97 Raging my Desires more

“Sadly,” Lóng Wei took a few fringes between his fingers and smelled them, “your husband will have to punish you,” he whispered in her ear before brushing his lips on her earlobe.

Promptly, Li Hua moved her head back and covered her ears with her palms. Her cheeks had turned like a ripened tomato and the tint had spread till her ears. She felt the heat that had developed not only on her ears but the cheeks too. She regretted her decision of conversing with him when he was not sober enough.

‘Li Hua, never go near a drunkard man. If possible, change your route!’ She recalled the words of her second brother when once she saw a drunkard lying in the middle of the market. She had decided to help him, but her second brother refused.

Now, what she should do to run away. Except using force, there’s no other way. Since Lóng Wei was drunk, she would either hit him or kick him and run back to her chamber. He would not be able to catch her.

She decided to hit him as he was holding her legs, but his grip on her legs was not tight. She used her entire strength and hit his arm. Hard.

Lóng Wei cocked his brow and glanced at his arm when Li Hua pushed him away. Lóng Wei fell back while she quickly grasped the edges of her high-waist skirt to run out.

“Li Hua,” Lóng Wei snickered as he whispered her name and sat up. He found her going out of the chamber and chased her bare feet. Li Hua quickly turned left on the corridor and jumped the three stairs. She reached her chamber and pushed the door.

There was a smile on her plump lips. A smile of a small victory against Lóng Wei. Panting, she turned and closed the doors behind her. She decided to lock it from inside and quickly did that. Putting the key away on the table beside the door, she took deep breaths.

“Now, His Highness even if wants to come inside, cannot,” she murmured and turned to go to bed when her forehead bumped into something hard. She rubbed her forehead and looked up.

Her eyes grew bigger as she saw Lóng Wei in front of him. Her lips quivered and she took a tiny step back when she tripped, but she managed to balance herself.

She lowered her head and twiddled with her fingers, not getting what to say. How to react and what to do. She had even locked the door from inside, but the question was how Lóng Wei reached earlier than her. She had noticed that he was gasping which meant he had also run.

“How did His Highness come here?” She managed to ask.

“I jumped the walls,” Lóng Wei replied. “What was that?” He asked her and stepped toward her when she stepped back.

“Good thing that you locked the door. Because now, you and I will spend the night together. I didn’t know you were such a naughty woman,” Lóng Wei remarked and smirked.

Li Hua gaped at him and then smiled. Her eyes turned normal and she said, “I was checking if I can run away from a strong person like the great Sixth Prince. He has told me that I should be physically strong in such situations. So, I thought to check my strength once,” she manipulated her words well. “Didn’t I do good? I did win in escaping,” she said and averted her gaze from him.

When Lóng Wei didn’t speak for a few seconds, she started to yawn. She brought her palm to cover her mouth and yawned again. “I am tired, Your Highness. I must sleep. Tomorrow, I need to wake up early,” she forced the smile on her lips and walked ahead. Li Hua heaved a sigh of relief as she walked past him.

“Stop, Wifey. My hangover is gone after you made me jump those walls. The night is long and I want us to enjoy it.” He stepped closer to her while Li Hua for an unknown reason got glued to her place. Her feet didn’t take her away from Lóng Wei’s reach, but where would she run to? She closed the door and had even locked it.

No chance to run out!

Lóng Wei’s fingers traced her arms upwards and rested on her shoulders. He leaned closer to her left ear. “You indeed are smart. But I don’t allow any man to hold you the way I do. I will not let you fall into such a situation. Also, the way you hit me was an act of raging my desires more for you,” Lóng Wei whispered. She gulped the lump that had formed in her throat. Now, she didn’t even have the courage to narrowly gaze at him.

“I never tried to increase His Highness’s desires,” she murmured. Even in that situation, she got the courage to murmur.

“Your acts did.” His voice again fell into her ear and she could feel his breath fanning on her neck.

She blinked her eyes trying to think of something that would stop Lóng Wei from doing what he had in his mind. “His Highness has promised me that he will not do anything to me without my consent,” she recalled his words from the wedding night and turned to face him.

One must face the fear and her fear was Lóng Wei’s desire for her.

She peered into his eyes, not moving them even for a second. Her chest rose and fell because of the strange silence that had developed between the two.

“Indeed,” Lóng Wei moved the pad of his finger on Li Hua’s right cheek while keeping his gaze fixed on her eyes, “nothing will happen without your consent.” He slid his foot a little ahead so that their bodies at least came in contact with each other.

Li Hua curled her toes inside her shoes and let out the air come out of her mouth. She lifted her eyelids and found that he was ogling her. She fiddled her fingers and felt the cold sweat forming on her nape. That gaze wasn’t right, but it wasn’t wrong either.

What it was, she was unable to understand!

His touch on her cheek made her body heat up as if she suddenly got a fever.

Despite that, she didn’t stop staring into his eyes. When their faces came close, she didn’t realize. That breath of his quivered her lips once again and made her throat get dried. She parted her lips to take in the air. For a fraction of a second, she looked at his lips. Those were close to her, and anytime would claim her.

She stopped breathing and clutched her dress upon feeling the brush of his lips on hers.

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