69 The Wedding [Bonus chapter]

The red lanterns were hanging from the entrance to the main courtyard, where the wedding would take place. The papers with ‘fortune’ and ‘double happiness’ written on them, were hung everywhere in the courtyard.

With the setting of the sun, the lanterns were lit. The large banquet was ready at the other end. Upon the King’s orders, the ministers and other important officials of the Kingdom, had come to attend Lóng Wei’s wedding.

Lóng Wei returned to the courtyard after meeting Li Hua. He heard the whispers of the ministers in the corridor about him marrying a servant. He descended the stairs and saw the Prime Minister with a few other ministers.

“I wish the Sixth Prince a great happiness and married life,” Kang Xi said. “Since no noble man offered his daughter’s hand to the Sixth Prince, it became inevitable for him to take a servant as his wife,” he mocked him off and laughed along with the other ministers.

“I would say that no noble man’s daughter was noble enough to become my wife. Since you have come to attend my wedding, then attend like a guest. Else, he is most welcome to leave this wedding. Your presence will only irk me,” Lóng Wei humiliated him in front of the other ministers, who did not dare to open their mouths.

Lóng Wei walked ahead to the wedding hall, where everyone was waiting for him.

He greeted his Royal Father and Royal Mother upon reaching the wedding hall.

“The Prince looks good in the wedding robes,” Qiu Zedong said and walked to him. He patted the shoulders and arms of Lóng Wei, who thanked his father for agreeing to his marriage.

Jingfei looked in Lóng Wei’s direction and scrunched her nose. ‘When Li Hua will not come to the wedding hall, then this smile will disappear on its own,’ she thought. Her eyes fell on Huang Xi, who came with his father, the First General, Hei Chengxi.


Jingfei joined her both hands, which rested on her belly, and she formally greeted the General, followed by his son, who, was the Commander of the Qiu Army.

Hei Chengxi, with his son, Hei Huang Xi, went towards the King and the Queen to greet them. Qiu Zedong welcomed them and appreciated their presence at the wedding. Huang Xi went toward Lóng Wei and complimented his looks.

“The Sixth Prince is ready to steal the hearts of many women in today’s wedding,” Huang Xi said while teasing him. Lóng Wei caught his hand, which was on his collars.

“I was removing this petal,” Huang Xi said and showed him the flower petal. Lóng Wei let go of his hand and told him not to touch his wedding dress.

“I dare not to, Your Highness,” Huang Xi said with a smile. “At least, wear a smile on your lips. Your bride gets scared of you,” he stated and tried to make him smile.

“Why is Commander Huang Xi smiling with Brother Lóng Wei? Since when did they both get close?” Tianjie asked and looked at Qiu Mu, who shrugged off his shoulders.
“I have no idea,” Qiu Mu answered.

“Prince Lóng Wei, we have brought a present for you at your wedding,” Hei Chengxi said, and he turned to look at him- a giant box that was well decorated. Qiu Zedong told Lóng Wei to accept the present, which he took and thanked the First General.

A servant came forward and took the present from Lóng Wei. Hei Chengxi presented several more gifts to Lóng Wei and his soon-to-be wife, Li Hua.

“Your Majesty, Huang Xi told me that the Sixth Prince fell in love with a beautiful young lady. I am glad that His Majesty took a great decision to let them marry each other,” Hei Chengxi said and patted the shoulder of Lóng Wei.

Lóng Wei glanced at Huang Xi, who had worn a broad smile on his lips.

“Greetings to the First General,” Xiaoming said and bowed before him. He semi-formally greeted Huang Xi.

“Greetings to the Crown Prince,” Hei Chengxi joined his hands and bowed his head. “It is a great pleasure that the First General reached safely to the capital and, despite being tired, came to attend the wedding of my dear brother,” Xiaoming expressed his gratitude.

Zhu Liling smiled upon seeing the way her son conversed with the General. The King’s concubines present in the wedding hall praised Xiaoming with Zhu Liling, who continued to smile.

“The strategy that the Crown Prince had suggested to pacify the unrest among the working class in the North worked greatly. I shall appreciate the mind of the Crown Prince. His Majesty must be proud of his eldest son,” Hei Chengxi said and smiled.

