Bell bell bell!

In a noisy crowd.

An abrupt phone rang.

Still, many people continued their discussions…

Only Jia Feng was stunned for a moment!

He frowned slightly, originally wanting to scold Su Chen angrily.

But the ringtone just now was his cell phone ringing.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the contact, and the expression on his face changed instantly.

“Su Dong?!”

He happily pressed the answer button.

Just now, after the former chairman gave him the information of the new chairman…

He immediately stored the phone in his phone.


Now see this number.

Naturally, I knew that it was the phone number of the new chairman of Ankang Hospital.

While putting the phone to his ear, he glanced at Su Chen coldly, and then turned around.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

There was no sound on the other end of the phone.

The new chairman seems to be in a very noisy environment.

Just as he was about to speak first…


There was a voice on the other end of the phone –

“Did you say it had something to do with me?”


Jia Feng only felt like there was a thunder in his ears.

It made his whole body soft all at once…

Instantly lost strength!

He took the phone and slowly turned his head.

I saw that on the opposite side, Su Chen also held the mobile phone, shook it left and right in his hand, and looked at him with a playful smile…

“Are you… Su Dong?! ”

Jia Feng swallowed his saliva and spit out these words with difficulty.

Su Chen smiled and put the phone to his ear.

“Yes, I’m Su Chen!”

Finish speaking.

Su Chen hung up the phone.

Looking at Jia Feng again, his hand holding the mobile phone was trembling, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, and at the same time more fear.

Su Chen slowly walked to his side and asked in a deep voice:

“Now, can you make a bed for this patient?”

“Yes, right away!”

With a sudden stir, Jia Feng quickly reacted.

He shouted to several doctors around him:

“Why not, hurry up and send the patient in, and a few of you, hurry up and contact the bone marrow donor!”

Jia Feng was like crazy, directing the doctors around him.

The doctors didn’t understand what was going on.

Just took a call…

It feels like a different person!

But there is no way, the dean’s words still have to be listened to.

They quickly took the doctors and nurses from Sidley Hospital into the ward.

And the onlookers around obviously did not know what had happened.

“How did you get it, why did this Jia Feng suddenly provoke?”

“I don’t know, wasn’t it so arrogant just now, saying that there was no bed, why did you suddenly say that there was a bed now?”

“You also believe that kind of nonsense, it’s all foolish, obviously I don’t want you to stay here, but what is the origin of this young man, how can he look at Jia Feng because of him?”

“You can see that it is not an ordinary person by looking at the temperament, anyway, we must not be able to offend!”

“Don’t worry, I posted everything just now on the Internet, do you say it will be popular?!”


The onlookers were very happy.

Usually, many people’s evaluation of Ankang Hospital is not very good.

The main aspect…

Or because it costs too much money to treat the disease.

Even if it is a minor illness, as long as you look here, you will definitely take a bunch of medicine back.

Now seeing Jia Feng suddenly provoked, it made them feel even more vicious.

As for Jiang Qingming behind Su Chen, he naturally knew Su Chen’s identity.

When he was in Sidley Hospital, Su Chen had already said.

But seeing Jia Feng’s appearance…

He was still very happy!

Where have you usually seen Jia Feng so deflated?

At this time, after the crowd dispersed, Jia Feng quickly surrounded Su Chen and made amends:

“I didn’t know it was Su Dong just now, I accidentally said something that offended you, and I hope that you adults don’t remember the villain!”

Su Chen smiled: “I’m not an adult, I’m just a small chairman of this hospital!” ”

Jia Feng opened his mouth and swallowed the second half of the sentence that he was going to slap the horse.

“Then I’ll take Su Dong to the office to sit down, and I’ll give you a good introduction to the situation of Ankang Hospital!”

Su Chen thought for a while and nodded:

“It’s okay, I just want to know why the beds in Ankang Hospital are so tight!”

Jia Feng swallowed again.

The look on his face that had been stunned, but did not dare to complain, made Jiang Qingming couldn’t help laughing.

Jia Feng noticed that Jiang Qingming was still next to him.

Immediately shouted angrily at Jiang Qingming:

“Dean Jiang can go back to your Sidley Hospital now, right? For the sake of our Su Dong’s face, I will put the patient in our Ankang Hospital this time, and tell you that no one except us Su Dong has such a big face, are you still happy to thank us Su Dong? ”

“Thank you Su Dong!”

Jiang Qingming bent down very sincerely.

