The shelves that no one cared about were quickly emptied .

Netizens who came late were not willing to return without success .

can’t find it in stores and supermarkets in the old Whampoa , go to convenience stores and grocery stores .

As a result, the boss of the canteen at the gate of the community has heard the most every day for several days .

” Boss , if you have something from the old Whampoa , anything will do !”

And the most popular phrase on the Internet is .

” Today , have you bought Old Whampoa ?”

Many celebrities even bought old Whampoa’s food and posted a scarf to rub off the heat .

At this time , the official scarf of the old Huangpu, who had been silent for a long time, finally made a move .

” Please don’t be impulsive , dear consumers , and consume rationally according to your own needs !”

These two short sentences instantly aroused strong onlookers from netizens .

” Fuck , the official has spoken out . It turns out that Old Huangpu still has public relations !”

” It may also be a part-time boss !”

” Haha , it’s okay for the boss to be a part-time public relations officer . Forgive me for not being able to hold back my laughter !”

” It’s really possible , you didn’t read its official Weibo and you’re not even a member !”

” The official V who is not even willing to rush for a member is so pitiful , can the scarf be ok , let it be a member !”

” Let’s consume rationally ? You old Huangpu almost went bankrupt , why don’t you rationally donate 20 million !”

” I have a need . The plain noodles at Old Huangpu are so delicious that if you don’t eat them for a day, you will panic , so I have to buy a few more boxes to stock up. When are you guys going to be able to stock up on ducks , I’ve been running all over the house every day. There are supermarkets and convenience stores nearby , but you can’t buy them !”

” Old Huangpu’s everything is good , but it’s too cheap . The same thing is so much cheaper than a certain woman and a certain family next door. What ‘s the age , your pricing is still stuck in a century , no wonder it keeps losing money !”

” That’s right , I strongly demand that it be sold more expensively !”


This official Weibo was blasted all of a sudden , and while netizens were frantically complaining and ridiculing , they also generated a lot of hot stalks .

The popularity of the old Huangpu is booming , and many related news hit the hot search list and firmly occupy the top of the topic list .

Old Huangpu Industrial Park .

” Factory manager , all of our inventory has been sold out , and the distributors and supermarkets and hypermarkets are constantly calling , all asking for additional orders !”

Deng Xing, who heard the report from the head of the sales department, was extremely shocked .

Just a few days ago , there were still a lot of backlogs of products in the warehouse , but in a blink of an eye , it was hard to find any goods . The workers had to work overtime day and night to fill up the production capacity , but still could not meet the demand !

He really did it !

Deng Xing was in awe of the new boss .

If Xia Ze hadn’t come to talk to him a few days ago , Deng Xing might have thought that the reversal of old Huangpu’s reputation and sales might just be luck .

But now he is very clear that this is no accident . The new boss has done an incredible success , which can be called a miraculous commercial marketing !

Dawn Building .

” Boss , you are too arrogant . My admiration for you is like a surging river , and it is like the flooding of the Yellow River out of control !”

The fat man was flattering and flattering .

Even if he doesn’t know much about business , he can see how powerful Xia Ze’s operation is .

A company that was scolded and boycotted not long ago , and its negative image was almost irreversible, has now become the object of craziness and praise , and its products are sold out of stock !

If you can “;; water ” resource ” source : group ?6?’5:.6″?6.1:.8;8″;9″‘6:; preparation ; .use !!?.”‘ Turn ,: Group ‘,,7’;6,6?0,:1,:”8!3?2;;?0 Want to get it ?

As for Xiao Yu , it was more inconceivable .

That day, Xia Ze said that if he gave him a fulcrum , he would be able to pry up the entire online world . Those words sounded so arrogant !

However, it soon became a reality .

If the previous hoarding of raw chickens was a big gamble , and it had to rely on luck in addition to vision , then this wave of acquiring the old Whampoa and turning the tide has fully demonstrated Xia Ze’s means , which can be called a masterpiece !

Tsundere such as Xiao Yu had no choice but to obey . If it were her , she would admit that she could not bring the old Huangpu back to life , let alone counterattack !

As for Yang Qian , this is the third time she has seen Xia Ze’s business feat , but she is still very shocked .

These three cases can be called classic cases , which opened her eyes and benefited a lot .

the first day when other people publish their books , they ask for various data , and the author has written quickly , and has never made a sound . There are really not many honest authors like Fei Lu , please give some points to the bosses. Please encourage me with flower tickets . Thank you for your support. Those who support the author ‘s bacteria will make a fortune !

