Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 91: Shock From The Bosses!

In fact, this is also the reason why Xu Zian doesn't know much about evolutionists.

The evolutionists I know are the master, Song Yu's master and apprentice, and Xiong An.

The real contact has only been in the past six months.

He didn't know the progress and difficulties of the evolutionist group.

don't even know...

He himself is purely against the sky.

Still a little depressed.

It was so smooth when I evolved the reconnaissance ship by myself, and it was so easy to improve the red excellent quality.

How come the evolution of the frigate and the improvement of the perfect quality of pink are so difficult.

I once doubted my own talent.

Looking at Xu Zian's slightly frustrated expression.

Elder Xia and the other elders exchanged glances.

They all fell silent.

But judging from the degree of twitching at the corners of their mouths...

My heart is not silent at all.

The key is...……

With their mature eyes, one can tell at a glance that Xu Zian is sincerely talking about this matter.

not showing off....

This is the most outrageous thing.

One of the serious-looking old men turned his head and asked with a strange expression: "Now can you improve the quality of parts to pink perfection?"

Although I don't know who the old man in front of me is.

But if I want to be able to stand with the master, I am afraid that it is a certain evolutionary "four six three" master, or a super strong person.

Hastily nodded respectfully and replied: "Yes."

"But the quality of slightly larger and more precise parts cannot be improved to pink perfection."

"And those parts that can be upgraded to pink perfect quality, the probability of each upgrade is no more than 50%, and they often fail.

Xu Zian was helpless.

Little did they know that the eyes of Mr. Xia and the other elders had changed.

One of the old men, who looked like a smiling Buddha, waved his hand and said, "It's useless to talk.

"Come on, let's go and try it now!"

"Although the evolution simulation of this virtual metaverse is still a bit different from reality."

"But it can also simulate a seventy-eight percent."

"You cover it up for us on the spot, and see how the parts you mentioned are upgraded to the perfect quality of pink."

"But I only give you three chances!"

Xu Zian thought it was these old men who wanted to guide him on the spot.

Hearing this, he immediately nodded in surprise: "Okay, okay..."

"But we're going to..."

He said and looked at the master.

Xia Dongliu said without hesitation: "Listen to him!"

"Let's go, there is an evolution simulation factory next to it, just go there!"

Xia Dongliu also wanted to see it very much.

My new apprentice.

Talent, how terrifying is it!

As for bragging?

Not only him.

None of the old men around him thought so.

No matter how stupid you are, you won't brag about your life in front of them.

Because whether it’s bragging or not, we’ll find out later.


It was not just his face that was lost, but also the face of his master, Xia Dongliu.

In the hall itself, Xia Dongliu, Xu Zian and the others were the center of attention.

Seeing them walking towards the side one after another, everyone couldn't help but feel confused.

Senior brother Zhang Yuanhai couldn't help but ask: "Master, what are you?"

The old man with a Buddha-like smile immediately pointed at Xu Zian and said with a smile: "Yuan Hai."

"We old guys want to see your junior brother's level on the spot."

"How about it? Come over and have a look together?"

Upon hearing this, everyone present immediately became excited.

Among the people present, only the two vice-presidents Chen Shanchuan, Xiong An, and Sun System had seen Xu Zian's awesomeness.

The rest of the people had never seen it with their own eyes, but only heard about how outstanding Xu An's talent was.

Now that Xu Zian was going to give a live demonstration, naturally everyone became interested and followed him one after another.

Xu Zian didn't care either.

There are many people but few people, and it has no effect on him at all.

He is very happy now.

Because of the evolution of perfect quality, he has been troubled for a long time.

Now it seems that not only can I get the master's teachings and receive the goods, but these master's inventions...

As long as you ask yourself, are they embarrassed not to give you guidance?

Xu Zian chuckled in his heart.

next to the lobby.

It is a huge evolution factory.

The advantage of the virtual metaverse is that everything is virtual.


Here, evolve whatever you want to evolve!

"You go ahead and don't worry about us."

Master Xia Dongliu touched Xu Zian's head lovingly: "Don't be pressured, just perform to your best.

Xu Zian was puzzled.


Why is this so stressful?

Ask a question: Why are you still stressed?

Too lazy to think too much, he nodded heavily and walked over.

There were dozens or hundreds of people around, watching intently.

