Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 113 Wandering Planet Harbor Star!

Truly appreciate the vastness and immensity of the universe.

It has always been Xu Zian's dream.

One person and one ship, the universe is rampant.

Fight pirates and annihilate traitors.

Go to the battlefield and kill him several times, and gradually embark on the road to eternal life.

Although he came from the Milky Way Galaxy to the Splendid Galaxy.

But in fact, Xu Zian didn't really travel freely in the universe.

He even imagined that when he was traveling in the universe, he would draw a sword to help when there was an injustice, and then gain the admiration of one or two girls...

If young people don’t dream, are they still young people?

But the reconnaissance ship is really a little too stretched.

Only frigates can barely achieve the goal of sailing in the Splendid Galaxy.

Only a cruiser can truly realize the dream that I have always had.

Xu Zian, who had a dream of traveling in the universe, woke up at seven o'clock.

Take a shower, have breakfast, put on your own set of popular series space armor, and bring your personal three-piece suit.

Those treasures of heaven and earth were put into the storage box of the Brilliance yesterday.

Everything confirmed.

Eight o'clock!

Haitang's Kraken, which was more than 1,300 meters long, appeared outside Bright Island on time.

Xu Zian, immediately drive the Brilliance and set off!

Two starships, one big and one small, all ejected long tail flames from their tails, heading straight into the vast starry sky.

in the communicator.

Haitang asked: "Where to go?"

"In addition, as your guardian this time, I will not make any decisions for you."

"Whether it's looking for traces of pirates, tracking them, or hunting them, it's all your decision."

"What I have to do is follow you, protect you, and then cripple all the targets you can't defeat.

"Okay, now I listen to you, where to go?"

Xu Zian said: "I have sent you the specific route."

Looking at this route, Haitang was surprised: "The final destination is the space relay station 755 light-years away?"

"Are you sure you want to run that far?"

"But so far, it seems that you have indeed done some homework. I thought you didn't make any preparations and just wanted to go out and hunt pirates."

Xu Zian said speechlessly: "Let me tell you, I'm not that novice, right?"

"How can you go out to hunt pirates and not do your homework?"

"For no reason, where can I kill any pirates? Especially when I have you with me.

Xu Zian said: "A long time ago, I have spent money to buy a lot of information about the pirate group.

"The main target this time is a group of small and medium-sized pirates named [Skeleton Gods of War]."

"This pirate group's activity area is near the destination I marked."

"The strength is not bad either. Intelligence shows that its leader is the assault ship captain nicknamed Skull々々."

"In addition, there are many small and ultra-small pirate groups near that area, which are also our targets!"

"In the Chinese star system, there are pirate groups within five hundred light years, but they are all too easy to hide from."

"And they are very strong. After all, they have been going back and forth with the students of Shenzhou Academy. Their strength is not much different.

"The strength is too strong, which is not conducive for me to specifically obtain evolution points! 11

After listening to Xu Zian’s explanation.

Haitang couldn't help but nodded.

I can tell.

Xu Zian has indeed made a lot of preparations.

In this case, he has nothing to worry or remind.

Immediately, towards that direction, start the pulse jump and go away.

Xu Zian's Brilliant Horn definitely couldn't run that far.

On the way, it will stop at some star systems, space relay stations, or some commercial rogue planets to replenish supplies, etc.

In the universe, not all planets orbit stars.

There are many planets because there are problems in the star systems where they are located, such as stars exploding.

Wandering planets will be produced.

In fact, planet is just a name given by humans.

And these are the places Xu Zian chose to stay and rest.

There will be a certain number of interstellar pirates in the vicinity.

The best you can find.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it, just go to the next place.

Xu Zian spent a lot of money to buy this information.

It can be said that this information alone has almost wiped out the entire balance in Xu Zian's account.

Now Xu Zian still has more than 100,000 yuan in his account.

This trip is enough.

But if there is no source of income, Xu Zian really has to think of other ways to make money.

Interstellar navigation is always boring.

Seven hundred and fifty light years is Xu Zian’s second long journey...

