Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 461 The Main Palace

Half an hour ago, everyone had dinner in the cafeteria.

The food is canned in the warehouse, including rice and meat dishes.

The production date was more than ten years ago, and although the taste seems to have remained the same, it always tastes weird.

Xie Guyan sat alone at the table next to him, eating his food slowly. As her student and assistant, the princess sister did not sit next to her during the meal. Instead, she mingled with Li Qingwan and others, chatting and laughing.

Now the members of the research institute are clearly divided into two groups: Su Lili, Ye Ru and Murong Shu are familiar with each other, while Li Qingwan, Zheng Qiupei and Lu Qingyun stay together.

As a demon, Jiang Jiu was naturally more willing to get close to Su Lili and the others; the princess sister was used to staying with the human ladies.

Xie Guyan told strangers not to enter, and no one dared to say anything to her. Cheng Jinyang was loved by everyone, no matter whether it was a demon or a human being, he could talk a few words and make good friends. But he was not in the cafeteria at this time, and there was an immediate sense of alienation between the two parties.

After lunch, everyone planned to wander around and take a walk to eat.

After all, the laboratory deep underground has no windows and is airtight. If you stay somewhere for a long time, you will feel a sense of claustrophobia in a small environment. Taking a proper walk can alleviate this fear - of course, it is also the case that human demons are divided into two. Team, everyone goes his own way.

Lu Qingyun walked at the front and chattered, talking to the two good sisters:

"...At that time, Cheng Jinyang and Cui Jinqi were hugging each other on the street, which made my heart skip a beat. Wait, last time my brother and I went to the Cheng family land, it wasn't that Xing Yuan Zhi and Xing family Qingfeng were Cheng Jinyang's. Fiancée?”

"Okay, you are obviously engaged, but you are hooking up with other girls outside. How can you be worthy of Xing Yunzhi? I saw that I was angry and jealous, and I rushed forward and slapped my two big ears. Melon seeds.”

"Cheng Jinyang received a blow, and half of his face was instantly swollen. He wanted to defend himself, so I immediately gave him a second blow. Both sides of his face were swollen like a pig's head. He was unable to speak. It was so relieved."

"Jinqi wanted to pull me back at that time, so I kicked him to the ground, and then told Jinqi about Yuan Zhi. After hearing this, Jinqi suddenly woke up on the spot and burst into tears, so she turned to Cheng Jinyang After a few mendions, we held hands and left together..."

"Qing Yun, this story is quite good." Li Qingwan said with a smile, "There is just a loophole. Why did Jin Qi reconcile with Jin Yang again later?"

"Ahem." Lu Qingyun coughed and said angrily, "Jinqi is easily deceived. Later Jinyang went to kneel in front of her house all night, and she actually relented and reconciled with him... Even if he kneels until he dies of old age, I won’t even open the door for him!"

"Why, do you still want him to kneel down and beg you to get back together with him?" Zheng Qiupei covered her mouth and laughed.

"No!" Lu Qingyun quickly defended, "I just said that I won't be deceived, not that I like to be deceived by him... Oh, that's not what I meant! Sister Xiaopei, you bullied me again!"

"Sister Xiaopei is not bullying you." Li Qingwan said with a smile, "She is afraid that if you continue to make things up, you will get yourself involved, and then she will be shaking with anger."

"I won't lie!" Lu Qingyun was still insistent, "You go and call that scumbag man here now, and I'll give him a few more blows. If he dares to hide from me, I won't be named Lu!"

"Why did you slap my son?" Xie Guyan suddenly turned out from the corner in front like a ghost. Lu Qingyun almost split open on the spot with fright, and the voice in her head shouted crazily:

"Yunyun, apologize! Apologize quickly!"

"Um..." she stammered, "Sorry, I was just rambling..."

Xie Guyan glanced at her expressionlessly, tilted his head and said to Zheng Qiupei:

"Come here with me."

"Qiupei." Li Qingwan pulled her nervously, but Zheng Qiupei patted her hand, "It's okay, my aunt just asked me to come over."

Li Qingwan's body trembled and he understood what Zheng Qiupei meant.

If Xie Guyan wants to go against them, there is no need to waste so many words.

If you want to kill, just kill. The difference between the first grade and the fifth grade is like the difference between a butcher and a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. There is no need for any explanation at all.

Following Xie Guyan to the tea hall, Zheng Qiupei asked cautiously:


"Sit." Xie Guyan said.

Zheng Qiupei sat down cautiously and heard Xie Guyan continue:

"Are you interested in being my daughter-in-law?"

"Aunt, you..." Zheng Qiupei was a little at a loss.

"I think your personality is quite suitable to be his main palace." Xie Guyan continued, "If you are willing, I will tell Jinyang."

Zheng Qiupei didn't know what to say, so she just pinched the hem of her clothes hard, lowered her head and said nothing.

After a long while, she whispered:

"Yuan Zhi is his fiancée..."

"His father decided on this marriage at the beginning." Xie Guyan said lightly, "In order to let Hejian Xing become his helper. Later, Hejian Xing went back on his word, and the matter was naturally invalid."

Zheng Qiupei held it in for a while, and then said:

"Jinqi, Qingqing... they also like Jinyang..."

"If you just like it, just give me the position of concubine." Xie Guyan sneered, "When I become the Emperor of Heaven, he will be the prince. The position of concubine can't satisfy those human girls?"

"Wanrou also helped a lot with Jinyang's career." Zheng Qiupei mustered up his courage and continued.

"As far as I know, this woman is very scheming and not a good match for the palace." Xie Guyan said indifferently, "The head of the Wang family in Taiyuan is not suitable to be a relative."

"That frivolous thing..."

"If you like her, just ask her to help you manage the harem." Xie Guyan couldn't help but waved her hand.

Zheng Qiupei murmured for a long time and finally asked:

"Why did Auntie choose me? What do you want me to do?"

"I chose you because your personality is gentle and kind, which suits me very well." Xie Guyan said calmly, "Originally, after Su Lili and Murong Shu, you were the next one to get pregnant. Just because of your temperament. , it’s okay to give you a title, you have to think about it carefully.”

After she finished speaking, she left indifferently, leaving Zheng Qiupei really depressed.

Xie Guyan's meaning is very clear: it will be your turn to give birth to his child next. If you agree, you will have a legitimate birth. If you don't agree, you will live in an ignoble way, so you might as well agree.

What faced the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was an exaggerated disparity in strength, and Zheng Qiupei knew that there was little room for resistance.

She thought to herself that it would be fine if she just obeyed. Anyway, even if she stayed in the Zheng family in Xingyang, she would probably be married to someone else by her family. Who would she marry?

But Jinyang... we know each other after all. If he doesn't like me...

If you forcefully marry me, won't that just make him uncomfortable...

Thinking of this, she turned and went to the kitchen.

I planned to make biscuits for Cheng Jinyang as apology, and test his feelings by the way.

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