109 My Heart fluttered

Huang Xi was shocked to know that Lóng Wei had come to see him. He quickly wore the overcoat and ran out to the main patio of the residence, where Lóng Wei was waiting for him.

“Your Highness, why don’t you take the seat? The Young Master will take time... a few minutes to arrive,” the chief servant of the residence, Fu Kai, humbly requested to Lóng Wei.

“I am here,” Huang Xi reached on the patio. He was panting, which clearly showed how fast he ran from his chamber to the patio. Fu Kai walked to him and asked him if he was good.

Huang Xi nodded and rested against the pillar of the patio, gasping for air.

Lóng Wei chuckled and asked Fu Kai to bring water for his young master. Fu Kai quickly got down to the patio and asked a servant to bring water.

“You could have walked instead of running,” Lóng Wei stated.

“I could not stop. It is the first time the Sixth Prince visited his friend,” Huang Xi stated and smiled. Fu Kai came to the patio with a tray in his hand. Huang Xi picked up the glass and drank water. Lóng Wei refused to take water and asked Fu Kai to leave them alone for a while. Fu Kai bowed and left the patio again.

Lóng Wei sat on the broad handrail and folded his arms. “Huang Xi, let’s change the route tomorrow,” Lóng Wei said.

“Pardon me, Your Highness? May I know the reason?” He then asked.


“I want us to go through the mountain. It will be tiresome, but we will not feel the summer heat. We may reach 3-4 hours late in Xinshui, but that will be better,” Lóng Wei opined.
“Your Highness, but the mountain route is not easy to cover. Also, I have not even checked it. What if we encountered bandits?” Huang Xi raised several doubts. “I don’t think it’s possible to go through that route,” he stated.

“Huang Xi, I have traveled to Xinshui using that route twice,” Lóng Wei said and put his arms down. “It’s not difficult to use. There are no bandits in the forest because of the presence of wild animals. But animals mostly appeared at night time,” he explained to Huang Xi.

“Your Highness, what is the reason behind this? Does His Highness think someone can attack us?” Huang Xi asked. “I request His Highness to be honest with me,” he urged Lóng Wei.

“The Second Prince will not let me return to the Palace. I need to be careful,” Lóng Wei replied.

Huang Xi nodded. “Then I will go and check the normal route,” he affirmed.

“No. Send another carriage tomorrow morning on the same route. I would like to know if the Second Prince really wants to kill me.” Lóng Wei instructed Huang Xi.

“How does His Highness find out that the Second Prince wants to kill him?” Huang Xi was curious.

“That’s not important for you. Plan accordingly for tomorrow. I have put trust in you, so don’t get failed in it,” Lóng Wei stated. Huang Xi bowed and assured him that he would not let anything happen to them.

Lóng Wei stood up and was ready to leave when Huang Xi asked him if he could discuss with him a matter related to Jingfei.

“What about her?” Lóng Wei asked.

“Princess Jingfei wants to marry me, but I don’t want to marry her,” Huang Xi said.

“The First Princess loves you. For you, she applies all sorts of beauty products on her face. If you tell her, she will burn inside out,” Lóng Wei said and smiled.

“I am stuck, Your Highness. My father wants me to marry Princess Jingfei. I tried to ignore the matter for a year, but now, it seems he will not let it slide,” Huang Xi asserted.

“I wish I could help you, Huang Xi. But I can’t do anything about this. The First Princess already hates me, and if I do anything, then she may harm Li Hua when I will not be around,” Lóng Wei plainly refused to help him.

“Your Highness, I only wanted to share with you. I have no one to share my thoughts with. I know that involving the Sixth Prince will only complicate the matter,” Huang Xi said and forced a smile on his lips.

“Just tell the King about what you feel. He will not force this marriage on you,” Lóng Wei suggested to him.

“My Father will not like it,” Huang Xi stated and sighed. “Also, I don’t want to disappoint the King. I thought if I ignored Princess Jingfei, she would stop making an effort towards winning my heart. I feel stuck, Your Highness,” he said with a heavy heart.

“Princess Jingfei has liked you for a very long time. She always flaunts about it,” Lóng Wei stated as he recalled her acts.

Huang Xi lowered his head and scrunched his brows. “Well, prepare for tomorrow. You can think about what to do about the proposal later,” Lóng Wei stated and walked to him.

“I envy the Sixth Prince for this reason. He speaks out his heart and does what he thinks is good for him,” Huang Xi said and chuckled.

“I haven’t stopped you from being rebellious. Do what gives you happiness,” Lóng Wei proclaimed and patted his shoulder. “I will leave now,” he said and left the patio.

Lóng Wei hopped on the horse and returned to the palace. He went to check Li Hua, if she was asleep or not in her chamber. Pushing the soft, silky curtain away, he looked at Li Hua. She was on the bed, sleeping peacefully. He removed the overcoat and put it aside before settling on the bed.

He caressed her head for a while before lying down beside her. His eyes didn’t leave the sight of her face for a second. “My heart fluttered when you said you cannot lose any more people who are close to you. You are the only person who has wanted me to live since the day I met you,” Lóng Wei mumbled.

Li Hua turned to his side, and her arm landed over his chest while her right leg entangled with his. Lóng Wei tilted his head and smiled. “You will regret seeing yourself in this position,” he said, and smiled for a while. He looked at her pouty lips and moved closer to her.

‘No!’ His inner voice stopped him. ‘She might get offended if you kiss her, when she was asleep.’

But who would tell her? Lóng Wei smiled and pressed his lips gently to hers. He looked at her face as he moved back and smiled again. His fingers brushed the fringes off her face.

“Li Hua, I hope your heart is ready to witness everything in Xinshui,” he murmured with a worried look.

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