Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 81 Begonia: I Feel Like I Was Taken By Versailles!

The splendid galaxy is a full 360,000 light-years away from the Milky Way.

360,000 light-years..………

Theoretically, it takes light 360,000 years to travel!

How fast is light?

They have to travel 360,000 light-years, it is conceivable......

How far is the distance.

Cruisers are equipped with space jump engines.

This distance is actually no problem for cruisers.

The space jump engine performs a space jump, starting from a distance of 10,000 light years.

However, the Brilliant No. can't do it!

In other words, those below cruisers are not good, they are all equipped with pulse jump engines.

For that thing, you have to jump 360,000 times to 1 light-year at a time.

Let alone whether you can jump that many times, even if you can hold on, the fuel is far from enough.


This time the two are going to a beautiful federal military star system about 960 light-years away from the solar system.

There, there is a wormhole jump gate controlled by the federal army.

That star gate is also a star gate that directly leads to the Splendid Galaxy.

Star gates are different from the teleportation arrays in fantasy, immortality, and magic.

It cannot be said that wherever it is sent, it will be sent there.

The wormhole transition stargate is mainly composed of wormholes in two regions of the universe.

A wormhole transition star "760" gate, only one transition channel!

Like the Milky Way, there are many such wormhole transition stargates, which are controlled by different federal military star systems.

These star gates lead to different large galaxies.

The Splendid Federation military star system is 960 light-years away, and it would take a full 32 days just to catch up to the time spent, even if the pulse transition is performed non-stop, calculated at 30 light-years a day.

Besides, it is definitely not possible to rush on the road like this. The starship can survive, the fuel can survive, and people can't survive.

According to what Haitang said.

Jump a certain distance every day, and go to a nearby star system halfway, or take a rest at a space relay station.

Then refuel the starship.

It will take about 58 days to arrive.

Fortunately, after passing through the star gate and arriving at the Splendid Galaxy.

The star gate leading to the Milky Way controlled by the "Galaxy Federation Military Star System" is relatively close to the Shenzhou Star System.

330 light-years, and it can be reached in a month at most.

That is to say.

This journey, just on the road, will consume a full three months.

Perhaps this is also a shortcoming of the interstellar age of the universe.

The universe is just too big and vast.

The three-month voyage seems to have been a long time, and it has traveled a long way.


Not taking the universe into consideration, this distance is just a drop in the ocean for the area controlled by the Earth Federation alone!

"Xu Zian, I have already sent the route to your optical brain, jump according to this direction."

Haitang said in the communicator: "By the way, what is your transition speed?"

Xu Zian glanced at the virtual projection of the star map given by the optical computer in the cockpit, and replied: "My current jump limit is 1.8 light years, the time is 33 minutes, and it takes 8 minutes to recharge.

"Tsk tsk, I can only say that it is worthy of the red excellence?"

Haitang sighed: "Okay, I understand."

"I will adjust the jump distance to be the same as yours."

Xu Zian nodded: "Good!"

Say no more.

Two starships, one large and one small, started their pulse jump engines one after another and entered the jump mode.

Haitang will keep the same route and distance with Xu Zian throughout the journey.

Her mission is to protect Xu Zian from arriving safely.

The Star Crystal Optical Brain of the Brilliant Star began to broadcast:

"Preparing for a pulse transition, the distance of this transition is 1.2 light years."

The countdown to the leap..."





"The jump starts!"

The familiar space is distorted and colorful.

Due to the gaze, I can no longer see a specific scene clearly, and everything is distorted.

This 1.8 light-year jump takes a total of 33 minutes.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Zian straightened his waist.

Get up and go back to the captain's living room to practice.

Biology can cultivate.

There are no such things as gongfa and mental methods.

The cultivation of bioenergetics is to absorb energy, try to take exercise as much as possible when consuming energy, and take this energy as one's own.

Practicing at the same time... is actually exercising.

Exercise your limits.

Stimulate the potential of the human body, stimulate the growth and increase of biological energy in the human body.

This is the way of bioenergy cultivation.

There is no such thing as mysterious and mysterious devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Energy intake is to eat, and the best and highest quality energy is undoubtedly those treasures that contain a lot of biological energy.

Xu Zian does not have Tiancaidibao, but he has wealth.

He found out.

A large amount of wealth is directly converted into biological energy. The reason why my body can't bear it is actually because my body is too weak.

But as long as you practice hard, the amount of biological energy you convert every day can be increased!

And there will be no feeling that the body is bursting!

With a thought.

5 points of wealth, instantly converted into 5 points of bioenergy!

A huge biological energy suddenly appeared and surged in the body.

