Then he changed the subject bluntly

, "So, you're looking for a black wolf, what's the matter with me

?" "Well..." Yumir looked the black wolf up and down, as if thinking about something, looked at Khlista and asked

, "Hrista, where do you think the meat is good to cut?"


she tilted her head and stared up at

Yumir, looking puzzled, "Why cut Black!" Yumir

wordlessly covered his head with his hand and shouted wordlessly

, "Really, Hrista, how obsessed you are with that black cat named Ayakoji?

In that case, isn't its flesh and bones indispensable

?" "Wait, wait!!"

stammered Sasha stammered, looking at the large black who suddenly cooled down, wanting to cry without tears

, "But, Yumir, do you really think that we alone can beat such a big wolf?"

Suddenly, Yumir seemed to realize something, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Oops, forget that you can't become a giant?"

The black wolf looked down at the three little ones with amusement, meaningful,

"Want my flesh and bones?

I can give it to you, come up, in exchange, you have to help me catch a damn miscellaneous bird!" "


Puzzled, tilting his head, the three of Hrista moved in unison.

Xiao Hei didn't reply, talking to himself in his heart

, finally had a chance to wake up, didn't solve the matter of that miscellaneous bird, and she couldn't sleep well in hibernation.

Looking at the three of Hrista who were still stunned, Xiao Hei felt uneasy in his heart, and he had a feeling of confrontation with his parents

, sorry Ayakoji Chief, please forgive me for disobeying the order this time.

When the Hrista people help solve the problem, we will definitely send everyone here back safe and sound.

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