Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 153: Brilliant Number: Pink Perfect!

Xu Zian is a good man.

No one can say that he is not a good man.

Because even though he is surrounded by so many beauties, each of them shows his or her own unique qualities.

But he never took the initiative.

For example, Qin Fuyue.

Has he ever taken the initiative?

Qin Fuyue has always been pursuing him, okay!

He never promised the other party!

Such as now.

Hu Qiqi, has he ever taken the initiative?

Now Hu Qiqi is also taking the initiative to throw himself into his arms ~ giving him a hug!

Of course.

Xu Zian didn't take the initiative, but he didn't refuse either.

Otherwise, how hurtful would it be to push people away?

Don’t take the initiative or refuse.

So I, Xu Zian, am a good man.

Feeling at ease, she hugged Hu Qiqi with her backhand...

But this Hu Qiqi, I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional.

When Xu Zian's palms just hugged her small waist.

But like a little loach, she quietly left Xu Zian's arms.

That extremely delicate and pretty face was full of excitement.

The soft and charming voice was extremely happy: "My howl, the combat effectiveness has increased by at least 50%!"

"Xu Zian, you are so amazing!!!"

"If you encounter the group of pirates from seven days ago again, you don't need to take action at all. The three of us can easily kill them!"

Speaking of starship performance improvements.

The shocked Tai Mei and Miao Xiaomi were immediately diverted from the topic and attention by Hu Qiqi's words.

Hearing Hu Qiqi's words, the two girls nodded hurriedly, their eyes shining, expressing their agreement.

Xu Zian took a deep look at Hu Qiqi.

But Hu Qiqi still looked excited, and there was no abnormality at all.

Only when Xu Zian looked away did he proudly raise his eyebrows at Xu Zian, his charming and beautiful little face full of provocation.

Xu Zian smiled.

This woman.


Is it really the innate skill of the vixen tribe?

Are you born knowing how to seduce a man?

Xu Zian believes that it is very possible.

"Okay, if nothing happens, you can have a good rest these days and go shopping together.

Xu Zian said: "Your starship has evolved, but mine is not finished yet."

The three women immediately nodded in response and quickly left the place without disturbing Xu Zian again.

And Xu Zian.

He also concentrated on starting the evolution of his brilliant account!

This time evolution.

It's not just as simple as evolving the Brilliance into a second-tier frigate.

He was prepared to transfer at least half of the parts.

All evolved to pink perfect quality!

Before departure.

What Xu Zian thinks is that one-third, or even one-fourth, or even only the main parts can be evolved to pink perfect quality.

After all, the perfect quality of pink requires too many evolution values.

But now......

That must be different.

The three assault ships last time brought him a lot of evolution points.

Enough to evolve to a Tier 4 frigate.

Xu Zian will not consider the fourth level of evolution for the time being.

These evolution values ​​might as well be used to upgrade half of the parts to pink perfection!

The combat effectiveness will be completely different!

And has a more powerful brilliant number.

Is it still difficult to earn evolution points?

Since it is half of the parts.

Then there are many options.

Now Xu Zian is not short of evolution value, nor is he short of money.

Speaking of this money......

It was provided by the three women!

A full nine million.


Main gun!



Secondary artillery!

Anti-aircraft guns!

Energy shield!


Core armor!


Pulse jump engine!

Cloaking device!

Stealth coating!

Scan the radar!

Basically these are the types.


Don't worry about it at all.

Just do it if you think of it.

Xu Zian.

The evolution of perfect pink quality began immediately!

And pink is perfect quality.

It is much more difficult to achieve superior quality than red.

Even Xu Zian has to concentrate on it.

Whenever something goes wrong.

Basically ruined.

time flies.

Xu Zian, goes back and forth between the two Brilliant ships every day to evolve.

tenth day!

A familiar feeling came over me.

Xu Zian's life level has once again achieved a breakthrough.

It was a matter of course that he reached the level of a second-grade general.

And the brilliant number.

Half of the parts.

It has also successfully evolved to the perfect pink quality!

Although it has lost the overall three major characteristics.

But it has improved a lot.

Because pink is of perfect quality.



Plasma main gun: (pink perfect)

Feature 1: Power increased by 25%;

Feature 2: Power increased by 25%;

Feature 3: Power increased by 25%;

Feature 4: Power increased by 25%!

A single characteristic has been improved by a full 10%!

This is by no means a small amount.

The point is, pink is of perfect quality, not one more characteristic than red.

Four characteristics have been achieved!

Four features, one increases by 25%, four...

That’s exactly 100%!

Still weak?

So powerful that it explodes!

As for more powerful qualities.

