Ji heard an awkward smile, and then went out of bed to help. As a result, before the feet were next to each other, he was repeatedly reprimanded: "Retract your feet!"

Ji listened to his feet subconsciously, and when he released himself too obediently, he couldn't help feeling a little hesitant: "You've become more and more fierce to me recently."

After a pause, his eyes continued to sew clothes stitch by stitch. Ji listened and sighed, "How good you were before, obedient and well-behaved, I always said what I was, and never forced me to do things I didn't like, nor scolded me loudly, but now Suddenly so fierce, I would be sad if I didn't understand you well. "

"So you don't like it?" Glancing at her again and again.

Ji Ting blinked and did not speak. He continued to see her default appearance, and a sudden fire broke out in his heart, but because the needle and thread in his hand were entangled, he couldn't care to come and teach her, but only lowered his head while dismantling the needle and making a stiff opening: "Only Because my tone of voice has changed, you will not like me. I am afraid that even if I have a spiritual deed, there will be no good results. I am afraid that I will not torture each other to death ... "

Before she finished speaking, she was hugged from behind. He had no body temperature and felt a soft warmth, and couldn't say anything.

"Did I say that I don't like you? You didn't say anything. You just need to make up a whole lot of brains. It seems that you must set up a spiritual deed as soon as possible, otherwise you will be awkward, I'm afraid you have to misunderstand. Hundred times. "Ji heard a soft hum.

Broken eyebrows were soft and unexcited. After a pause, Ji looked down at her feet, and Ji Ting immediately stretched out his shoes and put his feet forward: "Weared, not barefoot."

"The devil's climate is not more comfortable than the heaven's climate. You are now vain and you can't be careless." Xu continued with a stern expression.

Ji Ting nodded obediently immediately: "Yes, yes, I will be careful in the future, I will never run around barefoot, His Royal Highness will rest assured."

The slightly broken radians of the lips continued to disappear and soon disappeared. He sat there to sew clothes, and Ji Ting stood and hugged his neck. The whole man was stuck on his back. When he saw that he ignored him, he immediately pressed down and put the whole man's weight on On him.

The continuity was unmoved, and there seemed to be no pressure on carrying a large pendant. Ji listened for a while and didn't see him paying attention to himself.

"Sit down and help me," continued slowly.

Ji Ting came down from his back immediately and went to sit down in front of him. Seeing that the day was still a piece of cloth, Jinjin had gradually become a robe in his hands, and it looked good at workmanship and needlework. Is better than what she did.

She was a little bit sour at once: "I have been studying for a few months, why not as good as you who just do this? Is it true that adults have talent?"

"This is not the first time I've done it." The answer continued without breaking his head.

Ji listened for a moment, and his expression suddenly felt sad: "It's all my fault. I shouldn't raise you in Qinxueyuan. Otherwise, no one would dare to harsh you, causing you to do your own clothes ... You did n’t tell me you had suffered these things because you did n’t trust me. Also, I made such a big mistake, how could you trust me? ”

The continuation was a bit inexplicable when she said the first sentence, and she felt speechless even if she listened. If she wasn't too sad, he would ignore these words: "I always say that I think too much, I see You are the one who thinks so much. "

"Huh?" Ji listened confusedly and looked at him.

Stopped the job in hand, and stared at her with a stretched face: "The people in the temple have been with you for at least a thousand years. You do n’t know which nature you are. You think they will do something harsh for a child. ? "

...... This is also the case, even if the master in the original text treats him very much, those people at most ignore him. No one made a special trip to bully him. Ji frowned, "But your clothing, food, accommodation, and transportation, I told you all one by one, why do you have to do needlework yourself?"

"Do you really don't remember?" The continuation was helpless.

Ji Ting recalled it carefully and shook his head honestly.

Glancing at her again and again: "I don't know who is in the world, the favorite goose yellow skirt, was torn when going out, and crying sadly for a long time ..."

"I remember, but didn't you send the dress to a tailor shop for repair, did you ..." Ji Ting slowly opened her eyes.

