Gilgamesh In MHA

Chapter 23 - Sports Festival- Vs Todoroki (3)


" Lady Angelica you are bleeding from your nose," said Nezu

" Oh... " She took out a handkerchief and wiped her nose " Sigh.. whenever I get too excited or angry, I start to bleed from the nose"

' hah at first even I had second thoughts but when you looking closely there is only feeling of familial love in her eyes ' Nezu thought when he looked closely at Angelica's face


In the students stand

" Momo why didn't fire burned Gil, since his clothes are burnt it means fire clearly reached him?" Midoriya being a nerd asked which attracted everyone attention

" Only a fool would try to burn the Sun," Momo said

" What do you mean by that?" Midoriya asked

" Do you see that Golden disk floating around Gil?" Momo asked

" Yes"

" They are part of ancient armor from Hindu Mythology, Kavach. Which Sun God Surya made for his Demigod son Karna, for his safety and to signify his lineage with earrings named Kundal, This armor itself contains part of Surya divinity which can take any attack no matter what, even ancient nukes like Bharamastra, the weapon of the God of Creation. But later on Indra, the God of thunder took armor and earring from Karna before Karna battled against his son and Karna's stepbrother Arjun but later Indra did give Karna a Shakti Astra to even out Karna's loss"

( A/N If you are going say how could Indra repaid Karna, then most of you should know that in the war of Kurukshetra presence of Gods was denied by law and Karna's Kavach and Kundal signifies the presence of the Sun God Surya and even Krishna, the incarnation of Great God Vishnu pledge that he would not pick any weapons and will not fight by any means and will only guide Arjun and even for that Krishna gave his Narayani Army to Kurvas which was that strongest army at that time to even things out)

" Wait how could one weapon can even out such op armor and he had a stepbrother with the same mother," Kaminari asked last with a little disgust

" First of all, I have clear something, Their mother used to chant a mantra which was given by a great sage and as the fruit of it, God who was summoned during the Chant would give their mother a son with part of their divinity and second Vasavi Shakti was a sure shot one-hit-kill weapon with no miss"

" So basically Gil is invulnerable to any attack?" Kirishima asked

" Yes " Momo replied

" How did he get this armor," Kaminari said with a frustrated tone

" His ancestor got it and put it in Gate Of Babylon," Momo said

" His ancestor?" Everyone asked

" Yes, His ancestor King of Heroes, Ruler of Uruk, KING GILGAMESH, " Momo told everyone

" What"

" Even that Gate of Babylon is the Noble Phantasm of His Majesty King Gilgamesh," Siduri said with a reverence who just came to student stands due to some work-related to Gil

" Who is she and wait WHAT?!" Kirishima asked

" She is Gil's assistant Siduri and the one who healed me," Midoriya said

" Yes, and Gil's quirk itself is a Noble Phantasm which represents the legend of his Ancestor, King Gilgamesh" Momo said

Everyone nodded in Understanding and tried to digest the new information


While in Arena at the same time

" Thank God I changed into half-armor otherwise my.." Gil shock inwardly as said to himself

Gil focused his sight at Todoroki and said " Well, now let's do things seriously"

Todoroki nodded

Soon Todoroki squat a little and soon he sends a glacier of ice toward and started to raise the temperature of his left side

" Midnight stop them," Cementos said while controlling cement

" On it, " Midnight said as she tore a part of her costume

And soon he raised his left hand at ice was about to reach Gil which created an explosion due to a sudden rise in temperature

As the ice was about to reach Gil he raised his hand which was holding Durandal and pointed the sword at Todoroki and said " Although this weapon is nowhere strongest I have but in this attack, I will not hold back. So brace yourself Shoto Todoroki and Grace yourself with a glimpse of my most powerful self"


" Thank you"


" GIL"

Soon Durandal gleamed with white light and obliterated the ice coming towards Gil


And soon the Explosion which was moving towards Gil was suddenly was cut by a white dazzling light approached Todoroki and soon it created a lot of dust as the cement of Cementos was also obligated

As light reached where Todoroki was standing it short straight upward like a dazzling pillar of light

Seeing his attack being deflected, Gil smiled

Everyone was eagerly awaiting the result with their hearts in their mouth

While Endeavour was worried about his son

As soon as Dust cleared it was, it could be seen that Most of the Arena were obliterated and a few feet deep ravine was created by Gil's attack

Almost unconscious Todoroki was held by the back of his neck by a Beautiful Blond-haired young woman who sucked a little cut on her free hand fingertip while standing in the crater and said " You didn't hold back even a little, My sweet Lil brother "

Soon Todoroki lost his consciousness

"Uh. " Gil let out a breath and looked at her finger" You underestimated me?"

" A little" Angelica said with her tongue and winked at Gil and dropped Todoroki on the ground

In students stand

" Momo, what weapon it was, it has to one of the strongest," Kaminari asked

" It was Durandal, barely A-Rank Noble Phantasm," Momo said

Everyone sighed


" What hell was that attack, are they truly students, " A man in Audience said

" And look that lady diverted the attack said that Gilgamesh is his little brother," Another man in the audience said

While the Pro hero long have been numbed to Gilgamesh show and are dead silent as they knew these are not the attack that they could deal with

Soon Midnight announced



In the Arena

" Gil just stand like this don't move," Angelica said with a dead serious face

Everyone in the stadium stiffened

And soon she took a camera out of a Golden space ripple with a Silver sheen and started to take Gil's pictures at different angles

Everyone in the stadium flinched

" Sis, what are doing?" Gil asked while his eyes twitched

" Nothing just increasing my Lil Gil Collection," Angelica said while she continued to take pictures of him

" What..." Gil was about to say something

Angelica jumped on him and clung to him like Kola and started to rub her Cheeks against Gil's

Gil's mouth started to twitch

Angelica still rubbing her cheeks against his

Gil's nerves started to pop out

Angelica still rubbing her cheeks against his

Gil was about shout

Angelica let him go started to walk away

" Arggggggggg..." Gil started to scream in frustration

Seeing this Bakugo thought ' Maybe if I also...'

Gil murderously looked toward Bakugo and said " Don't you dare!! .... Don't you dare to complete that thought in your mind"

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