Come to the virtual panel of the Evolution Factory.

Xu Zian chose a component that he had evolved before, but had the highest success rate of only half.

A balance.

As mentioned before, the function of the balancer is to confirm the ecliptic plane of the universe and allow the starship to maintain a plane flight.

This kind of thing, to be honest, does not have much technical content.

But even so.

Xu Zian's success rate in evolving it to pink perfection is still only about 50%. You can imagine how frustrated he is.

Don't think too much.

A balancer was selected, and the balancer selected was a green and high-quality balancer.

Xu Zian thought about it.

Since you want to ask for advice, you have to start from the beginning.

Only by starting from the beginning can Master and the others see clearly.

And this balancer is the same model as the one on my brilliant one!

So I want the masters and others to see from the beginning, how they have evolved from green excellence to red excellence.

Then, with an almost 100% success rate, why does the failure rate of evolving pink perfect quality be so high?


Quality improvement started immediately.

it's here.

Any material needed can appear in an instant.

Here, evolution does not need evolution value, of course.

Xu Zian is already familiar with the evolution of red excellence and previous quality.

No need to think too much at all.

Pieces of different metals and materials began to be put into the balancer, allowing them to be absorbed and fused.

The weight and weight are different.

The order of fusion absorption also varies.


Everyone who saw Xu Zian's coherent operation nodded.

Those present, except for those super strong people who are not evolutionists.

The rest are evolutionists.

The worst are all three qualities.

Xu Zian's level can be seen at a glance.

This is how it works and how proficient it is.

There are also ideas of evolution.

All kinds of whimsical ways of evolution.

It is worthy of the title of Bright Monster!

evolution 0..

It's never set in stone.

Even with the same evolution focus, there are as many as hundreds of thousands of materials!

For example, to improve the quality of a main gun is mainly to improve its penetration history.

Then there are often hundreds of thousands of materials that can be selected.

The universe is so big, there are too many materials, too many different metals.

Natural, synthetic, compound.

Too much too much.

can be used for evolution.

There is a clear statement in the circle of evolutionists—

Everything can evolve!

What I said is not that everything can be evolved, but that everything can be used for evolution!

Different substances, different attributes, evolved things are different.

An evolutionist really needs profound knowledge and super talent.

Otherwise, if you can't remember the metal material alone, how can you be an evolutionist?

Evolved step by step.

half an hour later.

The balance meter has steadily entered the blue rare quality.

Another half hour.

Steadily promoted to red excellent quality!

It's just under an hour!

So steady!

Everyone was full of amazement.

But when most people thought Xu Zian was going to end...

Then I saw that besides An, he was still choosing materials and metals!

At this moment, these people all stared wide-eyed, and a trace of inconceivable color flashed in their eyes

Xu Zian..…………

Is this going to continue?

No, Xu Zian can, can evolve pink perfect quality now???


Even if it is as calm as the big brother Zhang Yuanhai.

There are also three other brothers and sisters from Xu Zian.

And Chen Shanchuan, Xiong An, who knew how talented Xu Zian was.

At this moment, he couldn't help but look shocked.

At their level, they deeply understand what the perfect quality of pink represents!


A rank one evolutionist.

If it is possible to evolve pink parts with perfect quality...

What else can it represent!!!


It shouldn't be so outrageous!

Even if there are a thousand and 10,000 and 4.4 in my heart, I don't believe it.

But when Xu Zian integrated the materials one by one.

The balancer removes the impurities after the first step, and when the quality steadily increases...

They were stunned, dumbfounded faces.

Even if it's Mr. Xia and those old men.

At this moment, he watched in astonishment.

I thought Xu Zian would fail once or twice.

But now it seems...

Will it succeed once?

Moreover, is it still evolving steadily from fine quality to pink perfect quality?


Nothing went wrong?

About fifty minutes later.

When a pink light flashed on the balance instrument.

Its specific quality and data are directly displayed virtually on the balancer.

The audience was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

They all stared blankly at the balance meter data displayed in the virtual metaverse, speechless for a long time.

Cheng, succeeded.

next moment.

Those old men beside Mr. Xia.

One by one, the eyes suddenly burst into dazzling light.

It was like searchlights shining on Xu Zian.

that look.

Like an idiot seeing a stunning beauty.

Such as a foodie seeing a full feast of Man and Han.

That's a glutton. .

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