Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 97 First mission, ready to go

Xing Yunzhi was answering the phone, and Cheng Jinyang also received a message on his phone. It was from the princess sister:

You've arrived, don't worry.

Okay, since Sister Xinnan is secretly protecting me, even if someone tries to tamper with me during my first trip, I won’t be afraid anymore!

Today, Cheng Jinyang's bloodline concentration has reached 800 horses, and he has reached the threshold of learning the "Qiong Biluo" flight algorithm.

It's just that this algorithm is too difficult and has too many parameters. He hasn't been able to master it for a while. Therefore, if he encounters any danger during his work, it is impossible to directly ascend to the sky and run away. At most, he can use the sky and the earth to return quickly. Get out of the battlefield.

This is of course also due to the rapid promotion. Like Ah Zhi, who was stuck at the ninth level for a few years and even learned the algorithms of the eighth level, there is no such problem at all.

For most people, blood concentration... is ultimately the main factor that restricts strength, but in his case it was just the opposite.

The specific content of the first mission with Ah Zhi is also very simple: a refugee gang occupied the metallic hydrogen manufacturing plant in Qixia District, broke the security procedures and blocked the road to the factory, hoping that the Tianluo Killers could help eliminate this refugee gang.

Well, a high-level refugee group that can crack the security program and specifically target hazardous materials factories is okay.

Metallic hydrogen is a dangerous and explosive substance. As long as there is a little bit of water vapor in the environment, it will blow up the entire factory. Therefore, direct attack is not possible, and targeted assassination must be carried out through penetration.

Of course, given that Cheng Jinyang and Xing Yunzhi "had no actual combat experience," Cheng Huaiyan and Xing Junmo were responsible for sneaking in to carry out the assassination this time, while the young couple stayed outside the park, named as a lookout, but in reality they were just observing.

It's so simple that you don't even need the help of the princess sister.

Xing Yunzhi did not shy away from everyone here and answered the phone:

"Um...well, yes, it was my fiancé...didn't he tell you? Sorry, but it is true...well, that's it."

She hung up the phone.

"Girl?" Cheng Jinyang heard her tone of helplessness.

"A little sister with a bad temper." Xing Yunzhi sighed, as if she didn't want to talk more about this aspect, "Aren't we going to get equipment?"

"Yes, let's go." Xing Junmo said from the front.

As mentioned before, the composition of Tianluo killers is not limited to the Cheng and Xing families, but also includes many elite killers from civilian backgrounds, so the corresponding technological equipment is also very advanced.

The largest number in the warehouse is various smart firearms, followed by a dazzling array of tactical equipment, such as ray eyepieces that can lock enemies through walls, optical camouflage invisibility cloaks, self-firing turrets that can be deployed at will, etc., which are enough to make any science fiction fan And military fans shouted "I'm fine".

The equipment Xing Yunzhi and Xing Junmo received were the Wan Zhong Fist, the Invisibility Cloak and the Peacock Feather. Among them, the Wanzhong Fist is a power glove, which can punch through concrete with one punch; the Invisibility Cloak is an optically invisible combat uniform; and the Peacock Ling is a large backpack, but I don't know what its use is.

Cheng Jinyang and Cheng Huaiyan's side is much simpler, just a set of jet suits, a sniper rifle, and a silenced pistol.

"The initial velocity is insufficient due to gravity." Cheng Huaiyan explained, "The jet makes up for it."

This means that with the poor Biluo flight algorithm, acceleration based on gravity alone is too slow, and even bullets cannot dodge.

Therefore, when it is necessary to evacuate, first reconstruct the gravity to make yourself into a state of weightlessness, then quickly move the jet to escape, reach a safe area, and then use Qiongbiluo to fly away.

Cheng Jinyang looked closely at the jet suit and saw eight jet ports on the neck, waist, wrists, and ankles. There were additional jet equipment boxes on the back and legs, a bit like the "Attack on Titan" "Three-dimensional maneuvering device", which is a bit like the "rocket pilot" in Red Alert.