He whispered again and again: "The tailor shop is too troublesome, and it won't accept the silver. It took me a while to practice with other fabrics, and I fixed it for you."

"... Why didn't you tell me before?" Although things have been going on for a long time, but he heard the truth in his mouth, Ji Ting was still very moved.

There was a moment of intermittent silence, and a strange glance at her: "What's worth saying?"

Ji Ting wanted to refute him that this was what he had done for her. Of course, it is worth saying. But think about it, he has done more for her. Maybe I really think these are normal and should not be used for invitation Right.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt uncomfortable, and she couldn't help rushing into the continuation of her arms. She continued to remove the hand holding the needle, and raised her eyebrows to rebuke: "Why so wrong! What if you get stuck?"

Ji Ting, who was trying to get tired of him for a while, said: "... I'm in front of you now.

He continued to break his face: "You are not my master anymore, have you forgotten what I said before?"

"... You said you would never see me again. I didn't care, I was your master." Ji, who has lived for 10,000 years, sounds like God has no scruples.

On and off sneer: "Choose your own, be my woman or master."

"... can't all do it?"

"No." The continuation was very ruthless. He didn't want to wait until he got married, but he would be oppressed by someone as Master.

Ji listened helplessly and sighed: "The only choice is the former, who makes me like you."

He continued to look at her with an expressionless expression, but his ears gradually turned red. He took a needle and threaded it into a gold thread, and then handed it to her: "Come to help."

"What am I going to do?" Ji Ting regained interest.

Intermittent silence: "Sew a flower for me, a flower that only I can see."

Ji Ting immediately agreed, turned over the neckline, carefully started embroidering on the lining, and a strand of hair fell on her forehead, which made her eyebrows more gentle, as if she was about to overflow from her eyes. She could not see her eyes, but could also imagine that it was beautiful. She stared at the spine in her hair for a long time before continuing to sew her cuffs.

The two stayed up all night, and finally got a black robe that fits well, and a crooked little flower hidden in it, which is closest to the heart.

Ji Ting was not very satisfied with his craft: "I'm still good at embroidering some patterns, this is too difficult for me."

"It's okay, I think it's fine." He continued to stack his clothes carefully.

Ji heard that he liked it, so he didn't say anything. After he put his clothes in the cabinet, he took him to rest, and whispered before going to bed: "Done with the clothes, can you marry me? "

"If you don't finish, I will marry." Continued closed his eyes lightly.

Ji listened with a smile, and smiled slightly when he thought of something: "Would you like to tell relatives and friends?"

Opening her eyes continuously, looking at her sideways, Ji listened and explained: "Of course, if you don't want Shanglu to come, then we won't invite him, these are not major events ..."

"I asked someone to send an invitation to him and Master Fallen yesterday." Interrupted and interrupted her.

Ji listened for a moment: "Really?"

"Sleep, if they are in a hurry, maybe today is coming." He closed his eyes again and again.

Ji Ting stared at his face for a long time and whispered, "I don't want you to invite me just to make me happy. I said, I just want to make you happy. The others are not important. "

It's not that it's not important, but it's not that important, especially for the wedding of two people. Of course, she hopes to continue happily.

The continual answer was to cover her mouth and frown, saying, "I won't be upset, but if you bother me again, maybe I'm really upset."


Ji Ting calmed down and soon fell asleep, opened her eyes continuously listening to her even breathing, and looked at her eyes full of tenderness.

He had resentment against Shang Lusheng, but every time he started because of Ji Ting and died because of Ting Ting. It seems that he has lived for Ting Ting's eyes since he was born. Today, Ting Ting has already reached him At the point of Ling Qi, he naturally no longer needs to be jealous of Shang Lu's place in her heart.

Without jealousy, there would be no resentment. He still regards Shanglu as a brother, and he is still willing to go to fire for Shanglu, just as Shanglu treats him. From now on, he will never be frightened and worried that his position will be replaced.