Xu Zian hurriedly put the 300-kilogram barbell on the ground on his shoulders and started squatting.

Three hundred kilograms......

It's nothing to Xu Zian.

After all, in the 21st century, the record of the best weightlifting champion is to lift 220 kilograms.

And Xu Zian is a fifth-level fighter!

300 kg is not easy, but it will not be too difficult.

Squat again and again.

Soon it was profusely sweating.

But after the body started strenuous exercise, the huge biological energy that was originally shocking the body was uncomfortable...

It is also gradually absorbed by the body quickly and gradually calms down.

Inside the TOZ0108 space relay station.

Stopping and stopping, Xu Zian and Haitang, who have jumped for more than half a month, are dining in a foreign restaurant in this space relay station.

The so-called foreign restaurant is just as the name suggests.

It's unorthodox people.

The universe is vast.

Hundreds of millions of races.

The three peak overlord groups in the universe are only the three most powerful groups among the billions of groups in the universe, and it does not mean that there are only three groups in the entire universe.

Such as the cosmic human race.

There are countless unorthodox human ethnic groups under his command.

These unorthodox human races are only slightly different in appearance from the human race.

For example, the fox people, cat people, rabbit people...

The difference between them and the orthodox human race lies in their ears, tails, height, etc.

You can even get married and have children.

In the universe, there are indeed many examples of human races marrying and marrying these ethnic groups.

There are countless.

The restaurant they are in now is a specialty gourmet restaurant of the Zaroya ethnic group..

The Zaroa race is a race that is relatively close to the human race in all aspects.

It is also very simple to tell the difference between them and humans, just look at their pupils and fingers.

There are two pupils in each of their eyes, and these two pupils can also rotate.

The eyeballs cannot move, but the pupils can move, which is amazing.

Secondly, each of their hands has seven fingers.

And the fingers are a bit longer than those of humans——

Except for the two-jointed thumb of the human race, the rest of the fingers have three joints.

But the Zaroa people have three-jointed thumbs and four-jointed fingers.

In fact, it’s pretty much the same.

Anyway, everything else is the same.

Even the physical structure of men and women is like this

Speaking of the structure of men and women, the body structures of men and women are generally different from those of human beings.

The human race classifies them as non-human races!

Not even unorthodox humans.

Such as the Inhumans and the Insects!

Zergs lay a lot of eggs, but humans don't have this kind.

The Inhumans are even more outrageous. They do not distinguish between men and women, nor are they male or female. Reproduction relies solely on fission.

Well... just like cells.

"Zaroya people are famous for their specialties. Try it."

Haitang signaled Xu Zian to order.

At the dining table next to them, several Zaroyans wearing space armor and looking like starship captains were eating.

After hearing the conversation between the two, one of them immediately enthusiastically introduced Xu Zian: "Human race.

"You must have never tasted our Zanroa delicacies, right?"

"I suggest you really try it, you won't be disappointed."

“I highly recommend our signature dish of Zaroa: Frosted Mushroom!”

“It must be delicious!”

Xu Zian laughed, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll have a serving of frosty meat mushrooms!"

Of course he knew the Zanroya people.

I have learned this before when I was studying the history and development of billions of people in the universe.

It is one of the unorthodox human groups affiliated with the cosmic human race.

The fighting power is not bad.

At the same time, there are many biological captains of the Zaroyan people in the universe, and the group is also very large. They belong to one of the medium-sized groups of the 3.2 subordinate people.

This is also the first time that Xu Zian has truly seen ethnic groups other than the human race in reality.

Knew it.

This person needs to come out more.

Just come out and walk around.

Only then did I realize how big the world is.

The vastness of the universe!

While waiting for the food to be served.

Xu Zian finally couldn't help it anymore, raised his head and asked helplessly: "I long are you going to stare at me?"

"Isn't it just that the cultivation is faster and the biological ability is improved faster?"

"You are also one of the top ten geniuses of the Earth Federation. Are you no less talented than me?"

Hearing Xu Zian's words.

Haitang held her smooth forehead with her slender fingers and was speechless for a while.

She for a while.

I can't tell whether Xu Zian is Versailles or not.

How long is this?

Before Xu Zian's college entrance examination, he only broke through the fifth rank.

It's almost ten days since the college entrance examination.

It looks like half a month of sailing now.

Just a month and a few days at most...

You tell me that your biological energy is already full.

Are you going to evolve the Brilliant to the sixth level???

And now you tell me...

Is this just because the cultivation is a little faster and the biological ability is improved a little faster?

Do we have different opinions on the word "dian" which means "too fast"?

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