considering the road , Li Shiqi made an evaluation .

Zhao Yan was a little confused . He had never seen his teacher give a post such a high rating .

” Professor , by the way, the person who posted the post is called Caiji Network . It ‘s a new ID. I ‘ve never seen it before . I just went to its homepage to read it , and I just signed up today and published this post. Chapter !”

Users in this forum seldom use vests , all of which are discussed online by the deity , and being able to write such an article will definitely make him famous , so why hide it , so Zhao Yan ~ thinks it is very strange .

” Sounds like the name of a company , but I’ve never heard of it , Zhao Yan , you can check it out for me right away , if it’s a company , find the person responsible . If not

, Just let the network information center locate the IP, – be sure to find the contact information of the poster , with the fastest – speed ! ”

The National Communication Network Laboratory is affiliated to the National Network Information Center . It is naturally easy to locate an IP and find a forum user .

” Yes , Professor !”

Zhao Yan led the way .

After a while , he came back .

” Teacher , you guessed right , Caujie Network is a communication network company that has just been established for a few days. At the same time, the network information center has also confirmed that the post does come from this company. ‘s intranet ! ”

Li Shiqi moved slightly .

A new company that has only been established for a few days, but can publish such an article , there must be great power behind it !

After a pause , Zhao Yan said again : ” The boss of the Caiji Network is quite famous , his name is Xia Ze , he is the big boss of a food company , and he is also a practitioner of ‘ Xia’s CPR ‘ . Founder ! ”

Li Shiqi was startled .

This Boss Xia is no stranger to him. ” Xia’s CPR method ” shocked both China and foreign countries , and everyone has gone out of the circle . Anyone who pays a little attention to the news will definitely have heard of it .

Why did he come to engage in the communication network again ?

The magic capital , the letter beating office building .

Xia Ze sat in front of the computer and looked at the communication technology professional forum .

Needless to say, the post was made by him .

It didn’t take much time , and the popularity was already super high , and it should soon be able to attract the attention of the relevant departments .

Just as he was thinking about it , the phone rang . It was an unfamiliar number , whose home was Kyoto .

Xia Ze vaguely guessed something .

He connected the phone .

” Hello , hello !”

” Hello , is this Mr. Xia Zexia from Caiji Network Technology Co., Ltd.? ”

The other party mentioned Caiji Network as soon as he opened his mouth , and naturally he came for the post .

After all, few people know about this company that has only been open for a few days .

” Yes , I am !”

” I’m Li Shiqi, director of the National Institute of Communication Technology !” Professor Li said straight to the point .

” An hour ago , I saw a post about the fifth-generation mobile network communication technology on the ” communication network technology forum. The ID of the poster is Caiji Network . Is it from your company ? ”

” Yes , I posted it !”

Xia Ze did not deny it .

He would like to make a post as a stepping stone to arouse the interest of relevant departments and let the power of the state intervene .

” The 5G concept proposed in that post is of great reference value , and it looks far away , but as far as I know , your company has only been established for a few days !”

Li Shiqi raised the question politely .

” Hehe , although our Caiji Network has a limited time to set up , but before that , I personally set up a professional laboratory , and the time to do this research is not short . Fortunately, I have Got some results ! ”

” To be honest with Director Li , about 4G technology , our laboratory has already done a lot of work , and we have even started research on 5G technology !”

Xia Ze dropped a heavy explosive .

At this time, you can’t be humble , you just want to shock the other party .

” Xia Renban , what do you mean when you say ‘ the 4G scrolling technique is messed up ?'”

” We have overcome most of the technical problems , I can’t say all of them , but it’s almost there !”

-? ask for flowers ..

Li Shiqi was stupid .

4G by the National Communication Network Research Institute can only be said to be just getting started , but this rookie network has overcome almost all technical problems ?

” Boss Xia , are you sure ?”

” Oh , I’m pretty sure !”

Xia Ze was confident .