On and off, watching Ji listening to the sound, he frowned suddenly, gave the bed an enchantment that cut off the sound, and got up.

As soon as he was out of the door, several people in the Palace of the Palace were pushed in by the fallen immortals, followed by Shanglu, who had been persuading quietly, and immediately smiled awkwardly after seeing him.

He and Shanglu glanced at each other, and frowned and went forward: "What happened to Master Fallen Fairy?"

"What's wrong? I'm here to see you. What's the matter with this invitation?" The fallen fairy cast a beard and stared at him, and the palace man immediately took a breath.

The continuity looked as usual: "Of course you are invited to drink a wedding."

"What happy drink to drink! The demons said a few days ago that you and Ji Ting are going to get married, Shanglu said that he was joking. I didn't expect you to send the invitation here!" Glancing at Shanglu.

He continued watching the past, and Shang Lu shrugged helplessly, meaning that he had already dragged down the fairy as much as possible to make trouble, and now there is nothing he can do.

Seeing the fallen fairy on and off: "What is Master Fallen Immortal doing?"

"What? I don't agree with this marriage! You two are mentors and apprentices. Just make a couple of troubles or live together, how can you really get married!" Said the wrath.

A sentiment between the master and the apprentice is common in the heavens, but no one will really get married, let alone the continuation is not only his apprentice Ji, but his apprentice. Although he continues to be the Lord of the Demon Realm, Master is still alive in his name, but he is also his apprentice in the end! What's the matter of marrying another master? If you don't get married this time, you will be completely confused. !!

He looked at him on and off lightly: "This is something that Ji and I listen to, so I don't bother to master Master Xian."

"Well! You are calling Ji Ting's name, it's really unruly!"

Shang Lu hurriedly persuaded: "Do n’t be angry, Master, and it ’s not easy for Master and continuance to go all the way, Master Fallen is still not going to dismantle them."

"I didn't plan to break them up, just not to get married. You are all together. Is it that important to have a ceremony ?!" said the fallen fairy, looking angrily to the continuation.

On and off watching him calmly: "It's important."

Fallen Immortal: "..."

Shanglu: "..."

The fallen fairy took a deep breath: "If I insist?"

"Then fight it," the continuation was still calm, "it just happened to fulfill an old wish in an instant."

Shanglu: "... Must it be so cruel?"

"Okay, you, who do not know the heights and heights of the world, really ca n’t win you when the season is not the heyday, and I ca n’t win? If you can really win me, I wo n’t care about you, not only, but in person To marry you, if anyone dares to say a word of ridicule in the future, I will personally come to teach. "

Raised the corners of his lips again and again: "It's all about."

Shanglu: "..."

The impoverished glance continued, and turned and walked towards the open space. Shanglu also followed, and the courtyard suddenly calmed down. Ji, covered by the enchantment, slept soundly, and never noticed from beginning to end. Who's been there, what has been done, and when she wakes up, the discontinuity is sitting beside her.

"Why the corner of my mouth hurt?" Ji opened his eyes and saw his slightly blue lips corner, and immediately frowned.

He continued to hold her hand: "Nothing, a little hurt, Master Fallen and Shanglu have come, and are sitting in the main hall at this moment."

"Coming so soon?" Ji Ting was surprised for a moment, and busy walking out with him.

Two people went all the way to the main hall. Ji listened to see Shang Lu waiting at the door from a distance. The two rushed forward after looking at each other, but stopped suddenly after glancing at the interruption. It was a bit embarrassing. Nodded: "Master."

"Are these days okay?" Ji listened and smiled, without any embarrassment. She believed in continuity, and said continuity that he had no barriers to Shanglu, that was no barriers, so there was no need to be too restrained.

Shang Lu nodded, and whispered a few recent opportunities, Ji listened quite comfortably: "See you, Master, rest assured."

Shang Lu smiled, and then thought something a little embarrassed on his face: "So what ... Master Xianxian seems a little angry, if you say something bad, please don't be angry."

