Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 131 This Ability Is So Awesome! ! !

After becoming friends with these people, Xu Zian left in a hurry and returned to his dazzling island.

He is now focused on this new function enabled by the system!

Bind the ability to a second starship!

This is definitely an event that can shock the entire universe!

Since the emergence of biological energy, since the emergence of biological starships.

There has never been anyone who can bind two starships at the same time.


No matter how strong the opponent is!

It is impossible for anyone to bind two starships!

but now!

He can do it!

Just returned to Bright Island.

Xu Zian immediately began to carefully study the new function enabled by the system.

The first is to bind two starships to achieve a 100% fit.

And it is permanent.

What do you mean?

This means that even if Xu Zian has bound two starships now, both starships have been destroyed.

The compatibility between him and the starship will never be reduced again.

Of course, when he binds two starships at the same time, the probability of two starships being destroyed at the same time is infinitely less than zero.

Then came the second one.

Space jump between starships!

This can be understood as.

Xu Zian bound two starships at the same time.

One of them is in the Splendid Galaxy.

One of them is in the Milky Way galaxy.

When the wealth value is enough.

Xu Zian himself is staying in the starship of the Splendid Galaxy.

Then I can instantly jump from the starship in the Splendid Galaxy to the starship in the Milky Way Galaxy!

What concept is this?

It’s comparable to the teleportation of those gods!!!

And what did it bring?

What he brings is Xu Zian, who can switch back and forth between the two starships instantly if the wealth value is enough!

I encountered fatal danger in this starship.

Instantly jump to another starship.

That is to say...

Even if a hundred Star Destroyers are sent on horseback, as long as they don't kill him before he can react.

Then Xu Zian will not die!!!

It is equivalent to having the most powerful life-saving trump card!!!

No one can kill him!


It's not just that!

Xu Zian found out after careful research.

You don't have to be in a starship to be able to jump in space.

Instead, you can perform space jumps at any location and jump to your own starship!

The only restriction is that the jump target must be one of your own starships.

simply put…………

Even if he is not in the starship, as long as his wealth is sufficient and he does not worry about his abilities and systems being leaked.

Even if there is no danger in the starship...

You can still jump into one of the starships instantly to save your life!

This survivability can be said to have been improved countless times!!!


The shortcomings are also quite big.


Jumping once requires a lot of wealth.

Within one light-year, and not including the distance of one light-year.

Jumping once requires 100 wealth points.

This is not a lot.


When the distance of one light year is reached, that is, the distance of one light year is included.

Jump once...

A full 1,000 points of wealth are needed!

After that, every additional light year will increase the wealth value by 1,000 points!


It doesn’t have to be too far away, it only needs to be 44 light years away. If you jump once, you can completely wipe out all your wealth!

His current wealth value, the 200 million cosmic coins and 20,000 points, plus his original remaining wealth value of about 4,000, totaled 44,372 wealth points.

Therefore, Xu Zian couldn't even think about the space jump between large galaxies.

At least at this stage, it's out of the question.

Even beyond a light-year distance, Xu Zian may not try it for the time being.

Too expensive.

Too far to try.

It's close, Chen Zian will try it no matter what.

He ran directly into the villa.

The Brilliance was parked on the landing pad.

Then with a thought, 100 wealth points were consumed instantly.

The moment he himself was making a space jump.

Suddenly a golden energy shield protected him.

This avoids danger when jumping in space.

It's basically a blur before the eyes, and the picture freezes instantly.


He was already in the cab of the Brilliance.

"This... is so awesome, so awesome!!!"

Xu Zian roared with excitement.

With this ability.

The possibility of him being killed in an accident is extremely slim!

No, it's possible.

Just like when I'm sleeping.

Suddenly a starship's main gun shell hit him.

That's really something that can't be helped.

In addition to the two additional abilities of permanent 100% compatibility and space jumping.

Only the last accompanying ability is left——

Biological energy doubles the limit!

This is better understood.

Because he bound two starships at the same time.

Therefore, the system directly gave me the ability to have double the full value of biological energy!

That is to say!

The full value of an eighth-grade warrior is now 670.

So now my actual biological energy is at full value, it becomes...


To put it simply, I want to break through to the ninth level warrior...

You need to cultivate 1340 points of biological energy...

For others.

This is definitely not a reward, but a punishment.

Because their biological energy needs to be cultivated bit by bit and increased bit by bit!

Although once cultivated, biological abilities will far exceed those of people at the same level, and the benefits are unimaginable.


How many people can cultivate so quickly?

How can bioenergy be so easily increased?

Give me a break!


Put it on Xu Zian.

It's a completely different concept.


There is no need to work too hard to practice.

Just need enough wealth.

Then he is equivalent to possessing endless biological energy!

Of course, it will be much more difficult to improve than others.


what is the relationship?

What is the impact?

Just waste a little more time to convert wealth values ​​into bioenergy!

But you can get double the combat endurance, whether it is a star war or a personal war!


It's so big.

The new features added to the system this time are very, very powerful.

It was so powerful that Xu Zian felt as if he was dreaming.

quite a while.

Xu Zian immediately shouted: "Bind!"

"Start the evolution of the second starship immediately!!!"

This is inevitable.

And it has to be as soon as possible!

He couldn't imagine it.

When I go out again.

With two starships at the same time.

They are almost a light-year apart.

Even if he is alone, one of the ships encounters interstellar pirates.

If the opponent is too strong, jump immediately.

If evenly matched...


Immediately mobilize the other starship.

Although he can only fully control one starship at a time to conduct 100% suitable operations.

But for the other starship, I only need to devote a little bit of mental power to control it, coupled with the star crystal light brain.

It also has certain combat capabilities.

The most important thing is that the improvement in survivability is too great.

Or wait until the wealth is worth enough in the future.

Keep one at home.

One boat goes out for a wave.

Nothing to be afraid of anymore.


How should the second starship evolve and what it should evolve into.

Xu Zian fell into deep thought.

He even extended more ideas.

Now that I can bind a second starship.

in the future.

Can one of them be directly evolved according to the starship of the Insects or Inhumans?

Then go deep into the hinterland of the Insects or Inhumans and turn the world upside down?

It is completely based on the evolutionary model of the Inhumans or Bugs starships.

The probability of being discovered is basically too small.

Basically 7 people doubted him.

But that is definitely in the future.

At least before the cruiser, he would never do that kind of thing.

Since he couldn't reach the cruiser, what would happen even if he sneaked in?

Will it be able to obtain enough intelligence, or will it be able to cause them some harm?

Stop it.

Hence the current stage.

It must still evolve according to the human starship.

Thought for a moment.

Xu Zian decided.

It is exactly the same size as the Cuicanhao!


Exactly the same as the brilliant one.

Then you can pass the review of the human race's intelligent optical brain and successfully obtain the identity of a registered starship, so that you will not be a gangster like an interstellar pirate.


I am still too weak now.

He was able to bind two starships.

Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, cannot be discovered by anyone.

Once discovered, the seriousness of this matter will far exceed the seriousness of being able to cultivate heavenly materials and earthly treasures in large quantities.

When the time comes, I really don’t know how I will die.

The importance of developing the ability to bind two starships at the same time to the human race is indescribable.

But only Xu Zian himself knows.

This is a capability given by the system.

So, at this stage.

Identical appearance is a definite must.

This way.

Even if he is seen outside.

No one will suspect anything.

Just hide the other starship so that the two starships don't appear at the same time.

I thought about it for more than ten minutes.

Xu Zian made up his mind.

Just do it!


No more hesitation.

Start with the Optical Brain Watch.

A shopping spree started. .

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