Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 134 Evolution Must Limit The Length, Width And Height!

The days after.

Xu Zian lived a very fulfilling life every day.

Cultivate the treasures of heaven and earth to temper your body.

Convert bioenergy.

Star Wars simulation.

Evolution simulation.

school study.

Even combat simulations.

Xu Zian doesn't even have that much time.

It can only be put aside for the time being.

Nothing unexpected.

Steelgrass and starflower.

After entering the 100th year, the grade broke through to the third grade~.

Vitality - directly enters the stage of exhaustion.

It’s not even possible to inject any more wealth value to maintain it.

This is normal.

Some natural treasures are relatively low-end.

It does not mean that any kind of natural material and earthly treasure can grow for any number of years.

The highest grade of Steel Grass and Star Flower is the third grade.

Can't get any higher.

But it's enough.

At present, the effects of the second-grade steel grass and stargazing flower sea are quite good, so I will continue to use them first.

The other thing is that the special admissions student ‘lost’ to me——

Anyway, Xu Zian thought that the other party was the one who lost to him.

He lost to those talents and treasures of his own.

The quality is better.

The highest level can reach level four.

It is enough for you to take it for a long time without having to worry about not having the treasures of heaven and earth to temper your body.

Now Xu Zian doesn't know how strong his physical fitness is.


Some time ago, Xu Zian defeated a human warrior-level warrior in a battle simulation!

That's the kind of assault ship captain level!

It's still an intermediate level.


That means between four swords and six grades.

I don’t know the specific rank, I only know that he is probably an intermediate combat master.

The most obvious improvement in physical fitness is that the biological energy that one can endure every day is slowly increasing!

It's been about a month now.

Enough to increase 23 points of bioenergy every day.

And just today.

Xu Zian.

The evolution of two Brilliant world reconnaissance ships has been completed!

One of them was naturally completed on Bright Island.

Another ship.

Then he jumped directly over and found a private closed starship factory on Yaochi Planet to evolve.

And they are still evolving simultaneously.

For the intermediate evolution alone, the wealth value spent by Xu Zian jumping back and forth reached 1,300 points!


Just to be on the safe side, Xu Zian will never feel bad for what should be spent.

The level 10 warrior is at full value, which is 970 biological energy points.

And Xu Zian...

Obviously it is the terrifying 1940 point.

Now Xu Zian's bioenergy has reached a terrifying 1620 points.

By 1940, the difference is actually only 320 points.

Based on Xu Zian's current daily bioenergy conversion rate...

I'm afraid it's only about twelve or three days.

You can reach the full value of the tenth grade warrior!

And he is still an unprecedented tenth-grade warrior in the true sense!

To know..….…

Xu Zian’s current biological energy points.

He has even surpassed the level of a second-tier frigate captain!

It's hard to imagine.

Once his Brilliant evolves to the frigate level.

His fighting ability.

How terrifying will it be.

In the past, Xu Zian estimated that when he became the captain of a frigate, he would at least be able to survive in front of an assault ship.

And now...

Even if Xu Zian hasn't become the frigate captain yet.

But there is also enough confidence.

Wait until you become a frigate captain.

Instead of surviving in front of it, you can blow it up!!!

Senior people dare not say it.

Those who have actually come off the battlefield cannot guarantee 100%.

But at least low-level and intermediate-level assault ships are not the kind that come off the battlefield.

Come on, let him blow one up!

So start today.

Xu Zian has one more task.

That is to start preparing for the evolution of the Brilliance into a frigate.

After all, it only takes half a month at most to reach full value.

Xu Zian's blood has already boiled for adventure.

At his core, he has always been a person who likes excitement.

not to mention......

The evolution value is gone again!!!

Wait for the two Brilliant ships to evolve into frigates.

Only the last bit is left to save his life!

From a reconnaissance ship to a frigate.

It is an evolution in the true sense.

It is also an evolution that has undergone tremendous changes from the inside out in a true sense.

No surprises.

Xu Zian's frigate.

That must be the limit length of 269.9.

The length of the frigate.

