Unfortunately, when Ji was pretending to be sick, there was no one around her. She gave it up after thinking about it, and decided to wait until the next day to speak again, so as not to disturb others.

So at noon the next day, Ji Ting's sudden abdominal pain was passed down and continued. His face was cold: "Who is responsible for today's medicine?"

"It's a new maid, and the slave has been checked. There is no problem with the medicine. It should be that Ji is uncomfortable with God himself. She and she said that maybe the blocked spiritual force is colliding with the meridians again. She also said ... "The female officer knelt down on the ground, her voice getting quieter.

There was a gleam of cold flashes on the bottom of the eye, "What else did she say?"

"... said I wanted to invite Her Majesty the Lord to go there, she wanted to see you." The female officer whispered.

He continued to narrow his eyes for a moment, then recovered his expressionless expression: "I see, go on."

The female officer responded with a rush and then went out, frowning continuously: "Stop."

The woman officer was frightened to stop.

"Tell her to tell her, if you don't pretend to be sick again, go back to her temple." He continued with a cold face, his eyes full of suffocation.

"... Yes." The female officer did not dare to delay, and went out to Ji Ting to go there.

"So he promised to come?" Ji Ting lay pale on the bed, covered the quilt directly to his neck, covered himself firmly, and seemed very cold.

The female official pursed her lips: "His Royal Highness did not say."

With a renewed temper, if you really want to come, you have to say something, I'm afraid I've been with the female officer long ago. Ji heard a sigh: "He won't come, just forget it."

"His Royal Highness asked the slave to tell God a word." The female officer warned.

Ji Tian's eyes brightened, but after seeing her cautious appearance, she guessed that it wasn't a good thing, and she looked a little discouraged, "What did he say?"

"His demon king said ... if you dare to pretend to be ill, you can go back to the temple."

"... I see, you go down." Ji Ting tiredly closed her eyes and seemed to be going to bed.

The female officer waited for her for a long time. She also knew that Her Royal Highness looked impatient to her, but she was more important than anyone else. Therefore, she always was cautious when Ji listened to her. At this moment, when Ji listened to sleep, she immediately saluted and left. Also called out everyone else.

There was only one quarter left in the room. She slowly opened her eyes. The exhaustion in her eyes had been wiped out. She opened the quilt and glanced at the thin clothing on her body, and slowly sighed. I was thinking about making a face out of my mind. I lied to the continuity and then hooked it up. The result was unthinkable and people were unwilling to cooperate.

Not only did not cooperate, but also to take apart her careful thoughts directly, completely disregarding her face, and continued to treat her now, with no mercy at all.

... It seems that he is willing to stay for himself, purely because of his upbringing to him. As for the point of love between men and women that she has, she has already appeared in her room with Shanglu. Here, as continued listening to the sword into ashes.

Ji Ting ’s heart was like a rock, and she felt constant pain. It seemed like she was really sick.

If it was only her and the continuation, she might still have the courage to continue to please him, but now there is the demon Yu Ji, he really destined to be a lover, as long as she thinks that she has become a passenger in the continuation story, maybe it is always the total Trying to break up the male and female wicked women, she lost all confidence.

... but if you just give up like this, you don't seem to be reconciled. Ji heard the sigh of vicissitudes, and finally realized what it was like to be a bad woman in novels.

Her mood was getting worse and worse, she refused to eat dinner.

"Ji sounds like God, you do n’t need your spiritual power to support your body now, you have to rely on these grains. If you do n’t eat it, it will be very bad for you." The female officer was bitter, and the demon Yuji aside was also worried.

Ji Ting shook his head slightly: "I don't want to eat, you go down."

"God God, you are like this, but it will be worrying." Yao Yuji could not help but persuade.

Ji listened to her, knowing that the person in her mouth was Shanglu, and could not help but sigh again. This girl seems to have a good relationship with Shanglu, and she does n’t know how long she can hold on to her. When she and the continuity are together, she will go back to the temple herself, or go to comfort the lost apprentice. .