He took the achievement points to buy some 4G difficult technologies in the system store .

5G technology is expensive , but 4G is fine .

After listening to Xia Ze talking , Li Shiqi had to believe it if he didn’t believe it .

Because the problem that Xia Ze mentioned just now is something that the institute is trying to overcome , but has not yet achieved results .

There is indeed material !

Shiqi was a little embarrassed , but more excited than a private communication network company that had just been established for a few days .


If this boss Xia claims that he has solved most of the problems of 4G , then the country’s communication network construction process may be greatly accelerated , and even catch up with the developed Western countries. The progress of the country !

After all , only a few western developed countries have started 4G commercial use, and it has not yet been fully popularized .

” Boss Xia , whether your company’s 4G technology achievements are willing to sell , the price is negotiable !”

Xia Ze just waited for his words , and smiled slightly when he heard the words .

” I’m afraid it won’t work if you sell it , Director Li , you also understand that it’s not easy for my team to achieve results , but if the country wants to , I can cooperate with the country ! Not only 4

G, and 5G, which we have already started to discuss , can all be prioritized to reach a cooperative relationship with the country ! ”

Xia Ze, intentionally or unintentionally, emphasized a word – first priority .

This is very spiritual !

In other words , no one wants his achievements , but he can think about his own country first .

The truth is also true .

At present, I don’t know how many countries in the world have just started 4G like Xia Guo , a company with a lot of 4G technical achievements , as long as it is released , they will definitely rush over to seek cooperation. do .

Li Shiqi actually knew that it was impossible for the other party to sell the results so easily . If nothing else , he could make a lot of money just by having technical patents in his hands .

” Boss Xia , I can’t control this matter , but I can apply with the above !”

” Okay , Director Li, then I’ll just wait for the good news !”

… million .




Chapter 97: See the leaders and talk about cooperation plans !

There will soon be news from Li Shiqi. The country attaches great importance to this matter . The construction of communication network is an important step to realize modernization . The country’s talent and capital investment in this regard The entry capital is huge , and now there is a private company with a bunch of 4G achievements in its hands , and it is impossible to give it to a foreign country .

As for how to establish a cooperative relationship , Xia Ze had to make a trip to discuss the cooperation in detail .

A passenger plane bound for Kyoto .

” Wow , that guy is so handsome , his skin is better than mine, I’m so envious ! ”

” Is he a male star who just debuted !”

” What a star , I don’t have any knowledge , this one is much more powerful than a star , and he is a big boss !”

” Hey , how did you know that ?”

” I read a report about him, and I immediately remembered the photo at that time . You have all eaten ‘ Four Squirrels ‘ . He is the boss of the Four Squirrels , called Xia Ze !”

“” 640 ” is right , it’s Xia Ze . When I checked the ticket just now , I saw the name on his ID card !”

“‘ Four squirrels ‘ are selling like crazy . Boss Xia must be very rich . I wish I had such a boyfriend !”

” Come on , do n’t be a nympho , if you have a boyfriend like this , why are you flirting with this as a flight attendant ? ?:1′””8;,!8;”.9?'”6? Preparation ;.” Use ,? Middle : Turn ? Group’7 ‘:;6:.6;0.!!1″?” 8’?3;2!.; 0 ! ”

” Oh , that ‘s true , how can people like women like us !”

Several flight attendants looked at Xia Ze in the first-class cabin not far away and chatted with each other .

Finally , one of the flight attendants summoned up the courage and came over and asked expectantly, ” Boss Xia , excuse me , I’m your fan , can I take a picture with you ?”

” Yes !”

Xia Ze laughed .

” Great !”

flight attendant immediately took out her camera and asked her companion to take a photo of the two of them .

The other flight attendants couldn’t sit still and asked for a group photo .

Xia Ze refused to come and met everyone’s requirements one by one .

” I came to Kyoto this time , and I also brought a small gift !”

” Oh , what gift ?”

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