"What's wrong with him?" Ji listened and walked into the hall, and opened her eyes in shock when she saw the fallen fairy with a swollen nose and a swollen face. "Well, is this Lord going to fight a wolf? How did this happen ..."

No, it seems the continuation is hurt? After hearing, Ji looked at the continuity, and then pursed her lips, indicating that she wanted it.

Ji Ting was speechless: "Why do they fight?"

Shanglu hurried forward and said that the fallen fairy was opposed to their marriage. Before Ji heard too much time, he heard the fallen fairy whisper: "He just expected that I could not beat him, so he deliberately stimulated me, saying it was for the sake of To stop me from objecting to marriage is to revenge thousands of years ago! "

"Revenge?" Ji Ting was confused by them.

The fallen fairy's six eyes were all staring: "What kind of hatred? It wasn't you or me when I first met, I fight you to be injured, this kid always remembers to hate it!"

After thinking that the two of them had just played, I continued to repeat the sentence, "I am diligently practicing the method of falling down to the master, just to win you with your method, so that I can report the hatred that Master saw when I first met." He should vomit blood.

Ji listened so well, and when he looked at the continuity, he couldn't help laughing: "Why are you so careful?"

It sounds like a complaint, but the voice is greasy and sweet. The expression of the fallen fairy is strange. Shanglu can't stand it. After shaking it, he looks at the fallen fairy. Get used to it. "

"Then adapt as soon as possible," continued to say, grabbing Ji Ting's shoulder.

Shanglu knows that they are in love with each other now, but seeing that they still can't stand it, covering his eyes shows that he doesn't see. He laughed again and again, and the haze in his eyes was mostly dissipated. When the fallen fairy looked at him like this, he sighed in his heart.

It ’s nothing more than a child who has taught himself for thousands of years. If he is going well in the future, whether he is married to a master or an ancestor. When this idea penetrated into the fallen fairy's mind, he continued to look at him intermittently, and after a pause, he really showed his grateful expression, and fell into the fairy, humming and not turning his face.

Several people used the meal together, and continued to arrange Shanglu and Fallen Immortal, and the day they got married.

Due to the urgency of preparation and the unwillingness to continue, he could only reach his requirements by doing more work every day. As a result, the palace man was so tired that even Ji Ting and Shanglu fell immortal. One of them was tired and tired. When it was time to get married, it was completely unrememberable. The whole person was confused. It was only when they sat on the wedding bed that they felt alive.

After taking a break, she took off the hijab on her head, and the female officer hurriedly advised, "God up, His Royal Highness is not here yet."

"... regardless of him." Ji heard that he unloaded everything on his head without any hesitation, and untied the heavy clothes on his body one by one. In the end, there was only one lining, and he finally fell comfortably. On the bed.

The female officer stopped talking, but did not dare to talk about her, so she had to cover her with a quilt and wait for her.

The continuation came very soon. Although there was some alcohol on the body, his eyes were still clear and he seemed not drunk. As soon as the female officer was about to salute, he was silently repelled, and in the blink of an eye there were only him and Ji Ting.

He sat next to the bed and looked at the girl who slept sweetly, as if when she got married in the mortal world, she was tired for many days at that time, and fell asleep as soon as she entered the cave. .

Thinking of the past, there was a touch of tenderness on the bottom of his eyes, and he felt that even if this scene lasted for a long time, he didn't seem to feel bored.

In the warmth of a room, Ji Ting moved a little if she felt it, opened her eyes and broke into a pair of gentle eyes. She froze and burst into tears under her eyes.

... how long has she not seen his tenderness?

"Let's go to bed now, don't bother you today." The continuation voice was a little dumb, with a unique intimacy.

Ji listened to a chuckle and stretched out his hand towards him. He couldn't help laughing again and again, holding her hand and pulling her up, Ji Ting took the forehead and put his forehead on his shoulder.

"I haven't had a deed yet, I can't sleep." Ji heard his voice vaguely.