"Let ’s put things down." The girl was kind, and she was afraid that Shanglu would come to her house. At that time, it would be the act of the brothers killing each other, so Ji Ting decided to tell them to leave all the food.

Yao Yuji was then happy, and after leaving the meal with other people, he left. When they left, Ji Ting was weak and sat down at the table, watching the food at the table without appetite.

In all fairness, all the dishes on this table are her favorite and familiar, and several dishes are exactly the same as the chef who always enjoys it. The first time she ate these in the magic palace, she was very surprised. She thought that she had found a mortal cook for her. But after listening to the female officer's explanation, she realized that these were the tastes of the magic palace cooks. Yes, she ate these before she stopped.

Thinking of the continuity and her true likes, she suppressed that secret joy and never thought about it again.

Ji Ting pinched the bridge of his nose, and found that he had a headache recently and always wanted to think about the past. Is it the symptoms of old age? She sighed again, secretly dumped some of the food, and made it look like she had eaten it.

The female officer glanced at the table, finally relieved, and left with the rest of the meal with the others. Demon Yuji looked at Ji Ting silently, and after hearing that she had something to say, she left her.

The girl officer and others did not go to the kitchen carrying the meals, but went straight to the continuity, and kneeled on the ground in front of the gate of his palace: "His Royal Highness, the meal God has delivered."

After talking about the party, they knelt quietly, and when they noticed the extremely oppressive momentum, they suddenly lowered their heads.

Continued section, walked over and looked at it glancelessly, had to turn back as before, but suddenly stopped after watching it.

Everyone was sweating on their backs. When they didn't know what went wrong, they heard the frost rising from the intermittent voice: "Don't you watch her eating?"

"... Going back to His Majesty the Lord, God refuses to let slaves wait." The female officer's voice trembled slightly.

The continually condensed eyes swept across everyone, and finally returned to the temple without a word. The female officer suddenly became paralyzed, and after a short rest, she barely got up and left.

Unlike the atmosphere that is about to freeze on the other side, Ji listens here is quite relaxed. Yao Yuji took her arms and sat down next to the bed. He could n’t wait to ask, "Listen to someone, Master God. Sick yesterday? "

"I pretended," Ji Ting was quite frank in the face of his own people, "I just wanted to find a reason to continue to accompany me."

"Then I can rest assured ... so did it succeed?" Yao Yuji asked again.

Ji Ting blinked: "What do you think?"

"... Master God, don't be sad, maybe he's too busy, so I don't have time to see you, and I'll come when I'm free." Yao Yuji is obviously not good at comforting people, and it has cost her to say these words A lot of brains.

Ji Ting waved to her: "You don't have to comfort me, I know it well."

"Master Shangshen is beautiful and powerful. In fact, you don't have to hang from a tree." Yao Yuji whispered.

Ji listened for a moment: "Shanglu told you to say that?"

"Master sees it?" Yao Yuji smiled generously.

Ji heard a smile: "These words don't seem like you would say." The demon Yuji in the original text is a master who does not hit the south wall and does not look back.

"Not so, he just thinks that the continuity has broken love with you now. If you continue to be so entangled, I'm afraid you and continuity will always hurt one, and he doesn't want you to be injured, so he will tell me to advise. But although I understand him, I don't agree with it. "Yao Yuji shrugged.

Looking at her disapproved expression, Ji had to say it from the bottom of her heart. Although she felt guilty about her arrival, she still liked her very much.

… But then again, there should be few people who dislike such a frank child, don't they? Ji Ting smiled bitterly and lowered his head: "But you still helped him persuade me."

"No way, I like him, naturally I have to do something to make him happy," Yao Yuji said for a moment, "But now that the thing that makes him happy is done, it is time to do what makes me happy."

"Huh?" The moment Ji Ting looked up at her, she was stuffed with a pill.