As for sniper rifles and silenced pistols, they are relatively simple. Just pull the safety bolt and fire. Among them, the recoil force of the sniper rifle is relatively large, so you have to use the spring rear butt to push against the shoulder to relieve the force. Silenced pistols are less troublesome, just aim and shoot people.

Cheng Jinyang happily tried firing a few rounds in the nearby shooting range, and practiced changing and reloading. Okay!

Anyway, you don’t have to fight this time, it’s just an experience, and you can continue playing when you come back.

After bringing their equipment, everyone took a special car to leave Pukou District and arrived at Qixia District via Baguazhou.

Qixia District, east of Jiankang City, is home to a large number of industrial parks, mainly energy and manufacturing clusters. The factory where the accident occurred is located at the foot of Taiping Mountain, and the surrounding area is basically owned by the Chu family in Yangdi.

The Chu family of Yangdi, a fourth-grade family, has a bloodline ability of "metal manipulation". He can freely control and manipulate the metal bonds between any atoms, so that metals can flow freely like running water. He has a lot of experience in ore smelting and inorganic materials engineering. industry.

However, it is precisely in the face of super explosive materials such as metallic hydrogen that it is difficult to dispatch the secret guards of their clan. After all, there is too much metallic hydrogen stored in the factory. If it is controlled by metal, if it is accidentally leaked, a series of explosions will occur. Therefore, Tianluo, who is proficient in infiltration and assassination from the Cheng family, can only be asked to take action.

When everyone arrived near the factory, they saw that the current head of the Chu family, Chu Jiye, the Taicheng servant, was waiting here in person, making Cheng Huaiyan and Xing Junmo also cautious and solemn.

The human social and political structure of this world is somewhat similar to the ancient dynasties on the original earth, but the specific details are different in many ways.

To put it simply, the imperial power belongs to the highest power, but it is basically ignored at present; Taicheng is nominally the executive organ of the imperial power, but in fact it has realized its own operation. It only needs to go to the emperor for approval in form, and basically most of them can approve it. .

Within Taicheng's power organs, the top management is divided into three levels: Zaifu, Shizhong, and Shangshu. The Prime Minister and the Second Assistant were divided into the first and second assistants, who led the court's decision-making affairs; the minister participated in the decision-making of Taicheng and was also in charge of various departments; the minister was the direct leader of each department.

So Chu Jiye was an official and a servant, and he was definitely a big shot in Taicheng in terms of rank, hmm.

He came here in person, which shows that Taicheng also attaches great importance to this matter. No wonder Cheng Huaiyan and Xing Junmo also have to treat it with caution.

Cheng Jinyang was quite relaxed. After all, he and Ah Zhi were here to study for the first time and would not be personally involved in danger, so he just calmly listened to the conversation between Xing Junmo and Chu Jiye.



It feels a little trickier.

The other party is not a simple refugee group. It can currently be confirmed that there is at least one hacker engineer who hacked into the security system of the uninhabited park through direct thought connection, and then cut off the external network immediately.

Secondly, there should be a mechanical engineer on the team. Through the footage captured by reconnaissance drones at high altitude, it was discovered that modified patrolling synthetics appeared in the park - they were originally production line workers or security personnel in the factory. After being "jailbroken" by hacker engineers to reset the system, they were mechanically Engineers added many illegal military weapon parts.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is that because metallic hydrogen itself is a manufacturing material for high-density energy batteries, a large number of finished hydrogen battery samples are stored in the factory.

This led to the fact that after the factory was occupied, although Jiankang City immediately cut off the power grid supply, it was found that it was of no use.

"Can the other party's true motives be confirmed clearly?" Xing Junmo asked cautiously.

As an industrial material, what are the benefits of snatching metallic hydrogen? If you really want to rob, you might as well rob a gold store. Considering that a large amount of metallic hydrogen is stored in the factory, it cannot be ruled out that this homeless gang came to "make the world feel pain."

If they really wanted to set off fireworks with their lives, Luo would definitely not be able to go in that day. In other words, anyone who enters will die.

Just evacuate all the surrounding personnel and equipment, and then let the Shenwu Army bomb directly.

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