Chapter 41 Bai Mengru is very puzzled

” Old Huangpu’s market valuation is recovering rapidly , it has exceeded 1.5 billion before the reputation crisis event , and the momentum is still continuing !”

Xiao Yu made a financial report .

Fatty’s eyes suddenly lit up : ” Damn , if you change hands, would n’t you be able to make at least one billion ?”

It has only been ten days since the acquisition of Old Whampoa , which is faster than robbing a bank !

” Fatty , pay attention to the pattern !”

Xia Ze said lightly : ” I bought Old Huangpu to make our Vientiane Jiarun bigger and stronger , not to make a fortune by changing hands !”

” Uh , boss , it’s because I’m too small !”

The fat man nodded again and again , covering up his embarrassment with a dry smile .

Xia Ze continued : ” Now we have the support of consumers , but this Internet boom will eventually recede , so the next step is to solve the problems of the old Huangpu itself , so that it can really go on the right track !”

He is very calm .

Hongxingerke also came back to life due to a wave of Internet boom , and its market value soared . However , after netizens’ consumption returned to rationality , they still had to rely on product competitiveness to win the country .

A miraculously successful marketing can only give you the opportunity and time .

Products lack competitiveness and will be eliminated from the market sooner or later .

His eyes turned to Yang Qian : ” Manager Yang , the old Huangpu has to be reformed . It is inevitable to discard the old and promote the new . There is a lot of work to do , are you confident ?”

Yang Qian heard what Xia Ze meant , and he planned to let himself take care of the old Huangpu .

” Boss , I will do my best !”

” Okay , then I’ll leave it to you . Later, I’ll let you meet with the higher-ups over there, and let’s get to know each other !”

Night , Phoenix Villa .

In a villa with elegant and elegant decoration .

” Zhiyan , you don’t know how I spent the past two weeks, I was almost suffocated to death !”

Bai Mengru complained to her best friend .

Although the scandal with Xia Ze was cleared up by Tang Zhiyan’s clever strategy , she was still grounded by her father for a period of time , which was undoubtedly tormenting for her extroverted personality .

lifted tonight , I immediately went to my girlfriend to talk .

Tang Zhiyan smiled and said , ” You , you deserve it, who told you to bet !”

” How can I get it , that bastard … Xia Ze can really pay back the money , Zhi Yan , where do you think he got the money ?”

to this topic , Bai Mengru is very puzzled .

Tang Zhiyan hesitated for a moment : ” I heard that he opened a food company !”

” What , Xia Ze opened a company ?”

Bai Mengru was slightly moved .

” Well , I also made a lot of money by hoarding raw chickens while taking advantage of the Philippine swine fever some time ago !”

” At the time of Feizhou swine fever , the price of chicken really went up a lot . Aunt Liang, who bought vegetables in our family, said that it was almost three times as much as before . Those chicken farms have made a fortune . How could Xia Ze think of taking advantage of swine fever? Opportunity to make money ?”

Bai Mengru was very puzzled .

In her impression , Xia Ze was just the kind of dude who didn’t know anything and only knew how to prosper .

” I think it should be that he got the inside information from the Xia family in advance !”

Tang Zhiyan also couldn’t figure it out .

She didn’t think Xia Ze had such a forward-looking vision , the only possible explanation was this .

After all, the Xia family in the capital is very influential , and there are important people in the military, political and business circles . Some information is a secret to ordinary people , but the Xia family may know it .

” Yes, yes , it must be so !”

Bai Mengru agreed .

” Is that food company borrowed from you ? If you invest more , the price of raw chicken will skyrocket , and it will not be a problem to make tens of millions !”

Bai Mengru was very annoyed . No wonder Xia Ze was full of confidence when he made the bet. It turned out that he had received the inside information from the Xia family that Feizhou swine fever would be introduced into China .

That kid is so cunning , Miss Ben is sloppy !

” That , Zhi Yan , have you really decided to accept him ?”

Bai Mengru asked cautiously .

” Try it . After all, I can’t really fall out with the family and never go home . Besides , at least he has some confidence in this period of time . ”

Tang Zhiyan casually perfunctory .

Bai Mengru’s heart is in the ass , didn’t she just get inside information from the Xia family , and immediately opened a company to do a business with steady profits and no loss ? Who wouldn’t be happy with such a good thing ?

the previous words , she would have turned on the Tucao mode , but this time she swallowed the words .

The second scandal almost brought big trouble to the Bai family , which already made the old man very angry , and strictly warned her not to get involved in the marriage between the Xia family and the Tang family .

Before the ban was lifted this time , the old man reiterated that if Bai Mengru committed another crime and caused some trouble , the next time it would not be as simple as being banned for a month .

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