"This is the pour pill, dripping its own blood on it, and letting the pill recognize the master and then continue to take it. After he eats it, he will be obsessed with your life. This is my family's prescription. There is only me demon rain in the sky. A family can be refined, you try it. "Yao Yuji serious.

Ji Ting: "..." is the world of Xiuxian, and everything magical will appear.

"Ah, this thing is a little bad, that is, you have to drop your blood to the best of your heart, and the effect will be guaranteed. Master, you are still very weak. If you use this medicine, I am afraid it will hurt you again. "" Yao Yuji said and laughed. "But compared to getting a sweetheart, this hurt doesn't seem to be too much, do you say?"

"Thank you, I don't have to ..." Ji heard that she would return the medicine to her.

Yaoyu Ji waved his hand quickly: "You just do n’t need it now, maybe you will use it later, don't give it back to me first, Master God, I will leave first, and you will be suspected if you stay too long."

She said that she left in a hurry, Ji Ting watched her back disappear, shook her head funnyly, and shoved her pills under the pillow. Although she wanted to be reconciled with the continuity, but she could take medicine to control his mind, but she could never do it. She kept the medicine first, and returned to Yuyu Ji a few days later.

Ji Ting sat on the foot beside the bed, bored and bored. It was getting dark, and watching dinner again. After drinking a large bowl of bitter medicine, she had no appetite, so she wanted to get everyone out at noon, and then confused about it.

"God, slaves will stay here to serve." The female official busyly said, she didn't want to experience the death threat like noon.

Ji listened to pursing his lips, and they could see that they insisted and could only eat in front of them. After eating a meal, I just put a little bit and then put down the chopsticks. The female officer was busy coming to cloth dishes. Ji Ting's expression was uncomfortable: "If you want me to take another bite, I may vomit."

Female Officer: "..."

She said so. Who would dare to eat more? The party had to leave with the rest of the meal. Ji Ting was relieved and lay down on the bed.

In the main hall, the continuation of the discussion with the higher demons was last moment. At this moment, he looked gloomily at the food in the hands of the female officer and others. With so many people in the large space, no one dared to interrupt him.

After a long time, he lowered his eyes, left his sleeve without half feeling, and the atmosphere in the hall was relaxed for a moment.

Ji Ting lingered on the bed for a long time, and finally had some drowsiness. Just before going to sleep, the door was blown away by a blast. She noticed the familiar atmosphere and quickly got up. The night of the demon world is not very dark, even if there is no light, Ji Ting can clearly see his outline.

"Continued?" She couldn't believe it, and she still saw him that day.

The intermittent look was cold, the whole person was like an ice sculpture, Ji listened and looked at him, and he shrank a little unconsciously. The aura is really too strong. Since he entered the magic, he has reborn and grew rapidly. Now she has the strength that she dare not underestimate.

...... Behind this growth, there should be vague suffering.

Her voice was dry: "Why are you here?"

"You didn't eat anything all day, didn't you just want me to come?" The continual tone was full of sarcasm.

Ji Ting was stabbed by him: "I don't mean that."

"Don't pretend to be that mean?"

"... Pretend to be sick for you to come over, haven't you not come, but I have eaten the food well." Ji listened and whispered.

Continued looking cold: "Ji Ting, do you really think I am a fool who can be easily fooled?" Which dish she likes to eat most often, how much is a meal, what side dishes are there The chopsticks will not touch, they are regular and followable, and he can't hide his eyes from any abnormalities.

"I ate, who told you I did n’t eat, you asked him to come over!" Ji Ting relying on himself to bury the food seamlessly, bitten and refused to admit it.

As soon as the voice fell, the flash continued to flash in front of her, and her slender fingers provoked her chin. The voice was somber: "I said it, don't lie to me."

