63 Say one more Word [Bonus chapter]

Huang Xi kept asking Lóng Wei about the Prince who did this to him, but he stayed quiet. They both were on the horses and were heading to the market.

“Your Highness, let’s tell this to the King,” Huang Xi said.

“I will tell my Royal Father after my marriage. Now, I have to prepare some gifts for Li Hua,” Lóng Wei stated, with a broad smile. Huang Xi was surprised to see the love in Lóng Wei’s eyes. Everyone was wrong about him. He did care for the people whom he loved.

Upon reaching the market gates, they both hopped down from their respective horses. Mostly the people had only heard about the Sixth Prince, but hardly anyone had seen him.

Oppositely, most of the people were aware of Commander Huang Xi. People who walked past them bowed upon seeing the commander.

“Your Highness, I will hold the reins of your horse as well.” Huang Xi offered his help, but Lóng Wei refused him. Lóng Wei hardly used to come to the market. He had come to the market a year ago when he heard about the beginning of the summer festival.

They walked past a few shops where women’s accessories were sold when Huang Xi held Lóng Wei’s arm. He glanced at him, who said, “these five shops sell women’s accessories including clothes. The quality of the product is nice here.”

Lóng Wei nodded and wondered what he could buy for Li Hua. Huang Xi told him that he would find a place for the horses, till then he could check in those shops. Lóng Wei agreed and went to the first shop.

It will be foolish not to believe that Lóng Wei has breathtaking features. Among all the Princes, he is the most good-looking one. However, handsomeness and beauty aren’t everything.


However, when he entered the first shop, the young ladies started to whisper among them.

“He seems to be from an elite social class.”

The owner of the shop came running to him. Seeing Lóng Wei’s clothes, he found him rich and from a well-off family. It was his chance to sell him as many products as he could.

“Young Master, how can I help you?” the shop owner asked humbly from Lóng Wei.

“Do you sell gold jewelry?” Lóng Wei asked.

The shop owner’s eyes gleamed with happiness. He finally found a rich young man. The day was auspicious for him.

“Of course, Young Master. Please follow me to the second floor,” the shop owner told Lóng Wei. At that moment, something grabbed his attention and he went to the third stall.

The women, who were present there, showed him the way and he picked one green-colored jade ring. The shop owner told him that he would show him better jade rings. The one Lóng Wei had held was a cheaper one.

“Bring the jewelry here. I am not interested in going upstairs,” Lóng Wei said. The shop owner immediately agreed and asked his workers to bring the gold jewelry downstairs.
“Young Master, would you like to sit on the chair? Shall I bring tea for the Young Master?” the shop owner asked.

“I am good. It is not tea time, so I won’t take tea,” Lóng Wei replied and looked into the rings. He found the young women gazing at him and for a second, he wondered if they recognized him. It made him happy that everyone was scared of him.

“May I know for whom this young master is selecting the rings?” Lóng Wei heard a feminine voice and tilted his head to look. He looked at her from top to bottom and bottom to top.

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‘A lady from the noble family.’ He realized from her attire.

“Do I know you?” Lóng Wei’s tone seemed rude to the ladies present in the shop. Wasn’t a person from the noble family supposed to be gentle in his tone?

“Since I don’t know you, then I should not be telling you,” Lóng Wei stated and asked the shop owner how much longer it would take.

“Just a few minutes, Young Master,” the shop owner answered and excused himself to check upstairs.

Lóng Wei found that none of them were aware of him, so he decided not to tell them. He selected a few jade rings and kept them aside.

“How could this young master talk rudely to the daughter of the prestigious minister of the Kingdom?” Another voice fell into his ear. A personal servant saving her mistress.

“Watch your tongue before speaking to me,” Lóng Wei said without looking at this young woman.

The women got intimidated to hear him. Hardly any man from the noble class talked this way.

“Prince Lóng Wei started to threaten the young women even in the market. That’s the only thing that one can expect from him.” A familiar voice fell into Lóng Wei’s ear. Everyone in the shop was terrified to hear that the person before them was none other than the rumored Sinned Prince.

