Gilgamesh In MHA

Chapter 10 - USJ 1

Next Day

Aizawa came into the class with an announcement which surprised everyone " Today we will be performing rescue in different locations. This will be a good chance for you guys to learn how to use your quirk in real situations. So everyone grab your hero costume and wait outside the bus. We are heading for USJ. "

Since Gil don't have a costume he proceeded straight towards to the Bus and waited for his classmates to come and join

Soon few moments later after all his classmates has arrived after they done changing, Aizawa also arrived by that time

Then we all boarded bus with Aizawa and proceeded towards USJ

While in the Bus

" Well who do you think is the strongest students in our class?" Mina asked other students

It attracted everyone attention

Soon Jiro answered " It will be Gil, Todoroki and Bakugo, Midoriya could also be included if not he breaks his body Everytime he uses his quirk"

Everyone nodded

But then Bakugo started to say Extras and No. 1 bullshit which most of them ignored

But Gil didn't say anything because he was thinking about some other things


Soon they arrived at USJ where they met Hero 13 and she told us how can even destructive quirk like hers can used to save other people's and it's people who are evil not quirk which even Gil supports this statement

And as he observed around like in Canon All Might is not present since he must have exhausted himself doing his hero job

And soon in few moments above fountain dark mist started swirl and then a person with pale blue and his whole body was covered with many served hands which was obviously is Tomura Shigaraki and soon a figure with purple skin, Bird beak head with his brain exposed came out soon many goons came one after another and the purple Mist gathered to form a man wearing butler uniform

" Do we have to fight them like in entrance exam?" Kaminari said

" No stand back they are real Villains go to 13 and evacuate the area " As soon he said, he jump between the villains and engaged them in fight since communication and alarm system are already down

Gilgamesh suddenly turn and said to Lida " Tenya you leave and inform school authorities about the situation and I don't want to listen anything about it"

This time he didn't refute like in Canon and proceed to leave and then 13 started to evacuation but before they could dark purple mist started to form at the entrance and soon two purple eyes formed and said" Nice to meet you, we are League of Villains and we came here to kill All Might today we need to scatter ..." But before Kurogiri could finish a Golden Chain with tint read stabbed into him which greatly surprised since his body is not in physical state but before he could think of anything a heart wrenching pain assaulted him and could only groan at that

Soon a voice could be heard " Shut up you Pedo Mongrel stay away from me and my classmates, and since you are Butler then stay by your master side"

It was obvious that voice belong to Gilgamesh and after saying that he swung Kurogiri towards Shigaraki

Seeing Kurogiri condition greatly enraged Shigaraki and shouted " Go Nomu kill that bastard and and all his students and then we will wait for All Might to show up" while pointing towards Aizawa

Soon Nomu ran toward Aizawa and punched him in the chest before Aizawa could do anything he was rolling the on the ground and and finally rest in between the villains while coughing blood and many of his bones are broken

But before any of the villains and Nomu could do any thing they were surrounded by golden space ripples which formed around them to form a hemisphere

From these space ripples there were many Swords, Spears and Halberds were prodding out of them which was really a terrific scene for Villains but not for Nomu as he proceeded towards Aizawa

But before he could reach him a Similar space forms and engulfed Aizawa and soon he came out of space ripple in between the students

" Momo do first Aid to Aizawa sensei "Said Gilgamesh to Momo which broke everyone out Stupor of current events where there Teacher almost died

Nodded and started to creating things which are needed for first Aid

Seeing this Gil ordered " Todoroki, Bakugo and Thirteen protect everyone and you Jiro and Shouji lookout for any threat and sneak attact and everyone support them in anyways you can if necessary but without neglecting your safety because when they are saying about killing All Might is no joke, that purple bird mindless monster named Nomu do have what it takes to kill All Might"

Everyone was surprised but still nodded except Bakugo and says that he does not needs any orders from others

But Gil ignored him and looked toward the scene infront of him

" Well to think someone was talking about kill this and that, it will only right thing for me to cripple you all, YOU LOW LIFE MONGRELS"

As soon he said that all weapons in Gates which was covering the Villains and Nomu started to launch at the max speed of Mach 10

Soon all the Villains staring lose there limbs and while Nomu was porcupined from from swords and Spears which embedded into him

Due to all those weapons collisions it created a cloud of dust and soon dust settle down only to reveal horrific sight were all the Villains were in the rubles which have been stained with there blood and most of them has lost a limb or two while Nomu was on his knees and many of the weapons embedded in him

Soon all the Gates which surrounded them started to disappear

Looking at sight Everyone was greatly surprised was surprised, A few moments ago their were dozens of bloodthirsty Villains and now they were crippled and lying in rubbles

Looking at Nomu, Gilgamesh thought ' hmmm.. It is surprising that, this Nomu is able to take barrage of my E rank weapons and still able to survive without much damage. Alright he can entertain me some more '

Soon Nomu stand up and roar and all the weapons which were embedded in him disappear and his wounds started to heal due his regeneration

Seeing this Gilgamesh mesh started to walk down the stairs with a Regal aura of a King looked towards

Tomura Shigaraki and said " You have brought quite an interesting toy, Toying with it might relive me a little of my boredom "

Shigaraki has totally lost his temper by now and said in crazed voice " Nomu kill that bastard, KILL HIM!!!"

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