"... I'm sorry, I was wrong," Ji Ting-second counseled, and he didn't forget to pretend to be pitiful after counseling, "I just thought that I couldn't change my heart for pretending to be sick. Don't you get angry with me, okay? "

He continued to release her chin, staring at her face condescendingly. Ji heard guessing that he was going to stab her again under unpleasant words, hurriedly kneeled beside the bed, stretched his hands and hugged his waist: "Shanglu and I had nothing, I really just wanted to confirm him at that time Your physical condition has always been only you in my heart. "

"Do you think I would believe it?"

Ji Ting was a little uncomfortable: "If you do n’t believe it, you can ask Shanglu. The other day to help him determine his physical condition is also a whimsy. What I really wanted him to do was to inform him of my decision ... I told him, I To be with you, I hope he can adjust his mood. "

Repeatedly did not speak, but did not push her away.

Ji listened shallowly and sighed: "I know, you don't believe me anymore, I'm useless to say anything, but it will make you more tired of me, but the continuation, go away without saying, you really think I am The kind of person who can pedal two boats? "

She was silent after finishing speaking, and the room was quiet immediately, and the follow-up was moved slightly for a long time. When Ji Tingsheng started his hope, his hand opened her hand without hesitation. Ji Ting's heart sank little by little, and his eyes were slightly warm.

"Ji Ting, I don't want to believe you." Continued to tell her word by word. If every time he believes her, the pain is in return, then he chooses not to believe anymore.

Ji Ting's hands clenched gradually, and then he began to speak with a husky voice: "Can't you give me a chance?"

Her eyes were sorrowful, her self-esteem was stepping on her feet, and her plea was in her eyes, just to give him a chance. After a long break, after checking with her for a long time, the answer to her was to turn around and leave.

Ji Ting seemed to have all his strength taken away, fell into a bed and spent a long time, then lay down and buried his face in the pillow. Slowly, tears soaked the pillow.

In the end, she still couldn't save him.

She was quiet as if asleep, and only a slightly trembling shoulder proved that she was still crying. I don't know how long it took, and the door was knocked open again by Li Feng, and she stunned for a moment without the courage to look back. The door was blown open and closed under the action of the wind, and the room instantly returned to quietness, as if the squall wind just didn't exist.

Then there was a cold temperature from behind. Ji Ting finally sobbed, and his slender fingers caught the quilt, but he cried even more.

"Why can't you let me go?" He asked intermittently.

Ji Ting grabbed his hand pressed to the side of her face, and tears fell on his hand. "I know you don't believe me, but can you believe me once, just once."

As soon as the voice fell, she continued to bite her neck like a beast. Ji heard a sigh of pain, and gradually grasped his hand. There was a noticeable pain on her neck, but she seemed to have lost all her resistance, just lying there motionless, as if he would kill her, she would not resist.

The two kept on this movement for a while, but finally released her on and off. The white neck had a little tooth mark on it, but there was no other injuries. He didn't want to hurt her in the end.

"I won't let you hurt me anymore." He looked at the marks on her neck indifferently.

Ji Ting was struggling to turn over to face him, his eyes were still wet, and his eyelashes were even stained with tears. She stared at the darkened eyes for a long time, and finally reached out and pinched his neck, and kissed by his strength.

After kissing him a few times, he was unmoved, Ji listened carefully and leaned back a little, dare not mess with him anymore.

"I am cold now," continued off lightly.

Demon's body temperature is cold. Like their blood, the demon's body changes from heat to cold continuously. I don't know how much pain it will experience before it will directly change from mortal to demon.

Ji Tingxin was sour: "Nothing, I help you warm."

He continued to watch her motionlessly, until she could not help but retreat in his cold eyes, and he turned her upside down, letting her bury her face in the pillow just as before.

The bed veil fell down, blocking a room of spring light, Ji Tingyun was still thinking about it. It turned out that he really liked it. It was in Lingquan before, and now it is ...

Ji Ting's body is no better than before. Naturally, he cannot accompany him as crazy as he did in Lingquan. He just tired to sleep for more than an hour. He woke up once before dawn, and felt he was still in trouble. He hugged him, and hummed with a small nasal dissatisfaction: "Tired, hug me."