For a second, those young women’s hearts had skipped a beat because of his good looks, but after knowing that he was the Sixth Prince, they took several steps back from him.

“Kang Huijuan, it has been a long time,” Lóng Wei stated and turned his head to gaze at him. “How is your hand?” He smirked and saw the bandage around it.

Everyone started to whisper among themselves while the young woman, who earlier asked Lóng Wei, thought to leave. As she turned to leave, Lóng Wei asked her about his father’s position.

“Don’t trouble this young woman, Prince Lóng Wei,” Kang Huijuan said.

“Your servant threatened me with his name. I would like to know about him. If you will not, then I need to find myself,” Lóng Wei asserted, completely ignoring what Kang Huijuan said.

“M-my father is in the Min-ministry of personnel,” the young woman replied and gulped.

“Miss Qing Yi, don’t be scared of the Sixth Prince. He likes to show off his power when he is nothing,” Kang Huijuan said with a smug look.

“Kang Huijuan, do you want me to shut your mouth for eternity?” Lóng Wei arched his brow. “Don’t act like a gentleman. Forgot the reason behind your broken hand?” he asked, “or shall I publicly announce it?”

Huang Xi reached the shop and found both Lóng Wei and Kang Huijuan staring at each other.

“The punishment for staying in the Cold Palace for five months wasn’t enough for the Sixth Prince,” Kang Huijuan remarked.

The shop owner came downstairs with his workers and found the coldness in the air.

“Young Master, I have brought the designs,” the shop owner humbly said.

“Hmm.” Lóng Wei turned to look at him, who asked him to sit around the table. Lóng Wei took the seat while Huang Xi stood beside him. Most of the young ladies left the shop because of Lóng Wei’s fear.

The shop owner found it strange, but he decided to sell as much as he could to Lóng Wei.

“Because of the Sixth Prince, everyone left the shop. He is a jinx in everyone’s eyes.” Kang Huijuan said, and the shop owner heard it too. He was shocked to see the person in front of him was Prince Lóng Wei. He trembled in a fear that Lóng Wei noticed.

Huang Xi asked Kang Huijuan to respect the Prince.

“Commander Huang Xi, no one respects the Sixth Prince. He doesn’t deserve to be respected. Wherever he goes, disaster happens. He even beat me for no reason,” Kang Huijuan started to provoke Lóng Wei.

“Kang Huijuan, I think your dear father didn’t inform you. I have gotten my power back. Say one more word, and I will drag you to the palace, tying you in the ropes,” Lóng Wei said with a menacing expression, on his face.

“Show me the earrings, hairpins, and jade rings. I want to purchase them for my soon-to-be wife,” Lóng Wei told the shop owner, who showed him the hairpins first.

Kang Huijuan turned silent but did not leave the shop. ‘How could someone marry him!? I need to find out who he will marry,’ he thought and silently left the shop.

It took an hour for Lóng Wei to select the hairpins, jade rings, and other precious jewels for Li Hua. He looked at the green jade ring, on which a gold flower pattern was carved.

“Miss Hua will surely like them,” Huang Xi told Lóng Wei, who hummed with a smile.

“How much does it all cost?” Lóng Wei asked the shop owner, who was a little hesitant at first. “Do you want to come on the road by selling all this to me free of cost?” His question made the shop owner smile a little.

“Your Highness, I am a small seller in the market. I am truly happy that a royal prince decided to buy jewels from my shop. I am thankful to His Highness,” the shop owner expressed his gratitude first, before telling him the amount.

Lóng Wei took out the pouch and handed him the gold coins as payment. After the packing was done, Lóng Wei was ready to leave the palace.

Upon reaching his manor, Lóng Wei told Huang Xi to give him the remaining boxes.

“I will put them inside, Your Highness,” Huang Xi said humbly.

“No need. I don’t allow outsiders to enter my manor,” Lóng Wei stated and asked him again about the remaining boxes.

Huang Xi didn’t argue with the Prince and put the four boxes above the ones which Lóng Wei had carried. He stepped down the stairs while Lóng Wei walked in through the entrance.

“It is tough to become his friend. I have been trying for fourteen years,” Huang Xi murmured and left for the barracks.

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