139 I deserve a normal life

Li Hua giggled upon hearing Lóng Wei’s words. “Kidnapped me?” She chuckled. “That would be difficult,” she said.

“How?” Lóng Wei looked at her in amusement.

“My First Brother was a great swordsman. He had defeated His Highness,” Li Hua asserted. “No one could defeat my elder brother,” she praised Xu Zifan.

Lóng Wei smiled. “Li Hua, you are forgetting that I can do anything for the things I want,” he proclaimed. “Didn’t I tell you that I go crazy for the things which capture my eyes?” He looked for an answer in her eyes.

“I am not a thing, Your Highness,” Li Hua corrected him.

“Indeed, you are a beautiful possession that everyone would like to have,” Lóng Wei stated. “You possess such a wonderful power of making a person like me go crazy. I never ran after a person, the way I did for you. I indeed had lost my mind, after that day,” Lóng Wei pronounced.

Li Hua felt heat rising in her cheeks. She bit her lower lip and fiddled with her fingers. Her eyes fell on his kissable lips and then back to the eyes.

“Shall we go ahead?” Li Hua moved her hand in the air. She wanted to escape his sight. Several kinds of thoughts were appearing in her head that she didn’t want to think about. She slightly moved her feet to move away and averted her gaze from him.

Lóng Wei caught her arm and pulled her back. He pinned her on the trunk of the pear blossom tree. She stopped blinking and breathing too for a few seconds. Her fingers curled so did her toes inside the shoes.


“My favorite fruit is pear, my favorite flower is the pear flower and-” Lóng Wei paused as his gaze bored her.
“And?” Li Hua asked.

“My favorite person’s name originates from this pear tree. I found different meaning of my life here. A realization I got that day. Do you want to know what realization I had that day?” Lóng Wei asked. He sounded serious and desperate to tell her. Li Hua nodded at him.

“That I deserve a normal life,” Lóng Wei replied.

Those words seemed simple yet there seemed a deep meaning hidden behind them. Lóng Wei had not had a normal life. But why? Li Hua kept staring into his eyes.

Li Hua tiptoed and kissed the top of his cheek near the left eye. Lóng Wei looked at her in bewilderment as she put her feet down. “I thought His Highness needed it,” she murmured and lowered her eyes.

The next moment, their noses touched first and her face was lifted. Lóng Wei angled her face and opened his lips to kiss her upper lips. His body moved closer to her while her body convulsed. Lóng Wei’s other hand moved to hers which were near her chest, joined with each other. He brought one of them to his shoulder while the other, she lifted on her own.

Their faces moved as the kiss proceeded. Li Hua locked her hands behind his neck. She drew him close, not wanting to leave that kiss. They slowed down the rhythm of their lips and gradually pulled away. The grip of her hands loosened and she took deep breaths. She was dangerously attracted to him. He had made her go insane.

Her insides screamed at her that she had built feelings for him. She liked him differently. She never felt this way with Feng Lao. Around him, she was always shy. However, it was the opposite with Lóng Wei. She acted immediately according to her mind.

But, presently, after having the heated kiss with him, she wanted to bury herself deep down in the earth. She pursed her lips together wondering what Lóng Wei would say.

“Li Hua,” he pronounced her name.

“Hmm?” She responded but didn’t look at him.

“Admit that you like me,” Lóng Wei said, keeping a tiny smile on his lips. “You like me, don’t you?” He arched his brow.

“Your Highness, it is almost evening. Shall we head back?” Li Hua ignored his question and finally lifted her head. “They must be looking for us. Also, I promised my elder brother that I would have my evening tea with him,” she stated.

“No one is looking for us,” Lóng Wei stated. “Xu Zifan can wait for more. He knows that we both are newlyweds. We need some alone time,” he asserted.

Li Hua found it was tough to escape now.

“Why did you kiss me on the cheek? What meaning shall I take?” He was desperate to know.

“There’s no reason,” Li Hua replied.

“You are becoming bolder. I like it,” Lóng Wei stated and grasped her hand. “Come, I will show you something good,” he said and took her away.


Tianjie looked at Qiu Mu and folded his arms across his chest. “I don’t think Brother Qiu Mu shall go to Xinshui. It is too risky,” Tianjie stated.

“Why do you think so? I need to go to kill Lóng Wei. Else, he will destroy our lives,” Qiu Mu affirmed.

“Lóng Wei is smart,” Zhang Xi spoke this time. “Brother Qiu Mu, if you get caught, things will ruin,” he opined.

“Do you also think that I’m weaker than him?” Qiu Mu turned furious.

“I never thought that, Brother Qiu Mu. What if someone sees you in Xinshui? Also, what lie will you tell to the Royal Father?” Zhang Xi questioned him. “It is better to send a highly trained assassin,” he suggested to Qiu Mu.

“I agree with Brother Zhang Xi’s words. Send the assassins. Three will suffice,” Tianjie affirmed. “However, there exists a problem. Brother Mingquan and Commander Huang Xi are also in the cold palace.” He suddenly recalled them.

“I need to bait Lóng Wei so that he will come out of the cold palace. “The soon we get rid of him, the better it will be. We can live our lives in peace without any disturbance,” he stated.

“I still advise Brother Qiu Mu to send the assassins,” Zhang Xi asserted. “Why to have his filthy blood on your hands? Brother Qiu Mu doesn’t need to dirty his hands by killing him. Let the assassins handle this work,” he reasoned.

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