After speaking, I felt that the man stopped for a while, then hugged her obediently, and did not bother her again. Ji listened into his arms with satisfaction, and quickly fell asleep again with his arm around his pillow.

By the time she woke up, there was no one around her, the bed and herself were clean, and there was no trace of his past, and those who waited for her looked normal, as if every morning before. same.

...... If it weren't for her being run over by a roller at this moment, she might really think she was dreaming. Ji Ting tried to move a bit, then the feeling of soreness suddenly hit the whole body, she lay back with a moan.

After a long rest, I turned over, and my hand reached under the pillow as before. I realized that something was gone. I was shocked. I sat up and rummaged, waiting for the pill given by Demon Yuji. When she was gone, she was so anxious that she couldn't even wear her shoes, and ran out with her bare feet.

When the lady officer saw her going out of the palace, she hurriedly stopped: "God to God, His Royal Highness said that you are not allowed ..."

It's a pity that she didn't finish talking, and Ji listened and ran away. When he continued to change clothes and was about to go to the main hall, he heard the news that Ji Ting ran out. He frowned and looked in the past. After seeing her bare feet and wearing only a thin shirt, his face was suddenly cold. Come down.

"Me, did you take that medicine?" Ji Ting was still breathing, and asked carefully when he saw him.

The continuity was cold as if it were blowing snow all the way out, and it was so cold that no one else dared to approach him. He hugged him coldly, and went straight to her palace.

Ji listened to his neck and did not forget to whisper to explain: "You already see what it is? I didn't plan to use it. The medicine has the effect of controlling people's mind. I don't want to use it for you. Just kept there, do n’t get me wrong ... "

"Since you don't plan to use it for me, why did you get that thing?" Continued the indifferent opening, "Only the demon rain can be refined, and only one of the upper and lower palaces is demon rain."

"Have you seen her?" Ji Ting murmured in his heart, and saw his expression tense again. "You didn't hurt her, did I? You are not allowed to hurt her!"

"You command me?"

Ji Ting's lips: "In short, you can't bully her. If you must punish this, then punish me. I and I can self-define a meridian. If you still don't feel relieved, then two, in short you Can't punish her. "

At this moment, she couldn't worry about whether the two met Jinfeng Yulu when they met. The demon Yuji gave the pills for her goodness, so she had to protect her well.

There was a hint of taunt flashing from the bottom of his eyes: "You are good to anyone."

"... I'm the best for you." Ji heard, carefully holding him tighter.

Continued to look at her with an expressionless expression: "I was kicked out of the palace and did not hurt her for half a point."

"Hurry up?" Ji listened for a moment.

"You do not trust me?"

"... trust letter, I trust you most." Nothing else, the continuity will not lie to her, and if she wants to be sure, just send a letter to Shang Lu to ask ... just these two Isn't man a destined person, why is he sent directly?

Ji listened a little. She continued to look at her awkward expression, and immediately lowered her eyes: "Will you really not use this medicine for me?"

"... To be honest, you haven't come to see me, and occasionally have a heartbeat, but you really don't want to, even if you like others, I don't want to." Ji listened to answer seriously.

He continued to glance at her, took her directly to the couch in the room, and then turned away. When he went out of the palace door, a palace man accidentally bumped into him, and was so frightened that he immediately fell to his knees and shouted for his life. Xu Duanmu left with a face, and the man begged for a long time to find that he had left early, and he couldn't believe that he had retrieved a life.

After Ji Ting was thrown back on the bed, he simply lay down and rested. He got up until he became hungry. Seeing that the rich meal had a wide appetite, he directly drank a bowl of porridge more than usual, and ate a half more steamed bun. . This incident passed to the main hall, and the senior demons were very grateful for their continued discussions. After all, they have n’t encountered such a good atmosphere for a long time. Even a fool gave the wrong seal to His Royal Highness. end.

I don't know if I saved a few lives, because of the excessive consumption last night, I have a good appetite all day long. When I had a little snack at night, I read while reading. She recently became obsessed with transcripts and was very bored in the palace, so she spent time reading transcripts all day.