For example, purple unparalleled quality, orange epic quality, and golden legendary quality.

The more you add, the more terrifying it becomes.

But that is far from the realm that I can touch now.

Perhaps, my master Xia Dongliu can build a starship of that quality.


Not even close.

But pink is perfect.

It's already great.

Very satisfied.

I looked at the other properties.

It evolved completely according to my own imagination.

Let's put it this way.

Although three major overall characteristics have been lost.

However, Xie Hao has become stronger, but not just a little!

One day, Xu Zian will evolve the brilliant number to 100% overall pink perfect quality...

It’s hard to imagine how strong it will be then.

Let’s look at the current overall quality of the Cuicanhao.

It has risen from red excellence to pink perfection.

But now that the pink color is perfect, it doesn’t matter how much I cut it.

Only if it is 100% pink and perfect, then it is truly awesome.

The overall increase in characteristics by 25% is still four characteristics.

Tsk tsk...

It's delicious.

at the same time.

Xu Zian released a ray of spiritual power.

Controlling the Little Wife’s Brilliance, he drove away slowly.

The Little Wife Brilliance will continue to serve as a navigator or scout.

Continue to protect yourself.

After the stealth performance and detection performance have all evolved to pink perfect quality.

Xu Zian is more confident about follow-up safety.

Also at this time.

After getting the news, the three women came over in a hurry.

They just wanted to see it.

How far has Xu Zian's brilliant account evolved?

Just a glance——

The pink font made them stunned.

‥Ask for flowers‥

"Pink, pink perfect?!"

Meowth's little mouth opened wide.

His face was full of disbelief.

Hu Qiqi was stunned for a while, looking deeply at Xu Zian with those fox eyes: "I suddenly found..."

"Your evolutionist talent is really more... outrageous than your Star Wars talent."

"Are you still human? Oh my god!!!"

Taimei doesn't have so many twists and turns.

He shouted directly at Xu Zian: "Brother, if you ask me to kill chickens from now on, I won't chase away dogs."

"If you give me a convulsion, I will never go mad!"

The corners of Xu Zian's mouth twitched and he cursed with a smile: "Are you mentally ill?"

"Why should I cause you to have convulsions? Why should you have epilepsy?"

"I see you are having a seizure now!"

Then he looked at the three women who were shocked and a little unbelievable.

He smiled proudly and said, "Now you know how cool it is to hang out with me, right?"

"I said, obey my orders unconditionally."

"Never betray me."

"Then the benefits I can bring to you are so great that you can't even imagine!"

"I hope one day."

"We also enjoy an infinite lifespan."


"Drive the most powerful starship, sail through the universe, and suppress the world!"

"Let's work hard together!"

The two girls nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

The snow-white cat ears and pink fox ears are cute and beautiful, with flying hair and a fragrant breeze.

A woman nodded with her head like a pile driver.

The big head is like Thor's hammer, the wind howls, the color changes when you hear it, and there is even the sound of breaking through the air.

Xu Zian smiled and said, "I'll have another night off today."

"I'll go take over the next mission."

"Let's continue setting off early tomorrow morning!"

"By the way, come down to my room later."

The three women nodded again and left with Xu Zian with smiles on their faces.

Second task.

It's not an escort mission anymore.

It’s a delivery mission!

Transport some of the more precious things to the target location.

The pay is high.

At least for the dazzling fleet of the Black Iron Star, the pay is not low.

To put it bluntly, it is actually the task of delivering express.

Speaking of today's fleet level.

The last mission was because there was a battle in the middle.

Moreover, the brilliant fleet performed well, especially Xu Zian's performance was the most outstanding.

So just the last mission.

A full 60 fleet points were awarded!

There is only 40 points left to reach the black iron two-star level.

If you accept the mission at that time, the reward will be slightly higher.

But it’s not much more than that.


This delivery mission.

It happens to be a 40-point base fleet point reward.

If you encounter a battle midway, it will be increased based on your performance.

If the goods are lost or damaged.

Then varying amounts of fleet points will be deducted accordingly.

[Huiming Stellar System Muyuan Technology Company Delivery Mission]

[Mission details]: Transport a batch of Muyuan Technology Company goods to the Huawei Group branch in the Puppy star system 490 light-years away.

[Task Responsibility]: Do all the obligations to ensure the safe arrival of the goods.

[Task Reward]: Fleet base score 40; reward 22 million universe coins.

Because they only have one fleet.

Therefore, the base points of the fleet are higher and the rewards are also higher!

But if you fail, the compensation will be higher and the risk will be higher.

Task acceptance.

Think no more.

Go to the room.

Three girls.

B is already waiting for him in the room. .

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