Chapter 33: I am ready to marry

Li Hua’s sleep broke abruptly, and she immediately sat up on the mattress. Her mouth fell open when she saw Lóng Wei on the same bed but opposite her. His temple rested on his calloused fist.

Li Hua recalled that she was practicing until she thought to take a rest for some time. However, as soon as she laid on the patio floor, she fell into a deep slumber.

So, the Sixth Prince put her on the bed. She looked towards the door to make sure it was closed. Because if anyone would see them in this state, then it would be trouble for her. She found the daylight had also lessened and realized that it was evening.

She moved out of the bed without making any noise. She walked to Lóng Wei’s side and covered him with the quilt. It was the time when she had to give an answer to the King about whether she would agree to marry the Youngest Prince or be ready to leave the imperial palace.

She stepped back and wore the shoes. Quietly she left the chamber to meet the King. The sky had turned redder as the sun had sat down. She halted outside the semicircular wall entrance of the Imperial Garden.

Li Hua curled her fingers into fists and went inside. The exquisite flower planted on both sides of the cobblestone path. The bottom of her gown touched the ground, and with each step, her heartbeat raised.

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For the first time in her life, she had to make a decision that would decide her entire future. A single mistake could destroy anything.


Agreeing to her marriage with Lóng Wei wasn’t an easy decision. Though the Sixth Prince had proposed to her already for the marriage, she was still skeptical about it. A man who saw her for the first time fell for her. The man was not an ordinary one.

Li Hua’s eyes landed on the King, who was standing at the shoreline of the lake. The lake was covered far and wide with lotuses. Eunuch Gao Bing saw her and informed the King about the same.

Li Hua found that the servants had left the Imperial Garden. She realized that it was supposed to be a private conversation.

“Greetings to His Majesty,” Li Hua said softly, keeping her head low.
Qiu Zedong narrowly glanced at her. “I thought you would not come,” he stated.

“I cannot act against the order of the King,” Li Hua answered.

Qiu Zedong’s hands were locked behind his back, and he took a deep breath before turning to her. “So, what is your decision?” He waited for Li Hua’s answer, who pursed her lips together.

“Before answering me, I would like to remind you to keep the words of Monk Yuze in your head. Monk Yuze’s words should not be ignored. Now, you can tell me your decision,” Qiu Zedong asserted.

“Your Majesty, firstly, I would like to thank Monk Yuze, who thinks that I will be the perfect bride for the Sixth Prince. Secondly, I would like to thank His Majesty for stopping the punishment of His Highness in the middle. I am glad that His Majesty acknowledged the humble request of this servant,” Li Hua expressed her gratitude before giving her answer.

The King found something strange in Li Hua. Her way of speaking was different from the many palace maids in the palace. However, he didn’t put much thought into it. His main focus was on her answer.

“Your Majesty,” Li Hua lifted her eyelids, “I am ready to marry the Sixth Prince.”

Finally, Li Hua gave her answer. The decision was tough for her. However, to reach her goal, she had to accept this proposal. Also, Monk Yuze’s words were still in her head.

Li Hua was ready to go inside the door where, a big opportunity was awaiting her. If she could find the answer behind Xu and Shui’s family’s assassination in this way, then she was ready to marry the Prince, whom everyone was afraid of! Indeed, it was a better way to find the answer because she would get to know the kingdom’s matters easily.

She remembered the last words of Feng Lao.

‘Go to the imperial capital. It all started from the capital.’

The fire of revenge was burning in her heart since the day she lost everything- Her father, her mother, her elder brothers, her best friend, and her lover.

She had pledged to take revenge on everyone who were involved in all this. Li Hua knew it was someone from the palace, but she was unsure about the person. Her first doubt was the King, but being a servant it was difficult for her to find out.

However, once she would become the official wife of Lóng Wei, she could easily find the answers. The answers were buried deep in the ground.

“I am ready to marry the Sixth Prince. However, I need at most two months to change the Sixth Prince. Can His Majesty grant me the two months’ time for this?” Li Hua requested.

Gao Bing was amazed to hear Li Hua. He had thought that she would leave the palace. But she did the opposite. Probably because becoming an official wife of a Prince was a golden chance.

Qiu Zedong smiled and hummed. “Great. You made a wise decision. I will give you two months’ time. Bring my son to the right path. You have to bear the consequences of every mistake he will make, from now onwards. If you fail to fulfill this mission, then be ready to get beheaded after two months.” The King agreed to give two months’ time to Li Hua, but with a condition which she readily accepted.

“Eunuch Gao Bing, prepare an imperial order. Miss Li Hua will marry Prince Lóng Wei on an auspicious day,” Qiu Zedong instructed him.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Gao Bing bowed his head while acknowledging the order from the King before leaving the Imperial Garden.

Qiu Zedong looked back towards the lake and said, “When Prince Lóng Wei was born, a prophecy was made. His stars showed that a dragon had descended from heaven. Monk Yuze called him the ‘Son of Dragon’. However, he never acted like one. When he turned fourteen, he did something terrible. He took the life of his mother, who was one of my concubines.”

Li Hua was shocked to hear all that. She had heard about this from the servants, but not in detail.

“Prince Lóng Wei doesn’t listen to anyone and his wicked ways forced me to send him to the Cold Palace many times. For the first time, he showed an interest in a person. I have faith that you will change him into a better man. Also, find the reason why he killed his mother and committed such a grave sin,” Qiu Zedong told her, who was astonished to find that even the King didn’t know why the Sixth Prince killed his mother.

“Pardon me, Your Majesty. But will the Sixth Prince tell me about it?” Li Hua was doubtful about it.

“If he can stand for you, protect you, then he will definitely tell you about it. Prince Lóng Wei is a secretive person. I had asked him numerous times why he killed his mother, but he never once opened his mouth. As soon as you find it, report it to me,” Qiu Zedong asserted.

Li Hua nodded her head.

She found it strange that no one had known why Lóng Wei killed his mother. The King dismissed her and told her to wait for the imperial order.

Li Hua bowed and left the Imperial Garden.


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