While she was fascinated, all the candles in the room suddenly went out. Ji Ting frowned, and when she looked up, she bumped into someone's belly. She opened her eyes in surprise: "Why are you here ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was thrown onto the bed, continuing the same story as last night, and then Ji Tian could not find anyone the next morning. This was the case for several days. When being thrown into bed again, Ji Ting busy turned over and hugged a pillow to protect him.

After a pause, he said blankly, "Get down."

"... Can't lie down, my knee hurts." Ji listened softly.

She continued to frown to grab her pillow. Ji Ting hurriedly said, "Really, really, it's all young, it hurts!"

Repeatedly interrupted the movement of his hand, the candle in the room lit up at the same time, Ji Ting blinked, and looked at his clear face very miss.

Ashamed to say, he was close to him every night these days, but because he came very suddenly every time, and would extinguish the candle first, causing her to be pressed on the bed when she saw him, waiting to open When the eyes were bright, the others were gone.

...... At this look, what tools I seem to have is simply miserable!

When Ji Ting's thoughts diverged, she felt only a cold knee. She shook slightly, and when she lowered her head, she saw that the piece of fabric on the knee was cut open, exposing the knees full of blue marks.

There was a trace of dissatisfaction at the bottom of the eye, and the fingertips stroked on her lap, and the traces on it disappeared.

Ji Ting: "..." His Royal Highness was really powerful.

When he was speechless, he continued to look at it, confronted his pair of eyes without emotion, and Ji He blurted out, "I won't be the same as before!"

The intermittent air pressure dropped.

Ji Yan swallowed and tried to discuss: "Let's change our actions today." Every time she was stuffed in the pillow, she was going to stuffy.

"Do you feel bored?" He asked coldly.

Ji Ting blinked and smiled: "In fact, there isn't any, it just needs a little freshness, isn't it?" After she said it secretly, it was no different from saying that he was bored!

"It seems that I'm too kind to you, so you have the time to think about something else." He continued to freeze his eyes, clearly telling her that she was going to die tonight.

Ji Ting was embarrassed by his hair, and he got up and took his own arms around his neck. He whispered, "I just want to look at you." After seeing that there was no response, he lowered his head carefully and released his belt.

With her clothes scattered, only a pair of obscene trousers left, she stretched her fingers to pull down and pull down ... When she saw the familiar birthmark, Ji Ting stiffened suddenly, and after a long time she looked unbelievably at his face. Instantly thousands of years ago, memories from other worlds came frantically, and these years filled her brain.

No wonder it was Shanglu who got the eyes of the fallen fairy at the beginning. No wonder that the character has always been extreme and indifferent is the continuity. No wonder the demon Yuji will fall in love with Shanglu ... so many abnormalities in the past. , So the personality is a bit staggered, but never suspected that he knew the wrong person!

... Shanglu and continued interruptions have never been like, and Shanglu and Shen Tuchuan have never been like, but she is so stupid that she never found out! She ... she didn't recognize her lover, and time blinded her eyes so that she couldn't recognize her Ogawa. To this day, he had already developed resentment and anger.

"What's going on?" He asked intermittently.

Ji Tingyun looked into his eyes, and instantly he hugged him in his eyes, muttering: "I'm sorry ... sorry ..."

She sobbed sadly, frowned again, and hugged her stiffly for a long time. Ji Ting cried for a long time, and finally her voice was dumb. She continued to cry without knowing why, and waited quietly, without saying a word before she stopped.

Tired of crying, Ji Ting rubbed his red and swollen eyes, lowered his head and continued to help him undress, and his nose was very heavy. "It's not early, let's start."


Perceiving that the continuity was motionless, Ji Ting looked up confused and saw that his face was sore again: "What's wrong?"

"... Sleep." Lie on her side, cold and cold.

Ji Ting sucked his nose: "Don't you continue?"