Well, for Xu Zian it was a long journey, but in fact it was just wandering around the Splendid Galaxy.

Just like the earth in the 21st century...

Xu Zian is equivalent to traveling around the province, from one city to another city in the province.

What kind of journey is this?

Even going from the Milky Way Galaxy to the Splendid Galaxy is just equivalent to going from one province to another.

The universe is too big.

Just one Earth Federation...

They're all too big, too big.

Fifty light years away, sailing at full speed, we arrived at about four o'clock in the afternoon, cosmic time.

The Brilliance has consumed a lot of fuel and needs to dock here to replenish it.

This is also the first supply point on the route planned by Xu Zian.

A commercial wandering planet.

Commercial Planet, to put it simply.

It is a planet that has been heavily modified and equipped with engines.

Most of these planets are purchased by private individuals or certain groups.

Acts as a space relay station.

The biggest difference from the space relay station is that this kind of planet can be moved.

Go wherever you want.

Specifically select remote areas where there are no space relay stations to stop.

After all, this kind of wandering planet is definitely not comparable to a space relay station.

Whether it's security or whatever.


Some wandering planets have a large number of interstellar pirates conducting material transactions, replenishing supplies, etc.

Because on this kind of planet, most of them won’t care who you are or what you do.

As long as you don't commit any crimes on the planet, it's up to you. You can do whatever you like, as long as you make money.

This commercial wandering planet named [Harbor Star] is roughly equivalent to two-thirds of the Earth.

Not too small.

At the same time, it can be seen that there are a large number of patrols surrounding the planet, and these patrols are the planet's private armed forces.

The most powerful one is a cruiser.

Don’t think that a cruiser is bad just because it’s the fifth level.

Cruiser, cruiser, that is a starship that can truly travel across the universe!

No matter where he goes, he is considered a strong person.

Haitang Neng can be hailed as one of the top ten geniuses of the Earth Federation...

As a cruiser captain, do you really think you are joking?

Especially within the Earth Federation.

A cruiser captain is famous no matter where he is!

So when he saw Xu Zian and the Siren arriving, the guard chief of the Harbor Star

That is, the cruiser captain showed enough vigilance and respect.

He personally led the way and allowed the two of them to land at the star port.

He himself actually landed in person.

Obviously this was to see what Xu Zian and Haitang's purpose was here.

No wonder he was so cautious.

In a place like theirs, there is a mixture of good and bad, who knows what this cruiser is here for.

Make sure the purpose is clear first, there is no malice.

Otherwise, if you are careless, this kind of cruiser...

Enough to destroy half of their planet.

And what left him speechless the most was.

I don't know what happened these two days.

A cruiser that may not arrive in normal times for years, or even decades.

In the past few days, three ships have arrived in a row!

He couldn't help but be vigilant.

I am afraid that some very large pirate groups came to explore the spot in advance.

Although I think rationally, if a pirate group comes to explore the area, they should not send a conspicuous target like a cruiser.

But in the end (well Zhao) it’s better to be careful.

As for Xu Zian and Haitang.

He didn't pay too much attention to the cautious attitude of the guard captain here.

After all, it is normal for a cruiser to suddenly arrive in such a small place...

What made Xu Zian a little confused was.

In this star port.

There were actually two cruisers parked.

And there are many destroyers and assault ships!

Is this planet’s defense force so strong?

Xu Zian was puzzled.

But it doesn’t feel like it.

Those guards have their own special markings, but these starships do not.

It seems that he came here to take a rest.

".`Xu Zian?"

Haitang's confused shout came from the communicator.

Xu Zian then retracted his gaze from sizing up these starships and responded: "Here they come!"

Then he opened the hatch and walked out.

But I don’t know why.

deep in the heart.

I always feel that there is something strange about these starships.

But what exactly is strange, I really can’t tell.

He shook his head and didn't care anymore.

He walked towards Haitang who was waiting for him at the entrance of the starship.

Should be said or not.

That figure wearing space armor... ground...

It’s really amazing!

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