Jia Feng nodded in satisfaction, but seeing that Jiang Qingming didn’t mean to leave, he quickly drank again:

“Don’t leave quickly, do you want me to call the security guard to take you away?”

Jiang Qingming said with a smile: “Su Dong hasn’t said to let me go, of course I don’t dare to go first!” ”

Jia Feng hurriedly looked at Su Chen:

“Su Dong, I will introduce you to the situation of Ankang Hospital soon, Jiang Qingming is our competitor, do you need to let him go back first?”

Su Chen: “No need, there will be no competitors in the future, I forgot to tell you just now, Sidley Hospital is also mine!” ”


Su Chen’s words fell.

Jia Feng felt a second thunder in his ears.

“Sidley Hospital was also acquired by you?”

Jia Feng’s eyes widened.

He had heard about the acquisition of Sidley Hospital.

At that time, he was still ready to talk to Hu Pengfei about how to crush Sidley Hospital, and then make Ankang Hospital the largest private hospital in the imperial capital?

But then he heard that Ankang Hospital had also been acquired!

I was so furious!

But who would have thought –

It turned out to be the same person who bought the two hospitals?!!

That’s awesome!

Jia Feng looked at Su Chen incredulously.

Jiang Qingming looked at Jia Feng’s shocked expression and felt even more funny.

And Su Chen looked at Jia Feng, then at Jiang Qingming, and said to them: “Let’s go to the office together, just because you are all here, let’s have a good chat!” ”



The other side.

Magic Capital.

Tomson Yipin house.

Su Mengyan was lying on the sofa brushing the TV series.

Next to the sofa were two large boxes of potato chips, which were naturally bought for her by Xia Qixuan last time.

She took a packet and ate it comfortably.

After glancing at the time, she muttered-

“At this point in time, the landlord’s little brother should be free, right?”

Muttered over.

She happily took out her mobile phone, and then found Su Chen’s vine letter.

No message yet.

Suddenly the caller ID interface pops up on the phone.

Glancing at the contact –

“Sister Xu!”

Sister Xu is Su Mengyan’s agent.

This time, Su Mengyan specially explained not to call her casually, let her rest for a few months, why did she suddenly call again?

Doubts followed, but she picked up.

“Hey, Sister Xu?”

The other end of the phone said: “Mengyan, are you happy to rest?” ”

Su Mengyan: “I will definitely be happier if you don’t call!” ”

Sister Xu: “You know, I don’t want to disturb you, but there are two very important things to tell you!” ”

Su Mengyan: “? ”

Sister Xu: “One is that there is a new drama to start filming next year, you need to come back and sign a contract, and the other is the ticket for the 0202 imperial capital piano concert that you asked me to help you buy last time, and I have already helped you buy it!” ”

Su Mengyan: “Sign a contract? Royal Capital Piano Concert tickets? ”

She remembered that she had indeed asked Sister Xu to help book it before, and the time before the concert started should be soon.

But where else does she have the mind to go to any concert now?

Her thoughts now are all on letting Su Chen teach him to play the piano!

Go to that kind of concert…

Why donu work hard to trick Su Chen over and let Su Chen play it to her?


Just when she was about to tell Sister Xu that she had returned the ticket…

Two bright lights appeared in her eyes.

One sat up straight from the couch.

“The piano … Concert? ”

“He plays the piano so well, he should also be interested in this kind of master-level concert, right?”

After muttering two more words, she quickly smiled at Sister Xu on the other end of the phone:

“Sister Xu, you help me keep the ticket, and help me book one more!”

Sister Xu: “Order one more?” Who are you going to take with you? ”

Su Mengyan: “Of course, this good sister of my magic capital, she is also very interested in the piano, so I am ready to go with her to see it!” ”

After speaking, Su Mengyan grinned and secretly said in her heart:

“I’m sorry, Sister Xuan, for my happiness, you can be a shield once!!!

And Sister Xu on the other end of the phone, with years of keen intuition, asked suspiciously:

“Mengyan, you won’t be in love, will you?”

Su Mengyan: “No, how can I have leisure to fall in love now, I just want to eat potato chips, the kind of two large boxes, and then sleep!” ”

Sister Xu paused: “Okay, then I’ll help you book it first, you will immediately go back to the imperial capital to sign the contract, just in time to go to the concert!” ”

Su Mengyan heard that Sister Xu believed it, and she let out a long sigh of relief.

But immediately, Sister Xu’s voice came again faintly-

“If you are in love, you have to talk to me in advance, so that the company can have a preparation, otherwise the Internet will definitely explode by then!”

Su Mengyan: “………”


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