He continued to close his eyes, and was unprepared to look at her. Ji listened softly to lie down in his arms, and squeezed his belt and couldn't bear to sleep: "continued ... I will be good to you in the future, From today on, you will be my top priority, and I won't care about anything else. "

On and off.

"I will spoil you. I will give you whatever you like. I will do whatever you ask me to do in the future. Do n’t you like it in the back? Then, we will use that one in the future. Nothing else. I I will never be bored again, really, even if I occasionally want to change it, I will hold back ... "

"Speaking one more word will drive you out of the demon world." Continued to say unbearably.

Ji Ting was quiet for a moment, and the kitten usually scowled in his arms and fell asleep holding his waist. The broken brows stretched and hugged her expressionlessly.

It was dawn the next day, and when Ji Ting woke up, no one was around, but she knew that the continuity was Ogawa. The panic in her heart was completely gone, so she was not in a hurry. She has a lot of time to coax him.

It is a pity that the continuation comes every night, and there are hardly any people in the daytime. Ji obedience is over, and one is panicking in the dormitory, and finds another way to pass the time. Then one night she noticed the broken robe.

The next morning, she called someone to report to the temple.

Before the letter came out of the magic palace, it passed to the broken ears.

"What does she want Tianjin to do?" Xu continued with a blank expression.

The man wiped his sweat: "Shangshen said he wanted to send some batches of Tianjin cloth to pass the time, but he didn't say how to pass it."

"You don't need to go to the temple, the ones in the magic palace are for her." He continued to look at the magic palace affairs.

"But Tianjin is made of silk, and only one piece of cloth has been produced for a century. Now the magic palace has more than ten pieces. Since the gods wanted slaves, they went to the temple to show that there was also ..." The voice of the man continued The eyes that stopped watching suddenly stopped, and even wanted to kneel down for mercy.

"give her."

"... Yes!" The man responded in a hurry, and turned to the storeroom.

So I thought that I would not be able to get Tianjin's quarterly listening at night, but I got it in the afternoon. Jiting chose a light-colored one in the material and flew directly to the ground to start research. The book was also stunned and circulated, and she needed to do some craftsmanship.

This was done for more than ten days, and she became more and more addicted to play, and even when she continued to break at night, her mind was full of her work. I had known about the continuation of what she was going to do, and did not care about her wandering, and even occasionally she was still busy. He would wait patiently for a while, and this situation often appeared.

"If you wait for me to be angry, I won't be so late in the future." Ji listened carefully.

He continued to glance at the red marks on her fingertips, pinched her wrist with a cold face, and touched her wound with her fingers, and the wound was fine.

"If you get hurt again, don't do anything." Continued coldly, but did not let her continue to do so, Ji Ting suddenly relieved.

After this lasted for two months, Ji Ting contentedly looked at the finished product in front of him and put it in a Qiankun bag to be sent to the temple.

The person who gave the thing came to the renewed place again, and replied that he heard silence for a long time: "Are you sure you want to give it to the temple, not to me?"

"OK ..." As soon as the two words came out, an air of killing came from the opposite side, and the man was afraid to speak.

The cross section opened the Qiankun bag expressionlessly, and after pouring it out, it was found that many small clothes were worn by one or two-year-old children, to whom it seems self-evident.

His face instantly turned black.

The author has something to say: string children: I thought it was clothes made for me, but the pig?

When writing this world, the original intention was to prove that, whether or not Chuan Er is a male partner, I would like him when I heard it. As a result, everyone seems to like this 2333. In addition, a lot of things have happened recently, which led to a very mixed thought. Sorry to everyone, all of this chapter will be red envelopes, it ’s a small apology, this world strives for the end of tomorrow. The new world plans include tyrannical kings, orc worlds, and an overlord, everyone wants Which one to look at, I will start the outline today

I will continue to work hard, the next world will definitely reduce the dog blood misunderstanding (ah my favorite) to return to the sweet feeling before! 2k novel reading network

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