“It is time for my wedding. The General can praise the Crown Prince later,” Lóng Wei remarked when Qiu Zedong scolded him for talking rudely with the First General.

“Brother Lóng Wei doesn’t like when someone praises the Crown Prince,” Zhang Xi said from the back, and Qiu Mu supported his words.

“At least, be humble to the wedding guests, Brother Lóng Wei,” Qiu Mu told him.

“Let’s not start arguing in the hall. Forgive me, Brother Lóng Wei, for bringing another topic on such a special occasion,” Xiaoming apologized humbly.

“General Hei, forgive the Sixth Prince for his rude behavior.” Qiu Zedong apologized to Hei Chengxi, who asked the King not to do it.

“The Sixth Prince is still a kid. I don’t mind his words,” Chengxi said and walked away, standing at his place, followed by his son.

The priest asked to bring the bride to the wedding hall as it was an auspicious time. Lóng Wei was asked to come to the altar, which he did. The noises died down, and everyone waited for the bride to arrive at the wedding hall.

Lóng Wei’s heart was already restless, and with each passing second, the beats only increased. He could hear and feel his erratic heartbeats. The sound of anklets fell into his ears, and he saw Li Hua coming from the front, followed by some young maidservants.

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Jingfei was shocked to see Li Hua in the wedding hall. She had destroyed her wedding dress, then how could it be possible that there was not a single scratch on the dress. She found flowers on the wedding dress, which amused her.

‘Did she wear a new dress? But, how?’ she wondered.

Zhu Liling was surprised to find that the dress appeared from what she had given Li Hua. It looked more beautiful than before, and to her surprise, the embroidery at the front was the one that grabbed not only her attention but many others in the wedding hall.

Lóng Wei smiled brightly as Li Hua took steps toward him. He found it was difficult for her to walk in the wedding dress and heavy accessories. That’s why he selected the lighter ones for her to make sure that she wouldn’t feel disturbed. However, it seemed she was still feeling troubled. He got down from the altar, shocking everyone, and held Li Hua’s hand, who got surprised.

“What is he doing?” Tianjie whispered near Qiu Mu’s ear.

“He is turned mad in a servant’s love,” Qiu Mu remarked and giggled with Tianjie.

Lóng Wei brought Li Hua to the altar and stood on her right.

Li Hua looked at the portrait of the Jade Emperor through the veil. She tightly pressed her fingers against each other and then lowered her head. She had put on the jade ring that Feng Lao had given her, and tears filled her eyes.

The priest instructed them about the first, second, and third bows to enter into the marriage, which they both followed.

They kowtowed to the heaven and earth; then King and the Queen; and finally bowed to each other.

‘Father, Mother, and my elder Brothers, I will surely find the culprit. You all were always excited to see me in the wedding dress. Feng Lao, even if I married Prince Lóng Wei, it is nothing. So, forgive me. I have you in my heart, and no one can replace you. I will avenge not only the murder of my family but yours too,’ she told herself in her mind.

The priest declared them husband and wife. The drums started to beat and the firecrackers blew.

Everyone congratulated them and blessed them- mostly pretended to give blessings to them while only a few of them, truly wished for their happiness.

Court Lady Hong came forward and took Li Hua to the Sixth Prince’s manor in the bedchamber, while Lóng Wei went to the banquet for attending a wedding feast with everyone.

“This first toast is for my youngest son,” Qiu Zedong said loudly and raised the wine cup. He brought it to his lips and sipped the wine. After him, the rest of the people present at the banquet drank the wine.

The feast went on till late at night. Zhang Xi was completely drunk. Qiu Mu and Tianjie took him to the chamber. The guests had left already. The King, the Queen, and the concubines had already left for their respective chambers.

Lóng Wei stood up from his seat and was ready to leave when he heard Xiaoming.

“Brother Lóng Wei, I wish you a happy married life.” He tilted his head to look at him and found him drunk. “But how will I live? She is the one whose image I have engraved in my heart, before you,” he stated and lifted his head to look into Lóng Wei’s eyes.

“It doesn’t feel good to hear such words from the Crown Prince,” Lóng Wei stated. “He needs to move on because Li Hua is mine now,” he stated, and left for his manor.

Xiaoming threw the wine cup, and it smashed on the floor. “She will be mine,” Xiaoming murmured.

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