Gilgamesh In MHA

Chapter 3 - Pre entrance and entrance exam

5 years later

Gilgamesh 15 years old

Well I have been training as usual and now I can open 160 gates and have access to A++ rank Noble Phantasms which also includes Enkidu - chains of heaven but still not have access to EX rank Ea - sword of rupture but I have found something very interesting guess what BALMUNG sword of Siegfried

but now I could only bring out half what it capable of

Well about Chains of Heaven ( Enkidu) took to lot by mean lot to perfect them

Well let's talk about the changes God has spoken about well that is my Enkidu can target multiple people but it will quite practice to get used it and also find an interesting thing which I should not supposed to have it hahahahaha

Kavach and Kudal from Karna


Well when first I tried to wear them ummm I almost died since they were part Sun God Surya they tried to burn me since I did not have Sun God bloodline but still my divinity reacted and started merge there divinity with me so in the end had been merged with me and so I can call upon them when ever need them actively or I have been inflicted with life threatening attack Passively

But after I done the process I was left with a bloodied body in backyard of our mansion and after which I blacked out only to open my eyes I hospital and ended up getting a earful from my angry yet worried sobbing mother but I was able to calm her down but still I felt very bad as now love my family dearly but I don't fell any emotional attachment with past life which may this was also one of the God doing

Well my family mansion is huge and we have a forest to ourselves as backyard and all these due to my Golden Rule ability our family business has bloomed to an absurd level

And I have been occasionally working as Teen Model Past 4 years due my Ultra handsome face gardened millions of fans mostly females and also I also known for strong quirk which also known as King's Treasury and also my family status which adds extra shine

Well you were thinking how people knows about my quirk because of a certain incident

A villain gang tried to kidnap right in bright daylight by attacking my car when I was returning from photoshoot and to get ransom from my parents which was most likely the reason or like they said

Well in the end they badly injured my driver which was also my bodyguard but in the took step incapacitated them with swords and Spears by cutting their limb joints which incapacitated without doing much damage but they can't back to normal without healing quirk

After which police arrived and that Dog police tried make Hard for me by using my recklessly in public without hero license like this -

" Well young you will be coming with us for using quirk recklessly in public" Dog Chief said

" Well you see they clearly attacked me it was self defense" I rebuked

" But using your recklessly in the public is against the law, so you have come under our custody " Dog Chief said while signaling his officer to handcuff me

But before he could a hand stopped which belong to my father as hurried after listening about my attack he came as fast as he could and it could be clearly be seen he was more furious on police actions instead of taking action by about people behind the incident and instead they are pulling me into the mud to cover up there incompetence

Soon he used influence to get me out clear and get that Dog Chief reprimanded by his superiors

But my pride literally wanted tear that Dog more than anyone

But someone took video of the entire incident and then posted on the social media platforms and it got viral how effectively I used my quirk against those villains in which making my weapons incapacitating the villains and while weapons got disintegrated without doing any further harms to the civilians which further boosted my reputation

(A/N Enkidu can only target 1 person but before UA he will also perfect it so that he could have multiple targets)

So that's how Quirk came known to public

Well doesn't have done anything bad since it only added to my popularity

Well I came to know about slug incident which happened yesterday I which news reports written how Midoriya got reprimanded by heroes while they not doing nothing which they named situation control until All Might came and saved Bakugo and Midoriya while opposite to Midoriya, Bakugo was praised how he resisted the villian and also for his strong quirk

This also shows that how people in this world differentiate people on the basis quirk or on being having a quirk or not

sigh whatever

Since my middle school studies has been done now I have been done and have 8 months recommendation entrance exam will be taken so I will devoting my practicing with certain goals in mind

1 Gate proficiency

2 Enkidu multiple targeting

3 Practicing with Balmung


After 8 months

Today is my entrance test exam for UA which I am very sure that I can easily pass it

Results of my training are

1- I had hit the bottleneck 200 gate which is quite taxing but still I am easily able handle 80 to 100 gates without any stress

2 I was able to have 7 targets with Enkidu which I felt is enough for know

3 I still not to bring out true potential of Balmung but I still able to take on people like Todoroki or Bakugo with it which I felt quite good and also color of it's lightning is Golden in color since it not true Balmung but prototype of it

When I reached reached UA building in my dad car since Dad has specially taken out from busy schedule to acompany me to the exam while Mom will wait at home to prepare lunch for us by her own hands for which I am very excited since my Mom is usual busy with her law firm work that she owns and Man her cooking is absolutely delicious

Well I must say that anime has no justice how big is school campus is 150 acres that how much UA campus covers Entry Gates of UA is simple mind blowing no wonder it is Japan best Hero school and one of the world best with India's Gurukul, USA's Avengers academy, Europe's Hero Factory, Russia's Big Bear acadamia ????, China's Spirit sect

UA has many courses to offer such as Hero course, Support, General, Hero Business, Hero law

My choice was very clear Hero course

Well there very few kids were coming in comparison to general entrance exam there found Todoroki, Momo who had applied for the hero course

Since I already knew Momo I greeted her

" Hey, Momo " I said to get her attention

" Hello Gil " she replied

"Are you really going for Hero course?" I asked

" Yes " she replied

" Did you done the changes I told you for your Hero costume?" I asked

" Since you suggested me so I have done those changes and now I think about my previous costume it really too much reviling and really thanks again Gil for that" She said with a genuine smile and a little blush

Before I could reply school authorities announced for exam commencement

First exam was written exam which I easily aced it

Second exam was a obstacle course in which I didn't used my gate teleportation instead blasted my way while running with Gate Babylon and since my physical prowess are 1/4 of All Might which I assume from the comparison with videos so I was quite fast and result was

1 Gilgamesh

2 Todoroki

3 Momo just behind Todoroki

After exam Momo came to congratulate me but she could hehehe

" I won't lose to you next time " Shoto Todoroki said to me

" A mongrel who doesn't even uses half of his strength would never be my match let alone defeat me" I replied to him with a mocking smile

Against to it he just left while clenching his fist

" You really know how get on the people's nerve " she said while sighing

" well he started it "he said while chuckling

after that we left the complex while having our little talk after which she left with her Butler after greeting my Dad

After reaching I told Mom about the exam she was for me and later we had great lunch as whole family

1 week later

I got my I got my acceptance letter from UA

and my class was Class 1 - A

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