Between 140 meters and 269.9 meters.

You can choose the basic evolution data of your frigate according to your personal strength and needs.

Generally speaking.

Even the top geniuses who evolved from the ninth level to the frigate.

Most people will not choose the extreme length of 269.9 meters.

It's not that the creatures are not strong enough. The ninth-grade warrior is at full strength and has broken through to the first-grade general.

In fact, it is enough.


There is no doubt that the ability to continue fighting will never last long.

The most important thing is.

The closer the starship is to its extreme length, the higher the failure rate of evolution will be!

Even the failure rate of the extreme length is 90% higher than the evolution failure rate of the intermediate length!

And this is also one of the main reasons why the biological captains will basically not choose the extreme length during the subsequent great evolution.


Scholar rank!

Only at the tenth level, when the extreme length evolves, the failure rate will be equal to the failure rate of normal length.

But in the entire Earth Federation, how many of them have broken through at the tenth level?

Little, pitifully little.

So few that most people even ignore that there is a first-order peak level in every level.

Ordinary people, seventh level evolution.

Geniuses, eighth level evolution.

Top geniuses, ninth level evolution!

Xu Zian.

It is equivalent to double tenth level evolution.

Lasting combat effectiveness?

No one can compare to him at the same level.

Failure rate?

Not to mention, there are evolutionary simulations.

Failure does not exist!


Xu Zian wants to evolve to the maximum length, width and height of the frigate.

…Please give me flowers…

There is really no suitable keel and hull on the market.

The keel is the foundation of the house, and the hull is the frame of the house!

This determines the basic length, width and height data of the starship.

Group companies such as Universe Technology Group and Machinery Empire have keels and hulls with extreme length, width and height.

But it's not the best.

Because there are really very few people who buy keels and hulls with extreme length, width and height.

As a result, these two companies did not invest a lot of research experience in the keel and hull of this parameter.

At least compared to the keels and hulls of other sizes of their company.

Keel and hull of extreme length, width and height.

It's actually a bit worse.

So after making many decisions.

Xu Zian.

Finally decided to set the target on the scale of the entire universe!

After extremely detailed screening.


Xu Zian decided to use the keel of a starship unique to the superstar Inhumans among the Inhumans.

Superstar Inhumans.

It is one of the top groups among the Inhumans.

It is also one of the main groups of the Inhumans.

The main ethnic equivalent to the orthodox human race of the Universal Human Federation.

The Inhuman Race is a force composed of multiple main races and the Sea Emperor's servant races.

The Superstar Inhumans are one of the main groups.

Their characteristics are that they are big, thick, and strong!

This is not just talking about their starships, but also the superstar Inhumans themselves!

Generally three or four meters tall.

Their preference is also that bigger is better, sturdier and thicker is better.

The same is naturally true for their starships.

All the starships of the Superstar Inhumans are of extreme length, width and height!

And it’s not the kind that has extreme length, width and height and doesn’t evolve!

Xu Zian.

It was because of the keel of their frigate.

Absolute limit length, width and height.

There is no doubt about this.

And the advantages are very obvious.

This keel is particularly strong and thick.

Any shortcomings………….

It's also obvious.

The toughness is not enough, because it is too heavy, and the speed and sensitivity are not enough.

Unless equipped with a very powerful engine.

However, at least it met Xu Zian's requirements.

At least there is no need to worry about defense.

As for resilience, if we focus more on evolving in this aspect, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Not to mention speed and agility.

Just pair it with the best engine.

Wait for the quality to improve.

It's not a big problem either.

There is another reason why Xu Zian chose the superstar Inhuman starship keel—

That is, the warehouse of Shenzhou University happens to have the goods!

It is said that it was a team composed of senior students from the previous class, and they were the trophies collected after killing a superstar Inhuman race.

It has been stored in the warehouse.


It just happened to be cheaper Xu Zian.

And because of the limited length, width and height, no one really wants it.

The redemption points required are also very few.

It only requires 150 points.

Two keels.

Then only 300 points are needed.

Ridiculously cheap!.

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