After a pause, she stretched out her hand and touched her Ufa: "Just have a drink at the bar tonight.

"... You regret it?" Ji Ting's eyes cleared instantly, he sat upright and looked at him.

The broken throat was a little dry, and after a long time she said astringently: "... I'm afraid you will regret it one day." If she regrets, this spiritual deed may cost two people's lives. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that Ji will listen. dead.

"You still don't believe me, do you?" Ji heard a laugh.

She continued to look at her face with intermittent admiration: "It's not that I don't believe you, but I don't want to block your back road."

Ji Tingmuran looked at him, lay down for a long while, and said coldly, "If you believe that I will love you forever, why don't you dare to form a spiritual deed with me? Forget it, it's useless. If you don't like it, Then forget it. "

"Listen ..."

"I'm going to sleep." Ji closed his eyes swollen after hearing about it.

After a long period of silence, she finally lay down and hugged her from behind, and put her chin on her head without saying a word. After a long, long time, she said, "If the spirit agreement is over, you will be completely mine. "

Ji Ting sat up immediately and looked at him with bright eyes: "I wish I could."

He continued to look at her decisively, chuckling a moment, holding her hand to help her draw out the spiritual power bound in the meridians. Ji Ting frowned, and didn't feel uncomfortable. During this period of time, she had taken good care of her, and now she can already bear those spiritual powers.

When her spiritual power overflowed her whole body, she continued to hold her head, and reached it with her forehead.

The subsequent incidents could not be heard anymore, maybe it was impossible to remember, because she forgot one thing that was particularly important: the process of spiritual deeds was very similar to God.

She has always been a mortal mind, and she continued to be a mortal person before. Two people never thought of such an intimate way, and she indulged in a moment ... This caused Ji Ting to open his eyes the next day, not only the body has a kind of demand With the feeling of disuse, even thought seems to be paralyzed.

The moment she woke up, she continued to wake up with the interruption, and hugged her with a sloppy look. After a long time, she said in a very full spirit: "Thank you."

Ji Ting: "..." Oh.

"Thank you for loving me."

Ji listened for a moment, turned his head hard, and met his red eyes. She chuckled, and half complained and half-intimate against his forehead: "I told you all, I only love you, fool."

"... love me all the time."

Ji Ting chuckled: "If you have a spirit, are you still not assured?"

He continued to smile, holding people in his arms. Ji Ting was tired in his arms for a while, so he got up and picked the clothes to wear today. On and off watching her walk around the room, there was never satisfaction in her eyes.

In fact, last night did not really form a spiritual deed, Ji Ting at this moment felt the same spirit, but it was because of the intimacy that had just been left. The last step reached in Ling Qi last night, as a guide, he gave up. He firmly believes that he will love Ji until he becomes a star in the sky, and also believe that Ji listens to his true heart at this moment.

But he was still reluctant to be his beloved woman, his beloved master, and be bound to him for a lifetime because of a contract. It is enough for him to follow her.

Ji Tingzheng took two pieces of clothes for comparison. When he turned his head, he suddenly saw his gaze, and suddenly froze.

"Come here." He smiled and stretched out her hands at her.

If Ji Ting was aware of it, she pressed her lips and hugged him. At the moment she hugged him, the surrounding world of the palace and the earth were all broken into pieces, and they flew up to the two sides constantly.

Ji Ting couldn't say anything in his heart, but just quietly withdrew from his arms, and he really met his clear eyes.

"Will you remember me?" When I heard this sentence, Ji always felt very familiar, as if the world had asked it before.

Continuity ... No, to be precise, Shen Tuchuan. Shen Tuchuan nodded quietly, and what he was about to say suddenly paused, and then looked dignified: "Next world, stay away from me."

Ji listened for a moment, just to ask why, he disappeared in front of himself, and he blinked into the darkness.

The author has something to say: Next world: Tyrant! (Remember to turn the page, there is another chapter)

Chuaner: Tell you to stay away from me, don't you listen yet, right? 2k novel reading network

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